Category: Indonesia

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Blinded to Syria

Decades after deploying mass violence and rendering citizens grotesquely ignorant of the world, U.S.-led powers appear willing to risk world war, while reinventing a terrorist to lead what was a secular nation until last week.

Chris Hedges: Extermination Works. At First.

In the long term, this indiscriminate violence waged by Netanyahu and those driving Middle East policy in the White House creates adversaries that, sometimes a generation later, outdo in savagery — we call it terrorism.

A Master of Terror

Indonesian and Australian media are largely silent on Prabowo’s record in East Timor, writes Pat Walsh. This leaves voters in the dark about on an extended and revealing period of the likely next president of Indonesia.

The UN’s Vague ‘New Agenda for Peace’

Vijay Prashad says that the report — apart from identifying the conflict between the unipolar and multipolar worlds, and showing concern over the metastasizing weapons industry — throws moral scaffolding over hard realities it can’t directly confront.