Media in Crisis
(For articles after May 1, 2011, go to homepage and see Categories: Media.)
Giving War a Chance
The neocons of the U.S. news media still hope they can engineer violent regime change in the Muslim world, notes Robert Parry. April 21, 2011
US Military Retreats on Manning Abuse
The Obama administration moves accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning out of Quantico detention, reports Kevin Zeese. April 21, 2011
Outrage Mounts over Bradley Manning
Legal experts and citizens are demanding that President Obama relent on the treatment of Pvt. Bradley Manning, says Kevin Zeese. April 14, 2011
NYT Demands Libyan War Escalation
New York Times' neocon editors call on President Obama to use close-combat attack aircraft in Libyan cities, Robert Parry reports. April 8, 2011
Getting Crazier about Bradley Manning
The U.S. government's defensiveness over the harsh treatment of alleged leaker Bradley Manning is paranoid, notes Kevin Zeese. April 5, 2011
WPost Seeks Longer Iraq Occupation
The Washington Post's neocon editors want President Obama to extend the U.S. occupation of Iraq past 2011, reports Robert Parry. April 4, 2011
Warriors of the Mainstream Media
The New York Times and Washington Post criticize President Obama for not acting more unilaterally on Libya, says Robert Parry. March 29, 2011
The Value of NPR
Despite its shortcomings, NPR should be defended against Republican attacks, argue Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. March 26, 2011
The Neocons Regroup on Libyan War
Neocons want a robust intervention to oust Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, but ignore terror links of his enemies, reports Robert Parry. March 25, 2011
Torture and Bradley Manning
The pre-trial isolation of alleged WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning is a form of psychological torture, says Marjorie Cohn. March 25, 2011
How Auto Ad Dollars Dictate Coverage
A flap over a Detroit News car column highlights how auto companies bully news outlets, write Bianca Mugyenyi and Yves Engler. March 24, 2011
Through the US Media Lens Darkly
In focusing on the Middle East, U.S. news outlets use a distorted lens to exaggerate evils of designated villains, says Robert Parry. March 18, 2011
Al Jazeera Shows the Way
Long disparaged in the U.S., Al Jazeera has emerged as one of the world's most trusted names in news, notes Danny Schechter. March 17, 2011
Punishing the Truth-Tellers
The surest way to get in big trouble in Washington these days is by telling the truth to the American people, asserts Robert Parry. March 15, 2011
Save These Books from the Shredder
Twenty boxes of Neck Deep must be disposed of as we drop warehouse space. So we're offering each box of 28 for only $59. (Click here)
Bradley Manning's Kafkaesque World
Accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning describes his Kafkaesque treatment by the U.S. military, reports Kevin Zeese. March 12, 2011
How the US Press Corps Lost Its Way
David Broder's death and NPR's scramble to appease the Right shed light on the flaws of the U.S. news media, notes Robert Parry. March 11, 2011
In Defense of NPR
The undercover attack on NPR was a sleazy right-wing move that should be denounced, argue Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. March 11, 2011
Ex-CIA Analyst Decries Manning Abuse
Former CIA analyst David C. MacMichael asks President Obama to stop the harsh treatment of suspected leaker Bradley Manning. March 10, 2011
Manning's Abuse Reveals US Hypocrisy
U.S. officials lecture the world on respecting the free flow of information, but don't tell that to Bradley Manning, says Kevin Zeese. March 9, 2011
CNBC Advocates Unbridled Capitalism
CNBC is airing propaganda ads for unrestrained capitalism, like an old clip of Milton Friedman defending greed, reports Robert Parry. March 7, 2011
Criminalizing the Truth-Tellers
Washington's aggressive reaction to the WikiLeaks leaks seeks to scar the truth-tellers and frighten others, says Lawrence Davidson. March 5, 2011
Army's Mafia Abuse of Pvt. Manning
Pvt. Bradley Manning, the alleged WikiLeaks leaker, faces cruel, Mafia-like treatment from the U.S. military, charges Ray McGovern. March 4, 2011
WikiLeaks Shames the Old News Media
By exposing corruption in the Arab world, WikiLeaks helped spark the region's democracy movements, writes Kevin Zeese. March 1, 2011
Hard Lessons from the HuffPost Sale
Some U.S. progressives are miffed by the sale of Huffington Post to AOL, seeing a sellout to the MSM, reports Robert Parry. February 11, 2011
What a 'Liberal Media' Might Look Like
America's Right loves to talk about the "liberal media," but it is really a figment of the national imagination, Lisa Pease notes. February 9, 2011
NYT's Keller Disparages Assange
New York Times editor Bill Keller mocks WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange but uses the group's documents, writes Coleen Rowley. February 6, 2011
Olbermann's Disturbing Departure
Keith Olbermann's ouster from MSNBC suggests a quieter liberal response to the Right's surge in power, says Franklin L. Johnson. February 3, 2011
Assailing Assange on '60 Minutes'
"60 Minutes" reporter Steve Kroft takes the side of secrecy in duel with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, notes David Swanson. January 31, 2011
WPost Still Talking Tough on Iran
As U.S. influence ebbs in the Middle East, the Washington Post is still fantasizing "regime change" in Iran, notes Robert Parry. January 25, 2011
Ted Koppel's Timid Take on Iran-gate
Ex-'Nightline' host Ted Koppel draws lessons from a mythical version of the 1980 Iranian-hostage crisis, explains Robert Parry. January 24, 2011
Ukraine's Assault on a Free Press
TVi, a small Ukrainian station known for its investigative reporting, is under attack from well-connected rivals, reports David Marks. January 23, 2011
The Disappearance of Keith Olbermann
The abrupt ouster of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann reminds progressives how weak their media grip is in America, writes Robert Parry. January 22, 2011
Remembering Zorro's Vietnam Legacy
Barry Zorthian was a Vietnam War legend who straddled the line between press management and psy-ops, recalls Don North. January 20, 2011
Behind the WikiLeaks' Leak
Official Washington sees the WikiLeaks case as reason to crack down, but the problem was self-inflicted, says Charles Pena. January 19, 2011
Parry on Rhetoric and WikiLeaks
Journalist Robert Parry discusses the state of American political discourse and the WikiLeaks dispute on Mike Levine's "The Expert Witness Show."
Another Betrayal of Helen Thomas
Under pressure from neocons, a journalism society weighs betrayal of famed reporter Helen Thomas, notes Danny Schechter. January 11, 2011
How WikiLeaks Unhinged Washington
In reaction to WikiLeaks, Official Washington plans to ferret out grumpy federal workers, report Linda Lewis and Coleen Rowley. January 11, 2011
The Right's Talkers Shift the Blame
The right-wing hate talkers try to flip the blame for the slaughter in Tucson onto their critics, reports Rory O'Connor. January 10, 2011
How Hate Speech Shapes the Right
After flooding U.S. politics with hateful rhetoric, the Right recoils at blame for the Tucson massacre, observes Michael Winship. January 10, 2011
Republicans Aim Info-War at Obama
Re-using their old get-Clinton playbook, Republicans ready investigations aimed at sinking President Obama, writes Robert Parry. January 4, 2011
The US Media Hit on Helen Thomas
After an off-hand blast at Israel, journalistic icon Helen Thomas became a pariah with her colleagues, notes Danny Schechter. December 29, 2010
Hungary's Embrace of Propaganda
After a right-wing victory, Hungary embarks on a familiar path toward nationalistic propaganda, observes Abby Martin. December 29, 2010
WikiLeaks and the Fight for Privacy
US government officials protest violation of their privacy by WilkiLeaks, but don't mind spying on Americans, notes Nat Parry. December 23, 2010
WikiLeaks and the Secrets that Deceive
The WikiLeaks case underscores how government secrecy can be used to trick the public into wars, writes Danny Schechter. December 20, 2010
Curiosities Abound in Assange Case
The legal case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has taken some strange turns, John Pilger tells Dennis Bernstein. December 18, 2010
Journalists Are All Julian Assange
A US government plan to indict WikiLeaks' Julian Assange for "conspiracy" threatens investigative journalism, says Robert Parry. December 16, 2010
The War to Silence WikiLeaks
The US assault on WikiLeaks raises doubts about the nation's commitment to freedom of the press, argues Elliot D. Cohen. December 13, 2010
WikiLeaks and the Power of Truth
The WikiLeaks' disclosures offer detail and context to government actions that strengthen democracy, writes Rory O'Connor. December 13, 2010
How the Right Shapes US 'Reality'
From global warming to foreign wars, the Right shapes the "reality" of many Americans, observes Lawrence Davidson. December 11, 2010
Big Media's Curious Nixon Judgment
The US news media condemns Richard Nixon's bigotry but ignores his sabotage of Vietnam peace talks, says Robert Parry. December 11, 2010
Big Media's Guilt in Gary Webb's Death
By ostracizing investigative reporter Gary Webb, major US newspapers contributed to his death, writes Robert Parry. December 9, 2010
What's Behind the War on WikiLeaks
The US government's coordinated assault on WikiLeaks is about who gets to control what the people hear, writes Ray McGovern. December 8, 2010
Why Consortiumnews.com Is Unique
This Web site grew out of a realization that the mainstream US press had lost its way, explains Editor Robert Parry. (For details, click here)
Killing the Goal of 'Open Diplomacy'
The US assault on WikiLeaks violates the old American priniciple favoring "open diplomacy," recalls Lawrence Davidson. December 6, 2010
Ellsberg Calls for Boycott of Amazon
Outraged over Amazon's cave-in to anti-WikiLeaks pressures, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg urges a boycott. December 6, 2010
NYT Stokes Fear of Iran
By hyping claims about North Korean missiles in Iran, the New York Times continues its fear mongering, writes Ray McGovern. December 2, 2010
The Right's Power of Media Money
In recent decades as the Right poured money into media, the Left opted for other strategies that failed, reports Robert Parry. December 2, 2010
NYT Takes US Side in Iran Missile Flap
A key dispute over Iran's missile capability was distorted by the New York Times in its WikiLeaks report, says Gareth Porter. November 30, 2010
Beck v. Assange, or Fiction over Fact
Americans prefer Glenn Beck's happy vision of US traditions to WikiLeaks' Julian Assange's hard truths, says Lawrence Davidson. November 29, 2010
On Korea, Here We Go Again!
The US press corps is back to the battlements, this time over North Korea, but is making the same mistakes, says Robert Parry. November 24, 2010
George W. Bush: Dupe or Deceiver?
Ex-President Bush's memoir leaves this question: did he drink the Kool-Aid or just ladle it out to the public, asks Robert Parry. November 20, 2010
A Prince Pursues Ecological 'Harmony'
Prince Charles's environmental commitment has changed lives around the globe, say Stuart Sender and Julie Bergman Sender. November 19, 2010
The World's Crisis in War Reporting
Honest war reporting is disappearing even as war becomes a never-ending feature of modern America, comments Don North. November 18, 2010
Will Bush's Book Burnish His Legacy?
George W. Bush is getting a respectful hearing as he repackages his presidential legacy in a memoir, writes Ivan Eland. November 16, 2010
WikiLeaks Ban or Global Secrecy Act?
A proposal to criminalize disclosure of CIA or US military contacts aims at WikiLeaks but could hit elsewhere, writes D.H. Kerby. November 11, 2010
Hard Lessons from Election 2010
Corporatist Republicans won big because the powerful right-wing media controlled the political narrative, writes Robert Parry. November 10, 2010
Olbermann's Exile: The Back Story
MSNBC has reinstated Keith Olbermann but tensions with the independent newsman have a history, writes Danny Schechter. November 8, 2010
Weak Left Led to Democratic Defeat
The American Left's lack of messaging to average Americans set the stage for the Republican comeback, says Lawrence Davidson. November 6, 2010
Zenyatta Races for History
The six-year-old mare Zenyatta puts her historic 19-race winning streak on the line in the Breeder's Cup, notes Lisa Pease. November 6, 2010
Jon Stewart's Movement for Sanity
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" drew a massive crowd but does it signify some lasting change, asks Michael Winship. November 2, 2010
Taking a Stand for Sanity
Jon Stewart's rally drew a massive crowd in support of "sanity," but the US news media closed its eyes, reports Robert Parry. November 1, 2010
Does Sanity Matter?
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" poses a key but curious question: Should the US become sane, observes Robert Parry. October 29, 2010
WPost's Blinders on Afghan War
As boosters for the Afghan War, Washington Post editors ignore the bad news that their own reporters find, notes Robert Parry. October 28, 2010
Ray McGovern on WikiLeaks Assault
In a video report, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern says the US news media attacks WikiLeaks founder rather than Iraq war crimes. October 27, 2010
WPost Downplays Iraq War Crimes
The Washington Post's editors try to wash blood from their hands by minimizing the WikiLeaks records, notes Robert Parry. October 26, 2010
Undercounting the Iraq War Dead
The U.S. news media has used low estimates of Iraq War dead, but new data points to a higher total, notes Nicolas J S Davies. October 25, 2010
WikiLeaks and Assange Honored
An organization including former CIA officers honors WikiLeaks and founder Julian Assange for disclosures on Iraq and Afghan wars. October 24, 2010
Could a Leak Have Stopped 9/11?
