Sam Husseini reviews the web of connections linking Jeffrey Epstein to Israeli intelligence, U.S. presidents and the current U.S. secretary of state.

Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City where Jeffrey Epstein was being held at the time of his death, awaiting trial for sex trafficking. (Jim Henderson, CC0, Wikimedia Commons)
Just days before Election Day, WikiLeaks reported: “Author of book about the Trump White House, Michael Wolff, claims to have 100 hours of Epstein talking about Trump but releases only a one minute fragment.”
More along these lines is now atop pages like The Daily Beast with journalistic scoops like “Epstein claiming Trump liked to ‘f—’ his friends’ wives.”
I didn’t realize until recently that Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather, Samuel Pisar — who Blinken has invoked at high profile events — was not only lawyer and confidant to media mogul and Mossad “super spy” Robert Maxwell but apparently to Jeffrey Epstein himself.
Robert Maxwell was of course father of Ghislaine Maxwell who was Epstein’s partner in crime.

Mug shot of Epstein from Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department in 2006. (Wikimedia Commons)
It has been largely kept from public view and understanding in numerous ways, but there is substantial evidence that the Epstein network was involved in gathering information on political figures from both parties which could be used for blackmail. The molesting of the girls was often apparently the insidious means, not the ultimate goal. The above referenced Daily Beast piece, to take the most recent example, does not contain the word “blackmail.”
Elizabeth Vos of Consortium News has reported that “Epstein’s death was ruled a ‘suicide’ by New York’s chief medical examiner. A pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother said it was homicide.”
Blinken has a very long relationship with U.S. President Joe Biden. In 2002, he was appointed staff director for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Biden was the chair of the committee and played a critical role in ensuring the invasion. He was Biden’s national security adviser when Biden was vice president.
Biden has repeatedly displayed a propensity for touching females — including young girls — inappropriately.
Many have argued that Biden and Blinken have been more supportive of Israeli criminality than any other U.S. administration. What other factors and mechanisms might be at play besides the power of the Israel lobby and alleged strategic imperatives?
Of course slaughtering thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza overshadows any sexual abuse Epstein and his political associates committed.
Sarah Kendzior has noted that in addition to Pisar being Maxwell’s lawyer, “after Maxwell died, Pisar became Jeffrey Epstein’s advisor.” She describes Maxwell as an Israeli “superspy” who “socialized with Trump and a variety of Iran-Contra operatives in the 1980s.”
She cites the French outlet Le Parisien which reported in 2019 that Pisar “acted as an intermediary between Epstein” and the law firm representing him.
Whitney Webb, author of One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, has reported that “Alex Acosta — who arranged Epstein’s ‘sweetheart’ deal in 2008 and resigned as Donald Trump’s labor secretary following Epstein’s arrest — claimed that the mysterious billionaire had worked for ‘intelligence.’” Some have assumed that meant C.I.A., but as Webb has argued, it could well (also) mean Mossad.
Maxwell’s father, Robert, worked with the Mossad according to several books including Seymour Hersh’s The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy.

Robert Maxwell, at right, during the Global Economic Panel meeting in April 1989 in Amsterdam. From left: Dutch businessman Wisse Dekker, Dutch politician Hans van den Broek, and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. (Rob Bogaerts, ANEFO, Nationaal Archief NL, Wikimedia Commons, CC0)
Webb notes:
“In exchange for his services, the Mossad helped Maxwell satisfy his sexual appetite during his visits to Israel, providing him with prostitutes, [whom] ‘the service maintained for blackmail purposes.’”
See Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad by Gordon Thomas.
Israel used a “honey trap” to lure Mordichai Vanunu who exposed Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal from England to Italy where they kidnapped him.
According to his obit in the Scotsman, “Pisar was one of the last people to speak to Maxwell, by phone, probably an hour before the chairman of Mirror Group Newspapers fell off his luxury yacht the Lady Ghislaine on 5 November, 1991.”
Blinken has had strident pro-Israel positions throughout his career. He was a hawk on Syria while working under Secretary of State John Kerry with a consistent pro war record, and he advanced a myriad of hyper interventionist policies including dividing Iraq.

Kerry and Blinken in the State Department cafeteria in February 2016. (State Department/Public domain)
When I tried to question Biden in 2007 about how he helped make the Iraq invasion possible, Blinken ran interference, lying about the hearings Biden chaired that helped set the stage for the invasion.
Regarding Pisar, Webb has reported:
“Notably, in the early 1970s, Samuel Pisar told Congress that the world was moving ‘toward a single, unified world economy, in disregard of national frontiers, and even ideological boundaries.’ … Samuel Pisar also represented [Armand] Hammer’s business interests. Hammer notably served as a back channel between the Americans and the Soviets. … Notably, Apple’s Steve Jobs was advised by Samuel Pisar. Jobs later stated that his 1985 trip to the USSR had been ‘facilitated by an international lawyer based in Paris’ and that Jobs had a ‘feeling’ that this attorney ‘worked for the CIA or the KGB.’ That lawyer was almost certainly Pisar.”
There is evidence Israel tried to blackmail other U.S. presidents.
For example, in 2014, the Times of Israel reported:
“Israel attempted to use tapes of former US president Bill Clinton’s steamy conversations with intern Monica Lewinsky to leverage the release of Jonathan Pollard, a new book on the Clinton family’s political enterprises has claimed. In the book, titled Clinton Inc: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine, author Daniel Halper relies on on-the-record interviews with former officials together with a close analysis of documents termed ‘the Monica Files’ to paint a salacious – and uncomplimentary – picture of one of the most prominent political families in the United States.”

