Comments on: From the Archive Series Volume 29, Number 360— Wednesday, December 25, 2024 Mon, 13 Apr 2020 08:24:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: markson Mon, 13 Apr 2020 08:24:42 +0000 This is indeed very helpful piece of article. thanks so much for sharing it. Thanks.

By: Jack Mack Sat, 14 Sep 2019 22:37:57 +0000 Over 100,000 immigrants per month are seeking a free ride and a life of contemptuous leisure in the USA, open entrance to our country and a pathway to citizenship and white tax dollars. Less than 10% of immigrant scum follow the process required under our current immigration laws. Yes, 90,000 out of every 100,00 immigrants, preferring criminality to legal process, go from seeking access legally to illegal entry into the US. That equals over 1 million added “entitleds”per year. Then they begin to sneeringly collect their “entitlements.” Their first stop is public housing, then food stamps and monetary assistance, then to medical clinics, then the majority of the females become pregnant or arrive pregnant and have an “anchor” baby here in the US. The commies controlling this country, like they do in Scandanavia, the European Union, and Britain, tell us we whites have no rights or voice in this matter. To make sure we toe the line, Antifa thugs have started new campaigns of communist intimidation and terrorism proving that our blood can be shed too, without any of the protection that our tax dollars pay for. Its time for martial law and a Civil War to the death ! Suddenly , white US taxpayers have another million mouths to feed and provide services to which turn out to be in far greater sums that our retired seniors living off of only $995/month from social security (YES THAT’s TRUE. WAKE UP!). In just the past 3 years the number of illegal immigrants has skyrocketed to 22 million plus. We are required to award each of these scum, $22 million, the cash or services equivalent of $1,500/ month that would amount to $33,000,000,000 (billion per month or $396,000,000,000 billion per year) just to pay for the importation of enemies into our very heartland. Add to that number the cost to incarcerate illegal immigrants, school millions of foreign language speekers, pay for massive riot control, and a host of a myriad of additional costs for parasite upkeep. Thus the democrats goal will be met, white people will be broke and bereft of old age survival. With that money, we could pay off our national 2 trillion debt in 7 years and provide our beloved senior citizens with a safe and respected retirement life. However, corrupt political-whore government officials (elected by voter fraud) don’t care, they are rich off of our taxes too. These hateful, evil illegal immigrants continue eating away at our country’s very core. We cannot continue this direction towards the Apocalypse of Worlds End and become another fourth world crap hole with the submissive white majority forced to pay the freight for a growing mass of evil overseers. This growing mass of white-hating minority parasites will follow the Swedish-Model by turning vast areas of US criminal sanctuary cities into no-go, immigrant-controlled zones of terror. In the meantime millions of senior citizens will begin to die of starvation. Down with the communist government! Up with President Trump!

There is nothing to love in America. We must love our families first and our senior citizens too. Why make the world safe for communist America? Its insane. Black nationalism means that we must defeat them before they totally africanize this tyrannical police state. White nationalism is sick because whites are the victims being forced to pay for their own subjugation. WAKE UP!

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By: Ben Dover Sun, 30 Oct 2016 19:54:31 +0000 Where are the Clinton scandals? The JFK scandals? Reid scandals? Pelosi scandals? Your site seems pretty one- sided.

By: Mon, 08 Aug 2016 16:58:17 +0000 In reply to Jeff Crespi.

great stuff

By: Jeff Crespi Sat, 11 Jul 2015 22:18:57 +0000 You inspired me on this.
All the best,
Jeff Crespi
JEB Stuart class of 70