Leaking clues about the impending 9/11 attack might have changed history, write Coleen Rowley and Bogdan Dzakovic. October 17, 2010
'RED': A High-Brow Spy Caper
The new spy thriller-comedy, "RED," brings together a high-quality cast with hilarious results, comments Lisa Pease. October 15, 2010
Leakers, Beware the Corporate Media
The days of brave U.S. newspapers defying the government may be over, but the Internet offers new hope, says Ray McGovern. October 13, 2010
Mystery of a 'Disgraced' War Reporter
In 1944, Canadian reporter Paul Morton parachuted behind German lines, into an enduring mystery of betrayal, says Don North. September 28, 2010
Big Media Won't Forgive Colbert
Comedian Stephen Colbert still riles up Washington media bigwigs four years after he mocked them, reports Jeff Cohen. September 26, 2010
Colin Powell's Tolerance of Murder
Ex-Gen. Colin Powell, who excused the murder of Vietnamese, might have thoughts on a new Afghan case, says Robert Parry. September 21, 2010
Ed Newman, a Newsman's Newsman
The death of NBC's Edwin Newman recalls an earlier era when journalists treated their craft seriously, notes Michael Winship. September 21, 2010
TNR's Peretz Reveals Mideast Bigotry
Caught up in the anti-Islamic frenzy, The New Republic's Martin Peretz says 'Muslim life is cheap,' notes Lawrence Davidson. September 20, 2010
Lee Hamilton, the Un-Wise Man
Lee Hamilton is a "wise man" to Washington insiders but his investigative record is filled with cover-ups, writes Robert Parry. September 17, 2010
A Campaign to Free Bradley Manning
To the
Army, Bradley Manning is a suspected leaker of Iraq and Afghan secrets, but he's a hero to retired Col. Ann Wright. September 17, 2010
Rory Kennedy's "The Fence"
Rory Kennedy's HBO documentary, "The Fence," tells the tragic-comic tale of the US-Mexican border fence, writes Lisa Pease. September 14, 2010
NYT Pushes Confrontation with Iran
New York Times editorialists are driving the crisis with Iran into a box canyon of confrontation, warns Robert Parry. September 11, 2010
Islam Basher Claims to Unmask Cleric
Propagandist Steve Emerson's jihad against cleric Rauf fails to live up to the hype on right-wing radio, reports Robert Parry. September 10, 2010
The Value of Real Journalism
US journalism has fallen short, but the profession of separating fact from fiction is vital to the future, says Mort Rosenblum. September 8, 2010
Recession Snuffs Out New Media Hope
On this bleak Labor Day weekend, News Dissector Danny Schechter reflects on his own lost dream of a media start-up. September 3, 2010
WikiLeaks and Defining 'Journalism'
WikiLeaks has been attacked as not a real journalistic entity and thus not deserving of legal protection, but D.H. Kerby objects. September 2, 2010
Will US Really Prosecute WikiLeaks?
The US government's threat to prosecute WikiLeaks for publishing Afghan War documents is anti-democratic, says Ivan Eland. September 2, 2010
How the Right Still Frames Iraq
The Right framed the debate over President Obama's Iraq War speech as the need to thank George W. Bush, says Robert Parry. September 1, 2010
Beck's Washington Monument Myth
Though often spouting US history, Glenn Beck gummed up the story of the Washington Monument, notes Jonathan Schwarz. September 1, 2010
The Truth about Pat Tillman's Death
A documentary recounts how the US government exploited the death of NFL-star-turned-soldier Pat Tillman, says Rory O'Connor. August 17, 2010
How Truth Can Save Lives
As the US government attacks WikiLeaks for risking lives, Ray McGovern notes that secrecy and lies can be far more dangerous. August 15, 2010
Pfc. Manning and the Value of Truth
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern speaks in defense of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the young soldier accused of giving secrets to WikiLeaks. August 8, 2010
The Pleasantly Surprising 'Green Zone'
Matt Damon's Iraq War movie, "Green Zone," doesn't shy away from telling some hard truths about official lies, says David Swanson. August 5, 2010
George Shultz's Counterfeit 'Coin'
Though honored by PBS, ex-Secretary of State George Shultz lied when he said "trust is the coin of the realm," says Robert Parry. August 4, 2010
WikiLeaks Filled a Journalistic Void
The failure of journalists to serve as the public's eyes and ears opened the door to the Afghan War leaks, writes Mort Rosenblum. August 2, 2010
A Neocon Re-write of American History
Neocon Max Boot -- Gen. David Petraeus's BFF -- says the US military budget also should stay huge forever, notes Robert Parry. July 31, 2010
To Publish Official Secrets -- or Not
The Pentagon says disclosing Afghan War secrets has risked lives, but the life-or-death issue is more complicated, writes Robert Parry. July 30, 2010
The Intellectual Mystery of 'Inception'
The hit movie "Inception" combines brilliant visuals with a smartly acted mystery that probes the human mind, writes Lisa Pease. July 29, 2010
Help Us Pay Our Writers
We are one of the few Web sites that pays writers for original content (though not much). We need your help this month, says Robert Parry.
Oliver Stone Under Assault Again
The U.S. press corps is again taking potshots at Oliver Store, this time for his documentary, "South of the Border," writes Lisa Pease. July 17, 2010
The Wasteland of Social Media
The spread of "social media" over normal interaction has deepened human alienation but leaves a margin of hope, says Phil Rockstroh. July 13, 2010
What Consortiumnews.com Gives You
Our journalistic vision of recent history and today's events offers our readers a unique perspective on the world, writes Robert Parry.
Valentine's Pack Traces Real Drug War
Douglas Valentine's Strength of the Pack tells the behind-the-scenes story of America's compromised "drug war," says Adam Engel. July 12, 2010
Baker's Misfocused Family of Secrets
Russ Baker's Family of Secrets sees George H.W. Bush's guilt where it isn't and misses it where it is, writes James DiEugenio. July 11, 2010
McGovern, Parry Speak in Washington
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern and investigative reporter Robert Parry discussed their lessons learned in DC, reports Michael Collins. July 8, 2010
Five Ways to Help Consortiumnews
To keep Consortiumnews.com going, here are five options to help get us to our mid-year fundraising goal of $40,000, says Robert Parry
A Musical's Message from '1776'
An amusing -- and oddly inspiring -- way to celebrate July Fourth is watching the musical "1776," suggests Michael Winship. July 2, 2010
Video Captures Another Border Killing
The U.S. official account of another Mexican border killing has been undermined by a cell-phone video, reports Dennis Bernstein. July 2, 2010
Propaganda and Iran's Election
Biased coverage of Iran's 2009 election is setting the stage for another conflict, write Edward S. Herman and David Peterson. June 22, 2010
Cable News and the Real World
CNN and other cable outlets have fallen short in exposing the criminal side of the Wall Street financial crash, writes Danny Schechter. June 16, 2010
Wikileak Case Echoes Pentagon Papers
Army specialist Bradley Manning's arrest over Iraq War secrets recalls the Dan Ellsberg case, say Coleen Rowley and Robert Parry. June 15, 2010
WPost, NYT Show Tough-Guy Swagger
"Tough-guy-ism" on Mideast wars is back big-time with the Washington Post and New York Times editorialists, notes Robert Parry. June 14, 2010
Standing Up for Helen Thomas
Iconic White House reporter Helen Thomas made a dumb remark on Israel, but her independence will be missed, says Robert Parry. June 8, 2010
NYT's Friedman Rejects Iran Nuke Deal
New York Times neocon pundit Thomas L. Friedman wants "regime change" in Iran, not a nuclear agreement, reports Robert Parry. May 27, 2010
WPost's Ignatius Still Fawns Over CIA
The Washington Post's David Ignatius hails Leon Panetta for keeping the CIA on a Bush/Cheney course, writes Melvin A. Goodman. May 10, 2010
The Death of a Cynical WPost Editor
Eulogies for ex-Washington Post editorialist Stephen Rosenfeld ignore his readiness to defend pro-U.S. slaughters, says Robert Parry. May 3, 2010
How Rev. Moon's 'Snakes' Infested US
As Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times sinks, snakes are coming out of the woodwork (really), writes Robert Parry. May 1, 2010
Sniffing Out Tea Party Corporatism
Longtime populist Jim Hightower sees Tea Party "populism" as a case of corporate money sowing confusion, says Michael Winship. April 30, 2010
'Old Hacks' Return to Vietnam
On the 35th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, Don North and other war correspondents revisit old haunts and recall lost friends. April 21, 2010
'Secret in Their Eyes': Haunting Tale
Oscar-winning foreign film, "The Secret in Their Eyes," blends passion, mystery and a critique of police work, writes Lisa Pease. April 18, 2010
PBS Shies from Single-Payer Debate
PBS Frontline examined how President Obama's health reform passed, but not why single-payer was ignored, says Margaret Flowers. April 15, 2010
Israel, the US and Propaganda's Power
Israel and Republicans have long understood the value of propaganda in getting their way in the U.S., reports Robert Parry. April 14, 2010
Personal Appeal from Robert Parry
Editor Robert Parry suggests an inexpensive way to help salvage our spring fundraiser and save Consortiumnews.com.
US Media Lectures Russia on Terrorism
Major U.S. news outlets warn that terrorism may cause authoritarianism in Russia, but are blind to the risk at home, says Ivan Eland. April 12, 2010
Watching Innocent Iraqis Die
Official Washington loves George W. Bush's belated "victory" in Iraq but a leaked video shows the grim reality, reports Robert Parry. April 9, 2010
The Case for Independent Journalism
Editor Robert Parry says he understands why independent journalism may not seem like the most urgent priority at a time of need. April 8, 2010
Obama, NYT Keep Israeli Nuke Secrets
President Obama and the New York Times differ on nuclear threats to Iran, but stay silent on Israeli nukes, notes Robert Parry. April 7, 2010
Dan Ellsberg, Ray McGovern and Us
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern recounts Pentagon Papers truth-teller Dan Ellsberg praising Consortiumnews.com articles. April 6, 2010
Pick Consortiumnews.com's Priorities
Your chance to help set the priorities of our three-month budget -- if we can meet our $50,000 spring fundraising target, says Robert Parry.
The Politics of 'Corrections'
Who wields political clout in the United States can be gauged by how big news outlets hand out "corrections," says Robert Parry. March 25, 2010
The Politics of Media
NBC News and the Washington Post see Republican rejection of health reform as only a matter of principle, writes Robert Parry. March 24, 2010
NYT Admits Getting Duped on ACORN
The New York Times public editor offers partial apology for buying into slanted right-wing video on ACORN, says Robert Parry. March 21, 2010
Reagan Fans vs. Consortiumnews.com
GE and other Big Media are lining up to hail Ronald Reagan's Centennial. We need your help to tell what really happened, says Robert Parry
WPost Blames Obama First, on Israel
The Washington Post is blaming President Obama for enflaming a dispute with Israel on settlement expansion, writes Robert Parry. March 16, 2010
Consortiumnews.com Needs Your Help
For 15 years, this Web site has battled to give readers well-researched information on key topics. Now it needs your help, says Robert Parry
How Reagan's Propaganda Succeeded
New documents from Ronald Reagan's Library show how the Republican propaganda apparatus took root, reports Robert Parry. March 8, 2010
War Is a Drug in 'The Hurt Locker'
The Oscar-nominated movie, "The Hurt Locker," explores the addictive nature of warfare, observes Lisa Pease. March 5, 2010
The Woeful Washington Post
The Washington Post is now a neocon bastion that distorts the capital's debate with bias and misinformation, writes Robert Parry. March 2, 2010
The NYT Veers Neocon
The New York Times has joined the ranks of U.S. newspapers carrying the neoconservative banner, observes Robert Parry. February 28, 2010
Ahmadinejad Won, Get Over It!
