Category: Ukraine

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Blinded to Syria

Decades after deploying mass violence and rendering citizens grotesquely ignorant of the world, U.S.-led powers appear willing to risk world war, while reinventing a terrorist to lead what was a secular nation until last week.

LISTEN: The Two Puppets

There are parallels between their roles in Syria and Ukraine. But can Abu Mohammad Jolani be as easily controlled by the U.S., Israel and Turkey (who may have conflicting interests) as Volodymyr Zelensky?

WATCH: How to Stop a Nuclear War

Dennis Kucinich, Scott Ritter and Medea Benjamin met with citizens in Washington to discuss how they can get Congress to put a roadblock in the path towards nuclear annihilation.

Syria Is Absorbed Into the Empire

Maybe you would prefer to believe a plucky band of heroic freedom fighters bravely overthrew an evil supervillain dictator all on their own like some Hollywood movie, says Caitlin Johnstone.

US Bill Would Reverse ATACMS Order

A bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, if it were law, would reduce the danger of nuclear war over Ukraine by stopping U.S. ATACMS attacks on Russia, reports Joe Lauria.

CN Launches Drive in Time of Crisis

With several Mideast wars threatening to ignite the whole region; Ukraine in its most dangerous phase yet, and Consortium News fighting its own battles to continue, CN  urges your support at this turbulent time.