Days after the White House agreed to provide Ukraine with landmines, protesters who have been victimized by the weapons were outside a landmine summit in Cambodia.

A landmine warning sign in Cambodia, 2012. (Jpatokal, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)
“Look what anti-personnel landmines will do to your people,” read a sign displayed by two of the protesters who gathered in Siem Reap, Cambodia. this week to confront delegates at a conference on the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty.
The people holding the sign were among those who took part in the demonstration while using wheelchairs or crutches due to the amputations and serious injuries they have suffered from landmine attacks.
More than 100 people lined a walkway leading to the conference venue on Sunday as the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit on a Mine-Free World opened.
The conference began days after the Biden administration announced a reversal of its own policy and approved a plan to provide anti-personnel landmines to Ukraine — a decision that was condemned by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and other human rights groups.
The U.S. Campaign to Ban Landmines strongly condemns any use, transfer of internationally-banned antipersonnel landmines to any country or actor. We urge the Biden administration to reverse its decision to transfer these indiscriminate weapons to Ukraine
— Ban Landmines USA (@banminesusa) November 23, 2024
As Amnesty International USA advocacy direct Ben Linden said last week, the weapons are “inherently indiscriminate” because they cause explosives to scatter across a wide region, putting people at risk long after conflicts end. The majority of landmine victims are children.
In 2023, at least 5,757 people were killed or maimed by landmines, 84 percent of whom were civilians. Over one-third were children.
In #Yemen, the #war has had and continues to have a huge impact on children's lives.
Landmines and unexploded ordnance have been the biggest killers of children in Yemen since the beginning of the conflict.#WorldChildrensDay— Masam Landmine Clearance Project – Yemen (@Masam_ENG) November 20, 2024
Alex Munyambabazi, who lost a leg to a landmine in 2005 in Uganda, was among those who assembled at the landmines summit.
“We don’t want to see any more victims like me, we don’t want to see any more suffering,” he told Agence France-Presse (AFP). “Every landmine planted is a child, a civilian, a woman, who is just waiting for their legs to be blown off, for his life to be taken. I am here to say we don’t want any more victims. No excuses, no exceptions.”
The U.S. and Russia are not signatories to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, but Ukraine is. According to U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Ukraine “asked” for anti-personnel landmines.
Tamar Gabelnick, director of ICBL, told AFP that Ukraine’s use of U.S.-supplied landmines would signify a “blatant disregard for their obligations under the mine ban treaty.”
Ukrainian delegates were present at the Siem Reap conference this week.
In a message delivered to delegates in Siem Reap, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres acknowledged the “important progress” made by the treaty, “with over 55 million anti-personnel devices destroyed across 13,000 square kilometers in over 60 countries, and thousands of people receiving lifesaving awareness education and victim assistance services.”
“I call on states parties to meet their obligations and ensure compliance to the convention, while addressing humanitarian and developmental impacts through financial and technical support,” he said. ” I also encourage all states that have not yet acceded to the convention to join the 164 that have done so.”
“A world without anti-personnel mines is not just possible,” Guterres said. “It is within reach.”
Julia Conley is a staff writer for Common Dreams.
This article is from Common Dreams.
Views expressed in this article and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
Landmines, cluster bombs and depleted uranium. How cynical the whole ‘supporting Ukraine’ lie is.
The US will not agree to any treaty that might cut into the profits of the arms industry.
These are the liberals running the government? The emperor wears no clothes.
Instead, how about a pro-life alternative, Killer Joe?
Cambodia is a place where African giant pouched rats, the HeroRATS of APOPO, are being deployed as mine detectors. APOPO is the organization training these rats to sniff out lethal leftovers in SE Asia and in parts of Africa. They’re also being trained to detect TB or illegal trafficking of wildlife and animal parts like ivory and pangolin scales. The rats are very well cared for, including after their retirement. The human staff members, including MDs and PhDs, are from all over the world but emphasis is on local.
Programs like this are what we in the west should be sponsoring instead of yet more death.
One of the rats was awarded a gold medal for “life-saving devotion to duty in the clearance of deadly landmines in Cambodia”.
‘ “To receive this medal is an honour,” Apopo chief executive Christophe Cox told the Press Association news agency. “But also, it is big for the people of Cambodia and all the people around the world who are suffering with landmines.” ‘
‘Mine-detecting rat wins PDSA Gold Medal for work in Cambodia’, Khmer Times, 25 September 2020
Since when do the US government or military care about civilian casualties?
They deliberately ignore all treaties to which they are signatories, and provide these vicious weapons regardless of consequences. This is the behaviour of a corrupt, immoral, and evil regime.
And they still have the gall to claim they are defenders of freedom and democracy! In reality, they are the opposite. Nasty petty tyrants.
Does anyone wonder why this 76 yearsold California commenter used to be an Everytime All Dem Voter… but… this time out didn’t bother… Herr Drumph regardless!
Blinken’s Biden will go down in Presidential infamy as narrow bigot minded Zionist heathens (“it can also mean an uncivilized person”) where killing civilians, especially babies, and starving the civilian population constitute their “speciality”. Could there be anything worse to produce disgust, such abhorrence? Such disgust and opprobrium that have exceeded the capacity of the English vocabulary to precisely convey it?
Ukraine, a signatory to the Convention, asked for mines. What a slap in the face for Cambodia, which has been training Ukrainian DEminers. (See, eg., Khmer Times, ‘CMAC trains 14 more Ukrainians on using demining equipment’, August 8 2024.)