US conventional wisdom insists Iran's President Ahmadinejad stole last year's election, but proof is lacking, says Robert Parry. February 27, 2010
Iraqi View of 'Hurt Locker,' 'Avatar'
As Iraq War-themed movies, "Hurt Locker" and "Avatar" square off, the Iraqi view is often ignored, writes Mamoon Alabbasi. February 26, 2010
BBC Depicts US/UK Torture Tolerance
A BBC drama recounts the story of Craig Murray, a British ambassador who blew the whistle on torture, writes Richard L. Fricker. February 22, 2010
New Grist for Hype on Iran
The UN's new atomic energy chief has touched off a wave of speculation on Iran's nuke program, says Ray McGovern. February 21, 2010
US Media Replays Iraq Fiasco on Iran
The major U.S. news media is acting like a propaganda vehicle on Iran much like it did on Iraq, observes Robert Parry. February 18, 2010
Taste of the 'New Bob & Ray Show'
Journalist Robert Parry and ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern team up on Tom Klammer's "Tell Somebody" program. February 16, 2010
NYT Sees UN-Syria Conspiracy Theory
To explain the failed Rafik Hariri murder probe, a New York Times article conjures up a UN-Syrian conspiracy, says Robert Parry. February 15, 2010
US Ignores UK's Iraq War Evidence
The U.S. media and government are turning a blind eye to a formal UK inquiry revealing Iraq War crimes, notes David Swanson. February 10, 2010
Brits, Dutch Confront Illegal Iraq War
Unlike the United States, British and Dutch authorities have examined the illegality of the Iraq invasion in 2003, writes Peter Dyer. February 9, 2010
Palin, Psy-Ops & 'Condescending' Libs
The neocon Washington Post slams "condescending" liberals while Sarah Palin mocks them condescendingly, says Robert Parry. February 9, 2010
Shunning Howard Zinn's History
The mainstream U.S. media ignores or denigrates progressive viewpoints, like those of Howard Zinn, notes William Blum. February 7, 2010
An Edgy 'Edge of Darkness'
Mel Gibson's first on-screen performance in years mixes a murder mystery with layers of government secrecy, writes Lisa Pease. February 4, 2010
The Right Gets Itself 'Wired'
For years, the Right's media infrastructure had only one weak spot, the Internet, but now that is changing, says Robert Parry. February 3, 2010
A Hockey Mom for Truth
The right-wing media uses "populism" to trick gullible Americans into siding with Big Corporations, writes Lynne Gillooly. January 27, 2010
Hard Lessons from Decades Past
As the world enters a dangerous new decade, Robert Parry reflects on what the previous three decades have wrought. January 9, 2010
'Avatar': a Metaphor for the 'Long War'
"Avatar" evokes U.S. cheers even as a thinly disguised metaphor critical of U.S. wars in Iraq and elsewhere, says David Swanson. December 28, 2009
'Invictus': Mandela's Message of Hope
The movie "Invictus" demonstrates how Nelson Mandela kept South Africa together while moving it forward, writes Lisa Pease. December 16, 2009
Last Year's Fundraising Letter
Just a month after his 2008 election, President Obama was sending more signs of continuity than change, said Robert Parry. December 11, 2009
The Propaganda Success of the 'Surge'
Washington's conventional wisdom about the "successful surge" in Iraq is more propaganda than reality, writes William Blum. December 10, 2009
Why Journalist Gary Webb Died
On the fifth anniversary of journalist Gary Webb's suicide, his death sheds light on how the U.S. media failed, says Robert Parry. December 9, 2009
Ray McGovern's Letter to Bob Parry
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern gives journalist Robert Parry some advice about life's lessons on discouragement vs. disgust. December 7, 2009
Looking for a Few Good 'Sustainers'
Editor Robert Parry explains our year-end fund drive in the context of changing Washington's poisonous political climate. December 4, 2009
'Up in the Air' and Down to Earth
George Clooney's new movie "Up in the Air" captures the angst and pathos of life in modern America, writes Lisa Pease. December 4, 2009
Angry at Afghan War? Build Something
If truth and peace are ever going to have a fighting chance, help us build this unique Internet site, writes Robert Parry. December 1, 2009
The Vision of 'The Blind Side'
The story of a Republican family that adopts a homeless African-American boy is a tale of human potential, writes Lisa Pease. November 20, 2009
KSM and the MSM
U.S. mainstream media is averting its eyes from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's declared motive for 9/11, writes David Swanson. November 18, 2009
Facts Behind 'Men Who Stare at Goats'
As crazy as "The Men Who Stare at Goats" may seem, there's a real story behind the psychic experimentation, says Lisa Pease. November 16, 2009
Shining Light on Roots of Terrorism
A taboo in talking about 9/11 is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's stated motive, Israel's abuse of Palestinians, notes Ray McGovern. November 15, 2009
On Bended Knee to Bob Gates
Washington pundits are on their knees before Pentagon chief Bob Gates, but ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman dissents. November 14, 2009
US Punditry's Anti-Obama Lens
In interpreting last week's elections, U.S. media emphasized the Obama negatives, not the positives, notes Michael Winship. November 9, 2009
Mel Goodman on Peter B.'s Podcast
Ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman discusses how the CIA was politicized and how the Washington Post has declined. Podcast #60.
Robert Parry on Peter B.'s Podcast
Journalist Robert Parry reviews Washington political events from the debate on the Afghan War to the fight for health reform. Podcast #61.
Don't Miss Michael Jackson's 'This is It'
The documentary on Michael Jackson's final rehearsals is a revelation of his extraordinary talents, says Lisa Pease. November 2, 2009
WPost Misleads on Afghan History
The Washington Post's neocon editorial page misrepresents key facts about Afghan history, writes Melvin A. Goodman. October 28, 2009
On Public Option, MSM Gets It Wrong
The U.S. mainstream media was sure the public option on health insurance was dead, and is mad that it isn't, reports Robert Parry. October 27, 2009
Can US Make Sound Decisions?
Lack of Bush-era accountability at the Washington Post and other elite outlets hampers today's decisions, writes Robert Parry. October 8, 2009
WPost Pushes Confrontation with Iran
The Washington Post's neocon editorial pages are at it again, showing tough-guy swagger toward Iran, says Melvin A. Goodman. October 3, 2009
Two Writers Depart a Stranger Land
The deaths of screenwriting greats, Larry Gelbart and Budd Schulberg, remind Michael Winship of the power of words. October 3, 2009
WTimes, Bushes Hail Rev. Moon
The Bush Family joined in a Washington Times celebration of South Korean theocrat Sun Myung Moon, reports Robert Parry. October 2, 2009
US Press Corps Fails Again on Iran
Learning little from the Iraq debacle, the U.S. press corps is repeating its professional lapses on Iran, says Robert Parry. September 30, 2009
Review: Michael Moore's 'Capitalism'
"Capitalism: A Love Story" reveals a deeper side of Michael Moore's thinking about America's problems, writes Lisa Pease. September 28, 2009
Don North's 'Yesterday's Enemies' DVD
Veteran war correspondent Don North returned to a bloody battlefield in El Salvador to assess the human cost of war. To see a trailer, click here.
WPost Blasts Obama's Missile Reversal
Washington Post neocons are mad that President Obama scrapped a missile shield near Russia, writes Melvin A. Goodman. September 24, 2009
Was the Iranian Election 'Rigged?'
A poll of Iranians clashes with the U.S. media's view that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won through fraud, says Robert Parry. September 21, 2009
Review: Reassessing 'The Informant!'
'The Informant!' with Matt Damon is more a drama about corporate malfeasance than a comedy, says Lisa Pease. September 20, 2009
What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say?
Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is accused of calling the Holocaust "a lie," but what was the full quote? asks Robert Parry. September 19, 2009
A Bad Vietnam Lesson for Afghanistan
A New York Times op-ed urges Vietnam-style paramilitaries for Afghanistan without the ugly context, says Douglas Valentine. September 17, 2009
Hate Radio Hollows Out America
Right-wing hate radio, now targeting the first black President, is a cancer on American democracy, says Jay Diamond. September 17, 2009
At Glenn Beck's Call
Fox News' Glenn Beck pressured the White House to oust Van Jones over a "9/11 truth" petition, David Swanson notes. September 7, 2009
Broder Is Latest Torture Apologist
David Broder has joined the list of Washington Post columnists finding excuses for torture, writes Melvin A. Goodman. September 4, 2009
WPost Misses Real Problem at CIA
Lamenting poor CIA morale, the Washington Post misses the years of mismanagement, writes Melvin A. Goodman. September 1, 2009
WPost Helps CIA Defend Torture
The Washington Post is back rationalizing the Bush administration's anything-goes "war on terror," writes Ray McGovern. August 30, 2009
WPost Takes the Pro-Torture Side
Ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman says the Washington Post's distorted article on torture shows need for a truth commission. August 30, 2009
WPost Again Plays Torture Apologist
The Washington Post resumes its long defense of Bush administration abuses, writes ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman. August 26, 2009
Why the Right's Propaganda Works
The Right's success in selling lies about President Obama's health reform derives from its media clout, writes Robert Parry. August 19, 2009
Robert Novak Was a Liar
Washington pundits are eulogizing right-wing columnist Robert Novak, but are leaving out that he was a liar, says Robert Parry. August 19, 2009
A Power Equal to a Thousand Words
Filmmaker David Kasper reflects on President Obama's troubling decision to conceal photographic evidence of war crimes. August 18, 2009
WTimes' Hypocritical Obama-Nazi Slur
The right-wing Washington Times linked Barack Obama to Hitler, but the Times' founder has the real Nazi ties, says Robert Parry. August 17, 2009
The Truth Will Not Out, on Its Own
The hysterias over the Iraq War and now health-care reform suggest truth is a fragile U.S. commodity, writes Robert Parry. August 13, 2009
McGovern on 'Downing Street Minutes'
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern revisits the curious case of the "Downing Street Minutes" and the Iraq War, reports TheRealNews. August 10, 2009
McGovern on 'Downing Street' (Part 2)
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern describes how the Washington Post 'dissed' the "Downing Street Minutes," via TheRealNews. August 10, 2009
Al Jazeera Dissects Health-Care Battle
Arab network Al Jazeera says special-interest money has put President Obama's health-care plan on the defensive. August 8, 2009
Al Jazeera Examines US Health Crisis
Arab network Al Jazeera looks at the human suffering behind the American health-care battle, via TheRealNews. (Part 1) August 7, 2009
Olbermann-O'Reilly 'Truce' Frays
The "truce" between MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly unravels after its exposure, writes Robert Parry. August 7, 2009
GE Muzzles Olbermann about Fox
As Fox News eggs on health-care disruptions, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann respects a GE-brokered truce with Fox, says Robert Parry. August 5, 2009
Bashing Obama on Taxes
Washington pundits jump to a conclusion that President Obama is breaking his word on middle-class taxes, says Robert Parry. August 3, 2009
Peter B. Collins Interviews Parry, Leopold
A podcast of Peter B. Collins interviewing Robert Parry and Jason Leopold about the challenges of Internet journalism. July 28, 2009
Recalling the Downing Street Minutes
Seven years ago, British officials wrote a key truth about the Iraq War, that the facts were being "fixed," as Ray McGovern recalls. July 24, 2009
WPost Writer Weeps Again for the CIA
The Washington Post's David Ignatius is back at his role as chief apologist for the CIA, says ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman. July 24, 2009
Spinning Health Reform to Death
The mainstream U.S. news media treats the deadly serious business of health reform like a horse race, notes Norman Solomon. July 24, 2009
Cronkite's Unintended Legacy
Walter Cronkite's journalistic standards lulled the Left into complacency about media and energized the Right, says Robert Parry. July 19, 2009
Cronkite and the Tet Turning Point
The death of Walter Cronkite recalls the anchorman's role in judging the Tet Offensive, a historic turning point covered by Don North. July 18, 2009
WPost's Ignatius Defends CIA Crimes
The Washington Post's David Ignatius objects to an investigation of crimes by George W. Bush's CIA, writes Melvin A. Goodman. July 17, 2009
Judging the Iranian Election
The U.S. news media consensus is that Iran's election was "stolen," but there is another way to see the story, William Blum writes. July 6, 2009
WP's Connolly Back, on Health Reform
The Washington Post's Ceci Connolly, who misquoted Al Gore, now is taking aim at health-care "activists," notes Robert Parry. June 29, 2009
False Health-Scare Ad on CNN
A right-wing group is twisting the choice argument on health insurance to deny the choice of a public option, says Robert Parry. June 25, 2009
Taking Sides in Iran
The U.S. news media casts aside objectivity in covering Iran's election despite the real question of who won, says Robert Parry. June 18, 2009
The Intel-Journo Alliance
One positive trend in U.S. intelligence and journalism is an ad hoc alliance of truth-tellers who bucked the system, says Robert Parry. June 2, 2009
NYT Helps the Bushies, Again
New York Times spreads Bush propaganda with a flawed story about ex-Guantanamo prisoners rejoining the fight, Robert Parry says. May 21, 2009
Responding to WP's Cohen on Torture
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern challenges Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen's defense of torture's efficacy. May 17, 2009
How Washington Misses the Joke
Self-important Washington -- both politicians and press -- don't get how they've become a national joke, notes Michael Winship. May 15, 2009
WPost Columnist Winks at Torture
Defending neoconservatism, the Washington Post publishes another column that winks and nods at torture, reports Robert Parry. May 12, 2009
WPost: All the Ex-President's Excuses
The Washington Post has become a clearinghouse for ex-President George W. Bush's apologists to defend the torture of "war on terror" detainees, notes ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman. May 1, 2009
Who Betrayed 'Objective' Journalism?
The mainstream U.S. news media laments the decline of "objective" journalism, but the big news outlets were part of the problem by showing bias during international crises, writes Robert Parry. April 30, 2009
Torture-Spinning Punditry
In a classic example of careerist punditry, Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby finds himself impressed with the Bush administration's "thoughtful" legal justifications for torture, writes David Swanson. April 23, 2009
Help Us Hold Bush Accountable
The U.S. news media mostly averts its eyes from the need to hold George W. Bush accountable for war crimes, but not us. However, we need your support. Please give what you can. April 15, 2009
NYT's American Blind Spot
The New York Times lectures others about rule-of-law responsibilities but has a blind spot about its own shortcomings, especially when it comes to holding George W. Bush accountable, writes Robert Parry. April 15, 2009
US News Media Fails America, Again
The U.S. news media keeps repeating its old patterns, from the crazy right-wing rants of Glenn Beck and Fox News to the lazy conventional wisdom of John King and David Broder, writes Robert Parry. April 13, 2009
Reagan, Media and Heroes
In a segment about the heroism in Captain Richard Phillips's rescue from pirates, the CBS Evening News incongruously stuck in a clip of Ronald Reagan, apparently to kiss up to the Right. April 13, 2009
US Media and the Memory Hole
Rather than tell the American people the truth about unpleasant history, the U.S. news media prefers to assign such facts to a memory black hole, media critic Norman Solomon observes in this guest essay. April 10, 2009
Evolution of Mike Farrell
Actor Mike Farrell comments on his new book, Just Call Me Mike, and how he came to view the world, reports TheRealNews. April 6, 2009
Mike Farrell Explains His Activism
Mike Farrell, a star of the TV series "M*A*S*H," discusses his political evolution from Marine to activist, reports TheRealNews. April 5, 2009
I.F. Stone's Son on New Izzy Award
Amy Goodman and Glenn Greenwald shared the first "Izzy Award" for independent journalism named for the legendary I.F. Stone. April 2, 2009
The MSM and Swimming Naked
As the tide goes out on the mainstream media, the American Right will be well-covered with its own media institutions, but the same won't be true for the liberals/progressives, writes Robert Parry. March 28, 2009
WPost Elitists Feel for Wall St. Brethren
Outraged over the populist outrage at the AIG bonuses, the Washington Post penned three editorials defending the payouts to executives who helped cause the financial crash, notes Robert Parry. March 22, 2009
Good News, Bad News
The good news is that our readers met the grant challenge, but the bad news is that wealthy liberals mostly stay on the sidelines as quality independent media outlets struggle, says Robert Parry. March 20, 2009
Framing Obama -- by the WPost
The neocon tilt of the Washington Post's opinion section has spread into the news columns where issues facing President Obama are often "framed" in the most negative way, writes Robert Parry. March 19, 2009
Losing the Oxygen of Journalism
The shuttering of U.S. newspapers is seen by some as a deserved fate for the many failures of the MSM. But for all their faults, newspapers have been oxygen to democracy, notes author Gray Brechin. March 19, 2009
WPost Is a Neocon Propaganda Sheet
Today's Washington Post has betrayed its legendary past as the newspaper of Watergate to become the capital's chief purveyor of neoconservative propaganda, writes Robert Parry. March 15, 2009
The Threat to Obama's Presidency
The U.S. news media -- with its continued tilt to the Right -- has become the most dangerous threat to Barack Obama's presidency and its reformist goals, writes Robert Parry. March 9, 2009
Who Wants to Watch the Watchmen?
The 'Watchmen' movie -- with shallow characters and excessive violence -- disappoints, says Lisa Pease. March 8, 2009
War Crimes and Double Standards
U.S. journalists are cheering war crimes charges against Sudan President Bashir for the Darfur atrocities, but the story is the opposite when it comes to George W. Bush's abuses, writes Robert Parry. March 5, 2009
The American Media Misdiagnosis
The decline in American newspapers is blamed on the Internet and the economy, but another factor is the sad reality that U.S. journalism has let the country down, writes Robert Parry. March 2, 2009
Hockey Mom Takes on Radio Right
Some Americans have gotten so tired of right-wing talk radio that they have challenged it directly, like Lynne Gillooly. March 1, 2009
Obama's War with the Right (& Media)
U.S. news outlets twisted the 6.2 percent drop in GDP for the fourth quarter as a negative for Barack Obama, while forgetting to mention that George W. Bush was still President, notes Robert Parry. February 28, 2009
'News' Media Disgraced in Levy Case
In mid-2001, as al-Qaeda prepared to attack, the U.S. "news" media obsessed over Chandra Levy and suspicions that her congressman/lover was behind her disappearance, recalls Jeff Cohen. February 24, 2009
The US Media & Democracy in Crisis
While some see the decline of U.S. newspapers as largely their own fault, the danger to American democracy is that this trend will increase the influence of the right-wing media, says Robert Parry. February 19, 2009
'Bitter' Gore; 'Principled' McCain
In another double standard, the U.S. news media treats John McCain's attacks on Barack Obama as principled, but Al Gore's criticism of George Bush was driven by bitterness, writes Robert Parry. February 18, 2009
Needed NBC Series: 'Catch a Cheney'
Instead of ambushing sex perverts and accused foreign leaders, NBC might want to use those surprise tactics against American war criminals like Cheney and Kissinger, says Jeff Cohen. February 17, 2009
Obama & the Media Dilemma
Amid George W. Bush's power, the U.S. news media favored Republicans because they were in charge; now, GOP guests are favored because the Democrats are in charge, notes Robert Parry. February 16, 2009
'Superman' Obama on MS Mag's Cover
Feminist MS magazine took the unusual step of putting Barack Obama, in a "Superman" pose, on its cover, TheRealNews notes. February 2, 2009
WPost Again Flacks for Bush's Crimes
In a remarkably one-sided "news" article, the Washington Post warns Barack Obama to tread softly in seeking any accountability for the Bush administration's torture policies, Robert Parry writes. January 10, 2009
How the CIA Handles the WPost
CIA insiders have demonstrated again how they can manipulate the Washington Post to push an agenda, like opposing Leon Panetta to run the spy agency, Melvin A. Goodman writes. January 9, 2009
WPost Finds Second Side to Gaza War
The Washington Post's neocon editorial section -- after 12 days of Israel-is-always-right opinion columns -- has finally published an op-ed that lays blame on both sides, observes Robert Parry. January 8, 2009
WPost Columnist Excuses Torture
Washington Post editorialist Ruth Marcus has tested out some excuses for holding no one from the Bush administration accountable for torture, as David Swanson observes in this guest essay. January 4, 2009
'Gran Torino': Clint Eastwood in Winter
Tough-guy actor Clint Eastwood stars in a touching movie of cultural and generational change, says Lisa Pease. December 24, 2008
Washington Needs a Makeover
Despite Barack Obama's election and a broad Democratic victory, there is slim chance for real change unless Washington gets a much bigger makeover, says Robert Parry. December 24, 2008
We Need New Media in Age of Obama
Barack Obama's election ended the disastrous reign of George W. Bush, but it hasn't led to significant changes in Official Washington. That is a task we all must now confront, says Robert Parry. December 15, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from November.
We All Failed Gary Webb
Four years ago, the suicide of journalist Gary Webb was a tragedy, but also a warning about what had gone wrong with America and its lost ability to face difficult truths, writes Robert Parry. December 10, 2008
Everybody Needs 'Milk'
Sean Penn is a standout in this story of assassinated gay-rights politician Harvey Milk, says Lisa Pease. December 5, 2008
Our Crucial Year-End Fundraiser
At this pivotal moment in American history, we need the honest journalism of Consortiumnews.com more than ever. To read why, click here. To help us reach our end-of-year goal of $50,000, click here.
'Slumdog Millionaire' Tells a Tale
Indian movie "Slumdog Millionaire" is an engaging story of harsh reality and inspiring hope, says Lisa Pease. November 29, 2008
What Must Be Done Now!
America's media asymmetry -- tilted from vacuous mainstream to ideological right -- contributed to today's crises and must be addressed for real change to be possible, writes Robert Parry. November 20, 2008
McCain-Pundits: End of a Love Affair?
After decades of fawning press coverage, John McCain is mad that his new persona as an angry, negative campaigner isn't going over so well, notes Brent Budowsky in this guest essay. October 23, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from September. October 15, 2008
US Journalists & War-Crimes Guilt
Six decades ago, the Nurenberg Tribunals established that propagandists shared in the guilt for crimes against humanity, but today, U.S. journalists casually advocate for war crimes, Peter Dyer notes. October 15, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from August. September 15, 2008
Fox Guest Attacks Rachel Maddow
Fox News hosts laughed when a guest dismissed Rachel Maddow as a "Lesbian Air America host," notes Brent Budowsky. September 10, 2008
WPost and the Great Disconnect
The Washington Post's outrage over Russia's attacks inside Georgia reflects Official Washington's Great Disconnect from any moral equivalence to the Iraq War, reports Robert Parry. August 13, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from July. August 10, 2008
WPost Admits Bungling Obama Quote
The Washington Post's ombudsman admits that two reporters failed to check out the context of a quote from Barack Obama before using it to portray him as a megalomaniac, reports Robert Parry. August 10, 2008
Why McCain May Well Win
John McCain may seem to have a steep hill to climb given George W. Bush's unpopularity. But McCain may have a secret helper in the major U.S. news media, Robert Parry reports. August 6, 2008
Readers' Comments
Readers comment on the press and Barack Obama; why the energy crisis has gotten so bad; and other issues. August 4, 2008
Help Us Wrap Up This Fundraiser
As one reader recently wrote, "the biggest story today" is explaining how the U.S. news media became an enabler for the U.S. government to mislead the people. Your donation will help us do that. August 4, 2008
WPost Calls Out 'Uppity' Obama
The Washington Post distorted a quote by Barack Obama to promote a theme that he is -- in the words of one Post editorial writer -- an "uppity" black man, who has gotten too big for his britches. July 31, 2008
Limbaugh's $400 Million; Our $40,000
Right-wing talk-show host Rush Limbaugh landed a $400 million contract, but we're struggling to raise only one-hundredth of one percent of that. Please help us with a donation. July 30, 2008
Big Media Hectors Obama on 'Surge'
Star journalists, some of whom cheered on the Iraq War in 2003, now are demanding that Barack Obama admit he was wrong about the troop "surge," Robert Parry reports. July 28, 2008
Americans Move Left; NYT Misses It
Polls show American shifting left on issues, but the New York Times calls that moving to the center, as Jeff Cohen notes. July 28, 2008
Protecting McCain; Pounding Obama
Accused of favoring Barack Obama, U.S. news personalities are bending over backwards to bash Obama and protect their longtime favorite, John McCain, as Brent Budowsky notes in this guest essay. July 23, 2008
Adopt Our 'CIA in Exile'
Editor Robert Parry explains our goal of bringing you the views of former U.S. intelligence analysts and asks for your help. July 21, 2008
Can the Netroots Change Politics?
Internet activism has been a hot issue this year, but it's real impact may be overstated. Watch TheRealNews.com's video. July 19, 2008
An Independence Day Request
Some readers say they are hard-pressed these days to make a donation, but we have another idea for how you can help us build independent journalism on this Independence Day weekend. July 3, 2008
Iran-Contra's 'Lost Chapter'
Two decades ago, Iran-Contra investigators discovered that Republicans were using CIA propaganda tactics domestically, but the finding was discarded in a congressional compromise. A Special Report. June 30, 2008
Alarm over 'Unfair' Campaign Money
TV news stars, who traditionally tout candidates with fat warchests from wealthy donors, are alarmed at Barack Obama's success in raising money from the net-roots, media critic Jeff Cohen notes. June 22, 2008
Izzy Stone, Patron Saint of Bloggers
In the pre-Internet days, a great voice for independent journalism was I.F. Stone, whose simple newsletter challenged the lies of his era, as media critic Jeff Cohen recalls in this guest essay. June 17, 2008
Media Reform and Economic Injustice
Often, the U.S. press corps gets so caught up in personalities that it forgets the economic plight of many people, as journalist Michael Winship notes in this guest essay. June 13, 2008
WPost's Enduring Bush Cover-up
Once the proud newspaper that broke the Watergate scandal, the Washington Post is now helping to cover up presidential wrongdoing with its rear-guard defense of George W. Bush's Iraq War lies. June 10, 2008
McClellan and the Media 'Enablers'
One of ex-White House press secretary Scott McClellan's sharpest barbs was aimed at George W. Bush's "complicit enablers" in the U.S. press corps, those who acquiesced to the Iraq War lies. In this guest essay, media critic Jeff Cohen agrees with that point. May 31, 2008
'The Matrix' Creators Meet Speed Racer
What should you expect when "The Matrix" creators take on the children's cartoon, "Speed Racer"? Historian (and movie buff) Lisa Pease found the mixture fun. May 30, 2008
Remembering Sydney Pollack
The death of Sydney Pollack has deprived American filmmaking of a brilliant director who combined great storytelling with a compelling social and political message. In this appreciation, historian Lisa Pease credits Pollack with opening her eyes to wider realities. May 27, 2008
Readers' Comments
Readers offer comments on George W. Bush's tough talk, Errol Morris's Abu Ghraib film, neocon banter about bombing Iran, and the Democratic presidential race. May 20, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories (April)
Once a month, we plan to look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from April. May 15, 2008
US Media Trivializes Campaign 2008
Every four years, the U.S. press corps vows not to get lost in campaign trivia or obsessed with negative "oppo," but soon falls off the wagon. On NBC's "Meet the Press," Tim Russert became the latest big-name journalist to trivialize the selection of the President. May 6, 2008
Abu Ghraib Film Obscures Truth
Errol Morris's documentary "Standard Operating Procedure" promised to tell the whole truth about the Abu Ghraib scandal. Instead, it followed the path of previous cover-ups, blaming low-level MPs and even relying on the word of one private interrogator linked to the abuses. April 30, 2008
TV Networks Silenced Anti-War Voices
A New York Times investigation exposed how the Pentagon funneled its Iraq War propaganda through retired military officers turned TV analysts. However, as media critic Jeff Cohen notes, TV executives made the decision to silence anti-war voices. April 28, 2008
US News Media's Latest Disgrace
It may come as little surprise that TV news shows served as conduits for the Bush administration's Iraq War propaganda by putting on "military analysts" who were puppets for the Pentagon. The truth is this was a scandal three decades in the making. April 21, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we plan to look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from March. April 13, 2008
The Very Annoying Washington Post
The Washington Post's editorial page is at it again, mocking Americans who don't buy into the grand wisdom of George W. Bush's Iraq War. What makes this so annoying is that the Post never admits that it got virtually the entire Iraq War wrong. April 11, 2008
(The Late) M.L. King Still Silenced
In his last years of life, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out forcefully against the Vietnam War and American militarism, drawing cold contempt from major U.S. media outlets. Now, 40 years after his death, the news media still ignores one of King's last great battles. April 4, 2008
Telling Truth Early
As we start our spring fundraiser, we thought readers might be interested in why we do what we do. One of our chief goals is to provide readers important information that they haven't encountered elsewhere, even if sometimes they don't want to hear it. March 31, 2008
PBS on Iraq: A Compilation of Deceit
A PBS documentary on the Iraq War broke little new ground, but compiled the extraordinary record of the Bush administration's deceit. In this guest essay, Middle East expert Morgan Strong noted one new motive for the war: the desire to have Iraq recognize Israel. March 30, 2008
National Pentagon Radio?
Years ago, Americans could expect greater journalistic independence from PBS and NPR. But a long campaign of right-wing pressure on their funding has turned the two media outlets into shadows of their former selves, as media critic Norman Solomon notes in this guest essay. March 28, 2008
Frontline's Timid Iraq Retrospective
Over two nights, PBS Frontline served up a four-hour retrospective on "Bush's War" in Iraq, focusing on bureaucratic rivalries and incompetence. But, as former CIA analyst Ray McGovern observes, Frontline averted its eyes from many of the tougher questions. March 26, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
Once a month, we plan to look back at some of the previous month's special stories that might have flown by without getting the attention they deserved. Here's a selection from February. March 13, 2008
In Case You Missed These Stories
One shortcoming in our effort to publish more and more articles is that some special stories fly by without getting the attention they deserve. So, periodically, we'll publish this "in case you missed it" feature with links to stories that we feel fall into that category. February 11, 2008
CBS Falsifies Iraq War History
In the real world, Saddam Hussein's Iraq announced in 2002 that it didn't have WMD, sent the U.N. a 12,000-page declaration to that effect, and let U.N. inspectors in to check. In George W. Bush's world -- and according to "60 Minutes" -- none of that happened. January 28, 2008
A Surge of More Lies
The "success" of George W. Bush's Iraq War "surge" has become an article of faith in Official Washington, with the Washington Post's editorial board and the New York Times' new columnist William Kristol baiting Democrats to get on board. Given this consensus, we are publishing a dissenting view from Congressman Robert Wexler. January 16, 2008
Media Is the Key to Democracy
A new Democratic reason for not holding George W. Bush and Dick Cheney accountable is that the Washington press corps would react to impeachment with hostility and ridicule. While no excuse for their timidity, the Democrats do have a point: the careerist U.S. news media has become a threat to the Republic. December 20, 2007
Gary Webb's Enduring Legacy
Three years ago, investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide after his U.S. press colleagues helped destroy his career for daring to tell the truth about the Reagan administration's protection of cocaine trafficking by the Nicaraguan contras. In this special report, Robert Parry looks at this personal tragedy and its enduring legacy. December 11, 2007
What's at Stake, What Can Be Done
The neoconservatives understand that the chief vulnerability of a modern democracy is its media. That is why their strategy for replacing the American Republic and its inalienable rights with an Imperial system under an all-powerful Executive rests on supplanting honest information with fear-mongering and lies. You can help us stop that. December 5, 2007
WPost Buys into Anti-Obama Bigotry
The right-wing smear campaign accusing Barack Obama of a secret allegiance to the Muslim faith got a high-profile and respectful boost from the Washington Post. The influential newspaper fronted a story that recycles the innuendos and buys into the bigotry. November 29, 2007
The Poodles of the U.S. News Media
You can't understand how the United States got itself into today's mess without assessing the aiding-and-abetting role of the Washington press corps. In this guest essay, media critic Norman Solomon discusses the U.S. news media's poodle-like behavior. November 21, 2007
How False Narrative Works
Over the past couple of decades, the Republicans have benefited from their ability to create false narratives with the help of the Right's well-financed media machine. This excerpt from Neck Deep examines the "China-gate" case study from Campaign 2000. November 14, 2007
Robert Parry: Why We Write
In his three decades as a Washington journalist, Robert Parry reflects on one of the chief lessons he has learned: the danger of false narrative in a democracy. He explains how it became the political weapon of choice for the neocons and what can be done about it. November 13, 2007
Six Years After 'Gore's Victory'
Six years ago, eight news organizations published the findings of their unofficial recount of Florida's disputed ballots. The recount discovered that Al Gore would have won the decisive Florida election if all legally cast ballots had been counted. But the big news outlets concealed that finding from the American public. November 12, 2007
MSM Buries Military Dissent on Iraq
The mainstream media (or MSM) continues with its double standard for opinions about the Iraq War. Just like five years ago, when Congress granted George W. Bush authority to invade Iraq, pro-war articles are preferred; anti-war articles -- even when written by people with military experience -- get shunted to the side. This week, the Washington Post accepted one critical article by 12 former captains who served in Iraq but only published it on the newspaper's Web site. October 17, 2007
Why Big Media Slimes Al Gore
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman observes that the Right's media goes berserk when dealing with Al Gore, in part because he had the audacity to outpoll their hero, George W. Bush, in 2000. But right-wing pundits aren't alone in this animosity. The big U.S. news outlets, including the Times, have taken their share of unfair shots at Gore. Even after he won the Nobel Peace Prize, CNN and the Washington Post editors couldn't resist the need to denigrate him. But why? October 16, 2007
More Reader Comments on Al Gore
Readers expressed their thoughts about Al Gore, his Nobel Peace Prize, his viability as a presidential candidate and his treatment by the U.S. and British news media. October 17, 2007
Smearing Al Gore: Here We Go Again
In a replay of Campaign 2000's "war on Gore," the right-wing news media and key mainstream outlets have made a big issue out of a ruling by an obscure British judge alleging that he found nine "errors" in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." The judge's querulous ruling, however, misstates what Gore actually says in the documentary, in effect setting up straw men to knock down. Nevertheless, the ruling is helping to discredit Gore and his Nobel Peace Prize. October 13, 2007
The Left's Media Miscalculation (Redux)
MoveOn's "General Betray Us" debacle -- costing the anti-Iraq War movement $142,000 on the ad and lost political momentum in Congress -- underscores again the power and value of the Right's media machine. It can make small mistakes by opponents big and big mistakes by allies small. In recognition of this hard reality, we are reprising a special report, first published on April 29, 2005, explaining how this dangerous media asymmetry developed. September 25, 2007
MoveOn & Media Double Standards
The New York Times has joined in pummeling MoveOn.org, with a top editor faulting his newspaper for violating a ban on negative personal attack ads. The editor says, too, MoveOn should have paid more than double for the "General Betray Us" ad. In response, MoveOn is writing a check for another $77,000 to the Times in a perverse case of negative bang for the buck. Plus, in a show of double standards, the Times runs a right-wing ad entitled "Ahmadinejad Is a Terrorist." September 24, 2007
Hard Lessons from MoveOn Fiasco
Republicans scored political points and diverted the debate on the Iraq War by concentrating media fire on MoveOn.org's silly "General Betray Us" ad. But the underlying lesson is that the Right's powerful media apparatus -- built over the past three decades with many billions of dollars -- can transform any misstep by the Left into a major national issue. Meanwhile, the Left continues to shun the need for a media infrastructure that can restore some balance to the U.S. political process. September 22, 2007
NYT's Friedman's Addiction to War
It's amazing how few of the Washington pundits who cheered on the Iraq invasion have suffered any serious career consequences. With only a couple of exceptions, these go-with-the-flow "experts" are still floating along. In this guest essay, media analyst Norman Solomon looks at how one of the most famous pundits, Thomas Friedman, built his reputation with breezy advocacy of war. September 7, 2007
Bush's New War Drums for Iran
From the White House to the Washington Post's editorial page, the war drums are beating again, this time for Iran. In this special report, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern writes that George W. Bush's plan to label Iran's Revolutionary Guard a "specially designated global terrorist" organization appears to be the new casus belli. The White House insists that Iran is helping Shiite militias in Iraq attack American troops. And the Post, which was gung-ho for invading Iraq over its WMD, now is calling for severe retaliation against Iran. August 21, 2007
Spinning the Iraq War Death Toll
Some of George W. Bush's supporters are hailing the fact that in July, only 80 American troops were killed in Iraq, down from triple-digit numbers the preceding three months. They see it as a sign that Bush's "surge" is working. But military and intelligence sources say other factors explain the downturn, including a decision by U.S. commanders to cut back on aggressive ground operations to reduce the political backlash over rising casualties, not to mention the brutal heat. August 10, 2007
The NYT's New Pro-War Propaganda
The Bush administration is gearing up its Iraq War propaganda again, with the New York Times back in its role as credulous straight man. On its op-ed page, the Times published a pro-surge article by Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, allowing the pair to present themselves as harsh critics of the Iraq War grudgingly won over by the promising facts on the ground. Left out of this happy tale of conversion was that O'Hanlon and Pollack have long favored a beefed-up occupation of Iraq. July 30, 2007
Novak's Limited Plame-gate Hang-out
The Washington Post and other newspapers that publish right-wing columnist Robert Novak continue to let him confuse their readers about what happened in the outing of CIA officer Valerie Plame. Novak, who blew Plame's cover in 2003, has used his column not only to shield himself but also to muddy the waters over what President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and their subordinates did. Still, a careful reading of Novak's words offers some surprising admissions. July 10, 2007
NYT on Iraq: Better Late Than Never?
A full-length New York Times editorial concludes that it is time to bring the U.S. military occupation of Iraq to an end. While many anti-war Americans may welcome the weight of the nation's most prestigious newspaper, others may wonder what took the Times so long to reach this assessment of George W. Bush's bloody folly. A deeper question remains why the leading U.S. news organizations did so little to raise timely questions about the wisdom of invading an Arab nation. July 8, 2007
How the U.S. Media Loved the War
Anti-war optimists cite the Iraq War skepticism in today's U.S. news media as a sign George W. Bush's militarist policies are in trouble. But what does it say about these Big Media journalists that they would go with the pro-Bush flow until the public-opinion tide turned? In this guest essay, media critic Norman Solomon offers a looks back. July 7, 2007
Will the Press Idiocy Ever Stop?
The U.S. political press corps distorted the Bush-Gore presidential race of 2000 by repeatedly misquoting Al Gore to transform the Vice President into a delusional braggart. This dishonest media coverage influenced the votes of millions of Americans and set the stage for the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush. Yet, the apocryphal quotes -- such as Gore supposedly saying "I invented the Internet" -- live on. July 2, 2007
The Right Sharpens Knives for 'Sicko'
With Michael Moore's new documentary, "Sicko," set for nationwide release, the usual suspects on the Right are sharpening their knives for both Moore and the idea that national health insurance should cover all Americans. In this guest essay, radio personality Jay Diamond writes that Sean Hannity and other right-wing voices are scaring Americans with horror stories about "socialized medicine" while ignoring the valuable services performed by VA hospitals and Medicare. June 27, 2007
Is WP's Cohen the Dumbest Columnist?
Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen has jumped on the neocon bandwagon seeking a get-out-of-jail-free card for former White House aide Lewis Libby. But, as usual, Cohen misses the real story, just like his earlier judgments that George W. Bush would be a "conciliator" and that "only a fool or possibly a Frenchman" would doubt Colin Powell's U.N. speech. Though the competition is stiff, Cohen might be the dumbest columnist in memory, but that hasn't hurt his career. June 19, 2007
Mid-Year Report to Our Readers
Midway through our 12th year, editor Robert Parry writes that it's difficult to assess progress, but we believe this Web site has made a difference, telling stories that otherwise might not be told and saving history that could have been lost. Still, the challenge remains to match our journalistic ambitions with our fundraising abilities. June 10, 2007
Time for PBS to Go?
PBS is airing a neoconservative-inspired series defending George W. Bush's "war on terror." While acknowledging the pro-conservative bias of the program, PBS executives say they see no reason to give Iraq War critics equal time. Is it time for PBS to go? April 19, 2007
More Reader Comment on PBS Article
A number of readers commented, pro and con, about our story on PBS letting Iraq War architect Richard Perle write and narrate a documentary on the "war on terror." April 25, 2007
Imus Agonistes
The Don Imus affair brought some accountability to one fabulously wealthy radio shock jock. In this guest essay, commentator Jay Diamond examines this deeper problem. April 18, 2007
U.S. News Media's 'War on Gore'
As former Vice President Al Gore returned to Capitol Hill to seek urgent action on global warming, it was hard to ignore the question of what might have been if the U.S. news media had not waged a "war on Gore" during Campaign 2000. A Special Report. March 22, 2007
WPost Prints New Wilson/Plame Attack
The Washington Post's editorial page continues its extraordinary assault on two private American citizens, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his ex-CIA agent wife Valerie Plame. March 22, 2007
Plame-gate: Time to Fire WPost's Hiatt
The Washington Post's editorial page parroted George W. Bush's lies in the run-up to the Iraq War and has continued to carry White House water in the years since.March 17, 2007
WPost Editorial Fantasyland
In a normal world, the Washington Post's editorial-page editors would be ashamed of themselves for having swallowed George W. Bush's Iraq War propaganda whole and for helping to mislead the American people into a disastrous war. March 8, 2007
Shame on the Washington Post, Again
The Washington Post is at it again, publishing an extraordinary smear directed at special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and former Ambassador Joseph Wilson whose wife, CIA officer Valerie Plame, was outed by the Bush administration as it sought to counter Wilson's Iraq War criticism. February 19, 2007
The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ
When history tries to make sense of what happened to American politics in this era, it should take into account the extraordinary story of how a right-wing Korean cult leader, Sun Myung Moon, bought influence with the U.S. political class by pouring billions of dollars into conservative causes, including a daily newspaper, the Washington Times. A Special Report. December 27, 2006
Year-End Report from the Editor
For 11 years now, we have
provided investigative journalism on important topics – including
issues of national security, constitutional liberties, human rights,
politics, the environment, and international crime. But never has our
work been more important than it is today. December 21, 2006
Introducing Consortiumblog
We at Consortiumnews.com
are excited to announce the launch of our new blog, Consortiumblog,
available at http://consortiumblog.blogspo
t.com/. December 14, 2006
Gary Webb's Death: American Tragedy
Two years
ago, journalist Gary Webb -- his career and his life in ruins -- killed
himself. Though a terrible personal tragedy, Webb's suicide also marked
the last page of a dark chapter in American journalism, the end result
of his punishment at the hands of colleagues for helping expose the
Reagan administration's contra-cocaine scandal. The major U.S. news
media revealed itself more as an accomplice to government crimes than a
watchdog for the people -- a precursor to the failure to challenge
George W. Bush's false case for invading Iraq. December 9,
The Future of Consortiumnews.com
Now completing its 11th
year, our Web site has accomplished many of its original goals. Most
notably, we created a home for important journalism unwelcome in a
mainstream U.S. news media that had lost its way and let down the
American people. There were surprises and disappointments, too. We never
were able to convince the deep pockets about the need for a major
investment in independent journalism. But we found instead a consortium
of citizens willing to support what we do. November 29, 2006
Is Olbermann on Thin Ice?
Keith Olbermann has emerged as one of the few strong voices on national TV daring to criticize the Bush administration's handling of the "war on terror." But are his days numbered? In this guest essay, media critic Jeff Cohen looks at the remarkable story of how a former ESPN sports guy took on the mantle of Edward R. Murrow when few others had the courage to do so. October 5, 2006
Washington Post Hires
Bush Aide
Many Americans still think of the Washington Post as a liberal
"flagship" because it broke Watergate stories more than three decades
ago. But for the past two decades, the Post has been sailing steadily
into neoconservative waters, a course it continues to follow to this
day. In this guest essay, media critic Jeff Cohen discusses the Post's
latest hire for its Op-Ed page -- a Bush speechwriter who helped distort
the case for war with Iraq.
September 18. 2006
Why Consortiumnews.com
Deserves Your Support
Editor Robert Parry explains what this investigative Web site has
accomplished in the past 11 years and how much more it could have done
-- and should be doing.
September 16. 2006
New Clues in the Plame
Washington's new "conventional wisdom" -- that Karl Rove and the Bush
administration got a bum rap on the "outing" of CIA officer Valerie
Plame -- has been destroyed by new evidence that Rove and former Deputy
Secretary of State Richard Armitage were much closer than most pundits
understood. Right-wing columnist Robert Novak also has blown big holes
in the notion of Bush administration innocence.
September 15. 2006
Readers React to Plame
Some comments from readers
about the investigation into how the Bush administration leaked the
identity of undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame, including our
reporting on the Rove-Armitage connection. September 17, 2006
U.S. Press Bigwigs Screw
Up, Again
For the past two weeks, Washington's "conventional wisdom" crowd has
been chastising anyone who ever thought that the Bush administration had
willfully leaked the name of CIA officer Valerie Plame to punish her
husband for criticizing the Iraq War. That "conspiracy theory" had
supposedly been disproved by the admission of former State Department
official Richard Armitage, who said he inadvertently blurted out the
name as gossip. But now columnist Robert Novak discloses that Armitage's
account was "deceptive," meaning that the U.S. press bigwigs have
screwed up again.
September 14. 2006
9/11's Dark Window to
the Future
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 recalls that tragic day but also has
become a reminder of America's continuing march toward a new-age
totalitarianism in which political and ideological forces shape reality.
As George W. Bush seeks to revive the sentimental unity that followed
the attacks, his supporters are busy using the event as cover for
consolidating right-wing political power and enshrining a bogus history. September 11. 2006
Shareholder Letter to
A Disney shareholder
demands accountability for deceptive "docu-drama" on 9/11. September 12, 2006
Who Benefits from 9/11
In this guest essay, Ivan
Eland explains how excessive 9/11 commemorations help al-Qaeda
terrorists spread more fear and let a few American politicians boost
their poll numbers.
September 12, 2006
Bush Exploited, Shamed 9/11
Rarely has history witnessed the contrast between how a united people
rallied in the face of tragedy as occurred on 9/11 and how that
country's leadership then exploited that unity for ideological and
partisan goals. In this heartfelt guest essay on the fifth anniversary
of 9/11, political analyst Brent Budowsky looks back at that tragic day
and its equally tragic exploitation by President George W. Bush and his
political followers. September 10. 2006
Readers React on 9/11
Some comments from readers
about the Right's political exploitation of 9/11, now including a
prime-time network "docu-drama." September 10, 2006
ABC's 9/11 'Docu-fraud'
Must Go!
Should ABC-TV air a docu-drama on
a historical event as searing as the 9/11 attacks with dialogue and
scenes invented by screenwriters with an apparent ideological bias
against the people whose words are being made up? In this guest essay, political
analyst Brent Budowsky says minor touch-ups are not enough, the whole
project must go. What do you think? September 9. 2006
How Obtuse Is the U.S.
The Washington press corps
is swinging into full backlash mode, whipping anyone who challenged how
the White House handled the smearing of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson
and the outing of his CIA wife. Seizing on a new disclosure putting
blame on a senior State Department official, the Washington Post and the
New York Times have rallied to George W. Bush's defense -- despite reams
of evidence that Bush and his aides were behind the anti-Wilson
operation. Which raises the old "Shawshank Redemption" question: "How
can you be so obtuse?" September 3, 2006
More Readers' Comments
Some comments from readers
about our stories, "Smearing Joe Wilson, Again" and "How
Obtuse Is the U.S. Press?" September 3, 2006
Smearing Joe Wilson,
The Washington Post's
editorial page is at it again, smearing someone who dared expose the
Bush administration's Iraq War deceptions. The whipping boy this time is
former Ambassador Joseph Wilson who had the audacity to challenge George
W. Bush's false claims about Iraq trying to buy uranium from Africa. In
an upside-down editorial, the Post is now blaming Wilson for the
administration's exposure of his CIA wife's identity. September 1, 2006
Missing the Point on
CIA Leak Case
Conservative pundits are
claiming that the White House was vindicated by the disclosure that
former State Department official Richard Armitage may have been the
first official to tell a reporter about Valerie Plame's CIA identity.
But that doesn't change the relevant fact that White House aides
willfully peddled Plame's covert identity to some half dozen reporters.
In this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky calls the Armitage
story a meaningless diversion from the treachery committed by top aides
to George W. Bush. August 31, 2006
Why NYT's Friedman Should
New York Times foreign
policy analyst Thomas L. Friedman has finally admitted that his
enthusiasm for invading Iraq was misguided, but his limited mea culpa
hasn't stopped him from insulting Americans who opposed the war before
the killing began. Now the questions are: Why should Americans listen to
an "expert" who got the biggest post-Cold War foreign policy story
wrong? And why doesn't Friedman have the decency to resign? August 21, 2006
Readers' Comments
Some comments from readers
about our story, "Why NYT's Friedman Should Resign." August 22, 2006
The Hariri Mirage
In its Sunday lead story,
the New York Times twice references alleged Syrian guilt in the 2005
assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. But -- in
much the same pattern of the Times' coverage of purported Iraqi WMD four
years ago -- the article offers no balance or perspective, such as
recognition that the initial Hariri-murder accusations have fallen
apart. July 23, 2006
Was Bob Woodward
New evidence undercuts Bob
Woodward's famous account that CIA director George Tenet misled George
W. Bush about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction with the assurance that
it was a "slam-dunk" case. U.S. intelligence insiders gave a different
version of that meeting to author Ron Suskind -- and leaked documents
challenge Woodward's depiction of Bush as a leader who wanted to make
sure "no one stretches to make our case." July 7, 2006
A July Fourth Call to
George W. Bush has spurred
Republican congressmen and his right-media allies into an ugly assault
on the New York Times and other news outlets for not obeying Bush's
edicts on what information can be released about the "war on terror." In
this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky comments on how those
accusations of treason and espionage are an affront to the principles of
a free press that the Founders established as a bedrock of democracy. July
3, 2006
The Neocon Battle for
The harsh right-wing attacks on
the New York Times for publishing articles about the Bush
administration's secret monitoring of phone calls and financial
transactions mark a new phase in the long neoconservative battle to
intimidate and dominate the U.S. news media. But the struggle has
dangerous implications as well for the future of the American Republic. June 29, 2006
Wash Post Smears War
Critics, Again
As the U.S. death toll in the Iraq
War passes 2,500, the Washington Post continues its longstanding
campaign to disparage Democratic war critics, this time by calling them
people who try to "exploit bad news without appearing to rejoice in it."
These ugly charges have been part of the Post's pattern of
de-legitimizing dissent against George W. Bush's war policies since
2002. June 21, 2006
Five Days Left
Editor Robert Parry explains why
he didn't go to recent progressive conferences that dealt with media
issues. The chief reason is that the time for talking is past; if
something isn't done quickly, the time for action might be past soon.
This Web site has five days left to raise half its target for its spring
fund-raiser. June 16, 2006
The Hariri Mirage:
Lessons Unlearned
In October 2005, a drumbeat began
about Syria's presumed guilt for the assassination of former Lebanese
prime minister Rafik Hariri. From President Bush to the New York Times
editorial page, almost everyone agreed that Syrian security forces must
have been responsible, though there was some debate about whether
"regime change" was called for. However, with little notice in the past
half year, the initial Hariri investigation has crumbled. Still, the
American people have heard almost nothing about this changed situation. June 16, 2006
Is O'Reilly a Nazi? Just
Fox News star Bill O'Reilly has
accused American troops in World War II of murdering unarmed Nazi SS
forces at Malmedy, Belgium, and systematically burning alive
surrendering Japanese soldiers at Iwo Jima. But O'Reilly's historical
smears are no more accurate than many of his current ones. For instance,
at Malmedy, SS troops murdered unarmed Americans, not the other way
around. O'Reilly's bizarre sympathy for the Axis Powers might justify
one of those loaded Fox News questions: "Is Bill O'Reilly a Nazi?" Just
asking. June 3, 2006
Rummy Logic & Enduring
Facing hecklers over Iraq War
lies, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld appealed for renewed faith in
George W. Bush's honesty. But Rumsfeld then resumed the Bush
administration's long pattern of deceiving the American people with what
might be called "Rummy logic." Yet, even as the public catches on, the
mainstream news media continues to act the fool. May 8,
Colbert & the Courtier
The outrage sweeping Washington
journalism circles over comedian Stephen Colbert's lampooning of George
W. Bush is just the latest sign of a national news media that puts
coziness with insiders ahead of its responsibility to hold the Bush
administration accountable. The American people are discovering that one
of the biggest threats to the future of the Republic is the courtier
press. May 5,
Shame on the Post's
Editorial Page
As one of the most influential
newspapers in the nation's capital, the Washington Post -- and
especially its editorial section -- must bear a large share of the blame
for the truncated debate that preceded the Iraq invasion. But even
worse, despite all the disclosures of George W. Bush's Iraq War lies,
Post editorials continue to smear the President's critics. April 20,
'Jack Bauer,' Bush &
This season's TV drama "24"
features an in-over-his-head U.S. President who sets in motion a
dangerous plot that he can't handle, forcing counter-terrorism agent
Jack Bauer into a position of having to "take down" the President.
Meanwhile, in real life, the United States faces a parallel crisis, a
reckless President George W. Bush taking actions that have spiraled out
of control. April 15, 2006
A 'Humbled' News Media?
Washington Post columnist Richard
Cohen says he and other pro-war pundits have been "humbled" by their
miscalculations in supporting George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. But
Cohen sees the error as one of trusting too much in Bush's competence,
not as a question of whether Bush and his top aides were wrong to attack
a country that wasn't threatening the United States. April 4, 2006
Our Web Site & Three
Years of War
As the Iraq War enters its fourth
year, we are publishing a retrospective that looks back over our
coverage as the tragic war unfolded. From the early days of "shock and
awe" to the current drift toward "civil war," we described a very
different conflict than the one presented by George W. Bush and by much
of the U.S. news media. Hyperlinks let you see the stories as they were
posted, so you can judge who was more accurate. March
21, 2006
Iraq -- U.S. News Media's
For three decades, the Washington
press corps has been living off its Watergate reputation as spunky
defenders of the public's right to know and the U.S. Constitution. On
this third anniversary of George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, it's now
clear that the bloody conflict -- started amid a war fever fueled by
false press reports on Iraq's WMD -- was the Waterloo, a crushing
defeat, for the media's beloved Watergate myth. March
20, 2006
America Anesthetized
For more than four years, the
American people have been anesthetized by a steady flow of propaganda that
has influenced the public to believe "facts" that aren't facts and to ignore
ugly realities that would otherwise shame the nation's conscience. March 5, 2006
Time to Renew Democracy
Two key factors explain how the
Bush administration has managed to push the United States so far toward
surrendering its historic concepts of democracy and freedom. One is the
control of information; the other the manipulation of fear. February 27, 2006
An Upside-Down Media
As Sherlock Holmes famously
observed, sometimes it's the dog that didn't bark that is most instructive.
In the United States, that rule could be applied to a national news media
that goes about its daily routine without treating George W. Bush's
extraordinary seizure of constitutional power as a major story. February 18, 2006
The Democrats' Tiny
Sen. John Kerry recognizes that a
key disadvantage for Democrats is the size of their "megaphone" compared
with the one the Republicans shout their messages through. February 9, 2006
Alito & the Media Mess
As the U.S. Senate moves toward a
historic vote on Samuel Alito's Supreme Court nomination, the mainstream
news media is presenting the dispute as just another case of the Democrats
playing politics. Left out of stories in major news outlets is the concern
expressed by many rank-and-file Americans over Alito's radical views on the
"unitary executive" and other theories that threaten the future of the U.S.
democratic Republic.
January 25, 2006
Bush's Long War with the
George W. Bush does not appear to have made a New Year's resolution to
start telling the truth. His first comments to the press corps in 2006 tried
to refute questions about his honesty by making at least two misleading
assertions. New disclosures also make clear that the White House duped the
New York Times in 2004 to stop the newspaper from disclosing Bush's
warrantless wiretaps -- and possibly derailing his campaign for a second
term. January 2, 2006
Denial in Haiti
The independence of the U.S. news media -- how free the press is from
government influence and control -- has emerged as a troubling new issue in
recent years. Amid disclosures that the Bush administration paid
commentators for favorable coverage and planted stories in foreign media, a
new controversy has arisen over an American news stringer in Haiti who
appears to have moonlighted for a U.S.-funded organization. December 31,
Editor Parry's Year-End
As 2005 comes to a close, the American people have a much clearer view
of what the Bush administration has done to the nation's democratic
institutions. Now, the New Year -- 2006 -- beckons with both extraordinary
challenges and opportunities. The nation faces either its consolidation as a
modern authoritarian state or its reemergence as a traditional Republic with
accountability enforced on corrupt and dishonest politicians. Editor Robert
Parry discusses the role that this Web site has played and could play in the
future. December 26, 2005
The Meaning of (the War
Over) Christmas
Despite the ubiquitous Christmas displays all over the United States and
the piped-in Christmas carols nearly everywhere, the right-wing media is
telling American Christians that liberals, secularists and non-Christians
are waging a "war on Christmas." Now, when a store clerk wishes someone
"Happy Holidays," conservative Christians are primed to spit back an angry
"Merry Christmas" -- as the celebration of baby Jesus becomes the latest
wedge issue. December 11, 2005
U.S. Journalism's
Shameful Anniversary
One year ago, reporter Gary Webb took his own life, but his tragic fate
was set in motion years earlier when major U.S. newspapers helped destroy
his career by trashing his work on the Nicaraguan contra-cocaine scandal.
Even when the CIA's inspector general revealed that the scandal had been
worse than even Webb had described, Big Media refused to correct the record,
instead letting Webb's life unravel. Then, after his suicide, the
contra-cocaine cover-up and the smears of Webb continued. December
9, 2005
Mystery of Woodward's
Three Sources
Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward had three government sources
telling him before the Iraq invasion that the Bush administration was hyping
the intelligence about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction. But
Woodward kept the information to himself, presumably for fear of damaging
his reputation (if WMD were eventually found) and jeopardizing his
unparalleled access to George W. Bush's White House. November 29, 2005
Woodward & Washington's
'Tipping Point'
Enjoying a cozy relationship with George W. Bush, the Washington Post's
Bob Woodward has come to personify the national press corps' 30-year shift
from Watergate-era skepticism to Iraq War-era boosterism. Instead of the
scrappy outsider who unraveled Richard Nixon's cover-up, Woodward has become
the ultimate insider who tried to protect the Bush administration's cover-up
of a scheme to smear an Iraq War critic. November 19,
Iraq War Critics Emerge
Too Late
As the United States mourns the 2,000th American death in the Iraq War,
more and more politicians and pundits who supported the invasion are having
second thoughts. But should those doubts have been expressed earlier, when
public opposition might have helped the nation avoid a disastrous war? Have
these "repositionists" really learned any lessons? October 26, 2005
On Syria, the NYT Still
Doesn't Get It
The New York Times isn't applying lessons learned from the bogus case
for war with Iraq to the looming crisis with Syria. Rather than taking a
skeptical look at allegations of Syrian complicity in the murder of
Lebanon's ex-prime minister, the newspaper's editorial page is making
assumptions about "meticulous" facts that may not be supported by the
evidence. October 25, 2005
Bush Crisis Proves Need
for Honest Media
The political crisis enveloping George W. Bush's war in Iraq
demonstrates again the importance of honesty in a democracy -- and the
danger that can come from deception. For the past decade, Consortiumnews.com
has worked to compile a truthful account of how the U.S. government and the
national news media veered off course. October 25, 2005
Rise of the 'Patriotic
To understand how the American press corps lost its way -- and became an
accessory to the Bush administration's deceptive case for war in Iraq -- one
has to look back three decades to a different era when reporters challenged
the national security elite. The counterattack against that challenge led
directly to the rise of the neoconservatives and the rise of the "patriotic
journalist," personified by the likes of the New York Times Judith Miller.
(Part Two of "When Journalists Join the Cover-ups.") October 20,
When Journalists Join the
The back story to the Judith Miller fiasco at the New York Times is the
long-term erosion of skeptical journalism in the face of government pressure
for greater "patriotism" from the press. In the case of Miller and the Iraq
War, the barrier between reporter and government seems to have washed away
almost completely. October 18,
Bush & Media: Normalizing
the Abnormal
For five years, the U.S. press
corps has acted as if its principal duty was to protect George W. Bush's
image and legitimacy, rather than to inform the American people as fully as
possible. Bush's Katrina catastrophe breached those protective barriers much
as the hurricane's flood waters overwhelmed New Orleans' levees. September
21, 2005
Explaining the Bush
As Americans try to make sense of the disastrous Iraq War, they must
come to grips with the shoddy performance of the national press corps and
why it built a media cocoon around George W. Bush since Election 2000.
Rather than hold Bush accountable like other politicians, major news
personalities chose to protect him -- and to protect themselves. August 24,
Novak Recycles Gannon on
Columnist Robert Novak has resumed the Right's assault on the
credibility of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Novak claims that the
husband of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame was "discarded" last year by John
Kerry's presidential campaign. But Novak's accusation traces back to a
dubious article by Jeff Gannon, the pro-Republican operative who masqueraded
as a White House correspondent using a fake name. August 2, 2005
Why We Need Investigative
Investigative reporting has the potential to reshape a political
landscape by breaking through the lies and the cover-ups. It's happened
before with scandals like Watergate and Iran-Contra -- but counter-measures
on the Right have made a recurrence of that kind of journalism less and less
likely. Only a new commitment to rebuild a capacity for independent
investigative reporting can turn the situation around. July 29, 2005
What Can Be Done
Our goal is to build a team of seasoned, professional investigative
reporters who can take on tough, important stories. But we need your help in
finding new sources of money. July 29, 2005
Five Pointers for a Left
Left funders are finally listening to advice that they take the
progressive media deficit seriously, but they still don't understand how
their money can be put to the best use. Here are five pointers for what the
Left should do -- and avoid doing -- to get the most bang for the buck and
begin addressing the nation's dangerous media imbalance. June 21, 2005
Mocking the Downing
Street Memo
When liberals and Democrats held a hearing to bring attention to the
Downing Street Memo and other evidence of Iraq War deceptions, they became
the object of ridicule in Washington's dominant newspaper. The experience
should serve as a hard lesson showing the need for a strong media
infrastructure that can reach the American people outside the judgments of
the mainstream and conservative news medias. June 18, 2005
LMSM, the 'Lying
Mainstream Media'
The Washington Post is lashing out at American citizens who have accused
major U.S. news outlets of covering up the leaked British memos on the
deceptions behind the Iraq War. A Post editorial deems the memos an old
story that doesn't deserve much attention, but many Americans are coming to
see the MSM, the mainstream media , as the LMSM, the lying mainstream
media. June 17, 2005
Pour on the Media!
What can be learned from
George W. Bush's sinking poll numbers and the major media's sudden
chagrin over its failure to follow-up the Downing Street Memo? What
political factors should get the credit and what lessons can be applied to
the future? One explanation is the emergence of progressive talk radio;
another is the aggressive pursuit of truth on the Internet. June 10, 2005
The Real Lessons of
The disclosure that former FBI official Mark Felt was the secretive
"Deep Throat" in the Watergate scandal has revived public interest in the
33-year-old scandal. But few Americans grasp the real lessons of Watergate
or how the bitter experience shocked conservatives into building the
right-wing media infrastructure that is now arguably the most potent force
in American politics. June 3, 2005
The Answer Is Fear
Many Americans are pondering what went wrong with their democratic
institutions -- and why the U.S. news media and the intelligence community
performed so poorly in the run-up to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq.
While there are many potential answers, one stands out as the simplest --
yet most complete -- explanation for these failures: fear. May 26, 2005
Newsweek Finds Bad
Stories Aren't Equal
Newsweek is in hot water for a poorly sourced story that accused U.S.
interrogators of defiling the Koran, sparking violent protests in the Muslim
world. But an even more dangerous result could be that journalists
will further shy away from critical reporting on the Bush administration's
policies, as Newsweek and others realize it's safer, career-wise, to err on
the side of the Bushes. May 18, 2005
Solving the Media Puzzle
To understand the political mess that has enveloped the United States --
from a disastrous war in Iraq to religious challenges to scientific reason
-- one has to factor in the rightward swing of the American news media.
Belatedly, progressives have recognized the media threat but aren't sure
what to do about it. This article lays out a challenging strategy for how to
rebuild an honest news media from the ground up. May 14, 2005
The Left's Media
Over the past three decades, the Right has achieved extraordinary
success in building a powerful media infrastructure and reversing the media
dynamic that existed in the days of Watergate and Vietnam. But that
conservative accomplishment owes part of the credit to a parallel decision
by the progressive community to forsake media in favor of a focus on local
organizing -- a miscalculation on the importance of media that continues to
this day. April 29, 2005
Mystery of the Democrats'
New Spine
The biggest political mystery in Washington is what's caused the
surprising change in the Democrats, who are demonstrating uncustomary
courage in battling George W. Bush and the Republican congressional
majority. The Democrats were supposed to cower and compromise after the
disastrous Election 2004, but they have started to find their voice, perhaps
because they have new chances to speak on "progressive talk radio." April 26, 2005
Liberals: Bullies or
Whipping Boys?
Despite controlling the U.S. government and much of the national news
media, conservatives still get political mileage from portraying themselves
as victims of some all-powerful liberal conspiracy. But the challenge
is getting tougher for conservatives to convince the public that the
liberals are bullies, not whipping boys. April 11, 2005
Terri Schiavo & the
Right-Wing Machine
The media frenzy surrounding the Terri Schiavo case is new evidence of
the American Right’s ability to dominate national news cycles, a power that
has become possibly the most intimidating force in modern U.S. politics. In
the Schiavo case, however, the Right has discovered that even its impressive
message machinery sometimes can push the envelope too far. April 1, 2005
NYT Backs Off Bush-Iraq
Two weeks ago, the New York Times
editorial page was running with the press pack, giving George W. Bush's
invasion of Iraq credit for supposedly sparking a renaissance of democracy
in the Middle East. Consortiumnews.com was one of the first news outlets to
challenge that conventional wisdom, a position that the mighty Times has now
adopted as its own. March 18, 2005
Beating Bush at
'Information War'
Democrats are experiencing
deepening divisions over what strategy makes sense for Iraq -- supporting
George W. Bush in leaving U.S. troops there or opposing him by trying to
bring the troops home now. But there might be common ground for Democrats --
and traditional Republicans -- at least in demanding facts not only about
the current crisis but about the historical record of how the Reagan-Bush
administration started down the road of Middle East deceptions. March 16,
The Hypocrisy Taboo
George W. Bush gets a pass on his
hypocrisy when he lectures Russia and other countries about democratic
freedoms. Off the table is Bush's long record of autocratic tendencies,
including his history of suppressing votes for his rivals that otherwise
might have meant his defeat. February 26, 2005
Bush & the Rise of
The U.S. political system is
undergoing a transformation that could spell the beginning of a new kind of
one-party state, what might be called "managed democracy" where elections
are still held but power is not seriously at stake. Conservatives now see
George W. Bush's second term as this historic opportunity to lock in
near-permanent control for the Republican Party, while Democrats and
liberals have been slow to sense the danger. February 12,
Washington's 'Ricky
Proehl Syndrome'
Former St. Louis Rams receiver
Ricky Proehl may have taught the sports world -- and himself -- a lesson
with his premature boasting about a Rams "dynasty" before Super Bowl XXXVI
in 2002. But Proehl's cautionary tale, which recalls the old saying that
"pride goeth before a fall," is not a lesson that has stuck with the world
of Washington punditry, at great cost to the country. February 8,
Sinking in Deeper
U.S. politicians and the national
press corps are hailing the Iraqi election as a turning point in the Iraq
War and vindication for George W. Bush's aggressive Middle East policies.
But there is a potential dark side, as U.S. troops may find the election
outcome dragging them deeper into the long and bloody history of sectarian
violence between Iraq's Shiite majority and the Sunni minority. February 3,
Money, Media & the Mess
in America
Two conservative columnists --
Armstrong Williams and Maggie Gallagher -- are taking heat for taking Bush
administration money while they were promoting White House policies. Even
right-wing colleagues are shaking fingers, but the truth is that the ethical
line separating the conservative media and Republican officials has long
since been wiped away, at great cost to the American people and their
democratic institutions. January 28, 2005
It's the Media, Stupid!
Political analysts are poring over
Election 2004 looking for lessons learned, including why George W. Bush's
highly negative campaign against John Kerry proved so successful. But what's
left out of these examinations is the pivotal role of the vast conservative
media infrastructure and the liberals' failure to counteract it. January 5, 2005
A Brief History of
Amid the O.J. Simpson-style
journalism of the mid-1990s, Consortiumnews.com was founded as a home for
important, well-reported stories that both examined the past and raised
warning flags about the future. In this short history of "the Internet's
first investigative 'Zine," we explain how the Web site began, what it tried
to reveal to the American people, and where it has fallen short. December
21, 2004
Hung Out to Dry: How
Webb's Series Died
In 1997, editors at the San Jose
Mercury News pulled the rug out from under reporter Gary Webb and his
investigation of the Reagan-Bush contra-cocaine scandal, a decision that
contributed seven years later to Webb's suicide. To give readers a fuller
understanding of that journalistic betrayal, we are republishing an account
written in 1997 by Georg Hodel, a reporter who was collaborating with Webb
on his historic series. December
16, 2004
America's Debt to
Journalist Gary Webb
The apparent suicide of journalist
Gary Webb is more than a personal tragedy. It is a reminder of the ugly role
the major news media played in destroying Webb's career in the late 1990s
when he tried to break through the long-running cover-up of the
contra-cocaine scandal. The bitter irony is that even when the CIA admitted
its institutional guilt in drug smuggling by the Nicaraguan contras, the
nation's leading newspapers insisted on continuing the cover-up. December
13, 2004
More Bang for the Penny:
Media's Hope
Shoe-string media outlets, like our own Consortiumnews.com, may offer
hope for a resurgence of independent journalism by demonstrating how
cost-effective Internet-based outlets can be. With more than 1.3 million
readers this year, our ratio of expenses to visitors is a fraction of a
penny per reader. But serious money is still needed to take advantage of
this opening. December 6, 2004
Big Media's Democracy
Double Standards
The Washington Post and other big U.S. news organizations are citing
voting irregularities, including exit polls favoring the challenger, to
justify overturning official presidential election results in the Ukraine.
In the United States, however, the Post and other news outlets have applied
a different standard, mocking concerns from U.S. citizens about voting fraud
as "conspiracy theory" undeserving of investigation. November 23, 2004
Big Media, Some Nerve!
The major U.S. news media has missed scandal stories involving the
Bush family from the 1980s -- the days of Iran-Contra -- to the current
administration's bogus claims about Iraq's WMD. But that sorry performance
hasn't given these outlets pause as they criticize rank-and-file Americans
who suspect that the Nov. 2 election wasn't on the up and up. November 13, 2004
Washington Post's Sloppy
The Washington Post and the big media have spoken: Questions about Nov.
2 voting irregularities and George W. Bush’s unusual vote tallies are just
the ravings of Internet conspiracy theorists. But, instead of attacking us,
they would serve their readers and our democracy better by focusing more
carefully on the actual vote totals. November 12, 2004
Top Priority: Media
Liberals face an urgent challenge to
begin correcting the imbalance in the U.S. news media that has been caused
by a quarter-century-old conservative commitment to build right-wing media
outlets, ranging from a 24-hour cable news network to Internet
bloggers. Some of the consequences include causing the mainstream press to
scuttle ever rightward and solidifying rural America as "red-state"
bastions. November 4, 2004
Jon Stewart v. 'Perception
The unrelenting bad news from Iraq is
testing the limits of the old Reagan-Bush strategy of "perception
management," using propaganda techniques to influence how the American
people view international events. But another threat is the emergence of
dissident sources of news, including the parody news program, Jon Stewart's
"The Daily Show." October 26, 2004
Rating Reagan: A Bogus Legacy
The U.S. press corps is
falling over itself with tributes to the late Ronald Reagan. But is it right
to credit Reagan with "winning the Cold War?" Or was he simply a front man
for conservative ideologues who wildly overestimated the Soviet Union's
strength to justify continuing the bloody shadow struggle? June 7, 2004
NYT's Apologies Miss the Point
The New York Times now
admits that it published "misinformation" about Iraq's weapons of mass
destruction, but the newspaper of record hasn't really explained why. The
Times won't acknowledge that it has long toed the conservative line in its
news columns. June 2, 2004
Bush-Cheney Redux
The New York Times and
other big news outlets are repeating a pattern from Campaign 2000 --
promoting Bush-Cheney accusations against a Democrat while ignoring the
same behavior by Bush and Cheney. In this case, it's all about John
Kerry's supposed flip-flops as if George W. Bush hasn't flip-flopped
himself. March 7,
Will the Media Let Bush
George W. Bush is slipping in the polls as bloodshed continues in
Iraq, the U.S. budget deficit widens to historic proportions, and nearly three
million jobs have disappeared. But the U.S. news media keeps describing Bush as
the "popular war-time president," a stock phrase that may conceal the political
trouble he's in. September 16, 2003
Bush's 'Nation of
As George W. Bush presses ahead with plans to invade Iraq, the U.S. political
system is acting like a "nation of enablers." Editorial. January 27, 2003
Price of the 'Liberal
Media' Myth
Over the past decades, a basic tenet of U.S. conservative ideology has been that
the national news media is "liberal," a complaint that has fed the Right's
pugnacious political style. January 1, 2003
In Search of the Liberal
One reporter's quest to find the legendary "liberal media." [Reprinted
from the July/August 1998 issue of Extra!]
Gore & the Need for a
Al Gore's decision not to run for the White House leaves unresolved a debate that
was just beginning: what must be done to build a "counter-media" that can
prevent the kinds of press distortions that proved decisive in Election 2000. Editorial.
December 19, 2002
Media-Homeless Liberals
The conservative media has reshaped American politics by giving a "media
home" to conservatives across the country. Now, it's the liberals who find themselves
"media homeless." Editorial. November 13, 2002
What to Do About the Media Mess
The American
people get a steady diet of the Bush administration's political message. So why is there
so little TV time for Al Gore -- who got the most votes in Election 2000 -- and other
Democratic presidential contenders to make their case to the public? Editorial. September
2, 2002
David Brock & the Watergate Legacy
David Brock's Blinded
by the Right tells the back story of the ideological war against Bill Clinton, but
there is a deeper back story of the conservative attack machine that traces back to
Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal. May 6, 2002
Giving War a Chance
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is one of the
most influential foreign-policy journalists of his age. But his commentaries sometimes
offer glib recommendations to "give war a chance" or to frighten foreign
countries with seemingly crazy U.S. policymakers. A media critique by Norman Solomon.
March 6, 2002
Dissing Democracy
Major news
outlets have gone silent about their presidential-election recount stories following the
disclosure that they misunderstood the plans of a key judge and thus mistakenly reported
that George W. Bush would have prevailed. December 5, 2001
The What-If's of Sept. 11
History took
a dangerous turn with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But could the tragedy have been
avoided -- and have Washington's political-journalistic elites learned any lasting
lessons? October 18, 2001
The U.S.
government is promising retribution against anyone who aided and abetted the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks. But what is the proper role for American journalists at such a moment?
Two longtime media critics offer their views -- Norman Solomon in When
Journalists Report for Duty and Martin A. Lee in Anti-Terrorism Questions for Bush. September 30, 2001
A Time to 'Earn This'
The message from the
movie Saving Private Ryan -- that Americans must "earn" the sacrifices
that have come before -- is a lost notion among many in Washington's media and political
elites. August 9, 2001
Superstation for Democracy
Getting American journalism back on
the right track will require a flagship for tough, honest reporting about important
events, a kind of "superstation for democracy." Editorial. July 25, 2001
The Media Is the Mess
A newspaper's belated findings about how the Bush campaign applied
disparate standards to the counting of Florida's overseas ballots is interesting history,
but also exposes how distorted the press coverage of Election 2000 was. July 17, 2001
Credibility Chasm
Is a new credibility gap opening in Washington? June 4, 2001
W's Bogus
The Washington Post has concluded that rules were bent to count the absentee votes
of Bush supporters while ballots of African-Americans were suppressed. June 2, 2001
The new political era is not one of civility but of a growing dissonance
between words and reality. May 30, 2001
A Quisling Press
The Washington Post has finally recognized the power of the Right-Wing Machine to
set the news media's agenda. May 7, 2001
Reasons -- What Went Wrong
Three recent news
events shed light on what went wrong with American democracy over the past half century,
as the nation compromised its principles -- and implicated young men like Bob Kerrey in
atrocities -- all for the Cold War. May 1, 2001
on Bended Knee
Wowed by George W.
Bush's handling of the China crisis, the national news media is behaving as it did during
the Reagan-Bush era, "on bended knee." April 17, 2001
Press Blows Florida -- Again
In one more rush to judgment, the
national news media exaggerates a partial tally by the Miami Herald into another
premature call of the 2000 election. February 27, 2001
What Can Be Done?
The U.S. democratic system is quite
clearly in trouble -- but the answers won't be easy. February 19, 2001
The pundits seem to have
forgotten that democratic legitimacy comes from the voters. December 6, 2000.
One Voter
Strikes Back
An American voter, fed up with
the media's exaggerations about Al Gore's exaggerations, has made a federal case out of
it. By Mollie Dickenson. November 7, 2000
While bashing Al Gore at every
turn, the national press corps has turned a blind eye to lying and hypocrisy by Gov.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. By Sam Parry. October 16, 2000
Is Media a Danger to Democracy?
The U.S. press has shied away from its historic duties.
By Robert Parry. March 21, 2000
Al Gore v. the Press
The press mangles Gore's words and wins his apology. By
Robert Parry. February 1, 2000
Dilemma: Deeper than Al Gore
Democrats face a huge money-in-politics disadvantage. By Robert
Parry. August 4, 1999 |