Clinton and Epstein at the White House during an event for White House restoration donors, September 1993. Ghislaine Maxwell on right. (White House, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)
Jeffrey Epstein of course was quite connected to both Clinton and Trump. He owned a painting of Clinton in a blue dress, an obvious allusion to Lewinsky’s semen stained dress that proved she had sexual relations with Clinton following his denials.
Clinton would bomb Sudan and Iraq at times that coincided with the impeachment proceedings stemming from his lies about his relationship with Lewinsky. Were those bombings a distraction from his scandals, or were they his doing the bidding of the war state?
(See my piece “Worse than any Payoff” which examines the “Cases of Trump and Clinton: Do presidents bomb other countries to distract from their scandals; or does the ‘Deep State’ effectively use scandals and other mechanisms to push presidents to bomb?”)
Clinton was recently criticized for admonishing Arab Americans in Michigan to vote for Harris. Lewinsky herself just posted her support of Harris.
There are likely other instances in which Israel tried to leverage dirt on U.S. presidents. For example, Ronald Reagan’s second term was overshadowed with the Iran-Contra scandal, which Israel had a role in, see reporting by the late Robert Parry: “How Neocons Messed Up the Mideast”:
“Ronald Reagan’s neocon aides cleared the way for Israeli arms sales to Iran in 1981, shortly after Iran freed 52 U.S. hostages whose captivity doomed [President] Jimmy Carter’s reelection. The move also planted the seeds of the Iran-Contra scandal.”
A second-term scandal-free president may pose a threat to the pro-Israeli establishment.
Interestingly, Parry also reports that Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, would later tell Carter:
“In 1980 the Republicans approached me with an arms deal [for the PLO] if I could arrange to keep the hostages in Iran until after the [U.S. presidential] election.”
Presumably the Israelis played ball with the Republicans but the Palestinians didn’t.
Also see my piece “Russiagate’ Was Israelgate.”
(Antony Blinken went to Harvard for his undergraduate degree. After he graduated in 1984, he interned at The New Republic when pro-Israeli diehard Martin Peretz was editor-in-chief. Epstein and his associate Alan Dershowitz are of course also connected to Harvard. Blinken went to the Dalton School in New York City until 1971 when his mother married Pisar and they moved to Paris. Epstein was hired by the Dalton School several years later by former OSS officer Donald Barr, the father of onetime C.I.A. analyst and two time attorney general, Bill Barr. Bill Barr oversaw the Iran-Contra pardons in 1992.)
In a 2009 profile, The New York Times wrote that Pisar survived Nazi concentration camps
“by becoming pitiless and cruel, finding older protectors and ways to seem privileged in a hierarchy of despair, like persuading a prisoner-tailor to refashion a cap so that the stripes on the top perfectly met the stripes on the side. … Mr. Pisar said he learned that ‘if you followed the law then you were dead.’ He reacted like an animal, he said. ‘I had to learn bad habits, to be good at lying and make instant judgments about people, what they were saying, what they really thought, and not just the guards and torturers, but my fellow prisoners, too,’ he said. ‘I was a cute kid, and there were a lot of psychotics around.’”
Antony Blinken’s grandfather was Maurice Blinken, who founded the American Palestine Institute after World War II. In his New York Times obituary in 1986 the paper reported:
“In 1946, under Mr. Blinken’s direction, the institute initiated and financed a report by several economists, ‘Palestine: Problem and Promise,’ which argued that an independent Jewish state was economically viable.
This rebutted a British white paper that contended Palestine could not economically support a large immigrant population.
The institute’s report is said to have helped persuade the United States Government to support the establishment of the State of Israel.
As Biden and Blinken took office in 2021, Israel had gotten just under $300 billion from the U.S. taxpayer since its founding just in overt economic and military aid. Biden has accelerated that dramatically. The Costs of War Project at Brown University recently estimated the “cost of war in Gaza and beyond to U.S. taxpayers is conservatively estimated to be $22.76 billion.”
Chris Hedges noted when Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced in 2022
“Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, hedge-fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, former Secretary of the Treasury and former president of Harvard Larry Summers, Stephen Pinker, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, billionaire Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner, the J.P. Morgan banker Jes Staley, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, real estate mogul Mort Zuckerman, former Maine senator George Mitchell, Harvey Weinstein and many others who were at least present and most likely participated in Epstein’s perpetual Bacchanalia, are not in court. … Epstein’s death in a New York jail cell, while officially ruled a suicide, is in the eyes of many credible investigators a murder.”
Sam Husseini is an independent journalist based near D.C. He is on Twitter: @samhusseini.
This article is from the author’s Substack.
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
“The institute’s report is said to have helped persuade the United States Government to support the establishment of the State of Israel.”
I am struck by how much opposition there was to this from within the Truman administration. One such opponent was James Forrestal who left the administration and then reportedly went mad and jumped to his death out of a hospital window.
But why would a former government official be treated in Bethesda Naval Hospital and why would someone who was supposedly suffering from mental illness be placed on the sixteenth floor?
Those aren’t the
droidsorderlies you’re looking for.Kamala Harris needed the political support of the Arab-, Muslim- and Palestinian-American electorate, particularly those of the swing-state Michigan, a generally strongly pro-Palestinian demographic who are particularly sickened by the regular mass slaughter occurring in Palestine for many months now.
Yet, for the last year or so, the U.S. presidential administration, of which she is vice president, seems to have been essentially saying to the Israeli government and/or Israel Defense Forces: ‘Here are our best bombs for your unconditional use, as per usual; but, for the political and media record: please do not use them against non-combatant civilians.’ … Israel’s reply seems to have been, ‘Duly noted’, while continuing its bloody business-as-usual.
In April, when the administration had finally called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the timing gave it a strong odor of political expediency — for re-election purposes. Since then, there’s been multiple requests for ceasefires by the administration — all as it flagrantly continued to fully arm thus enable Israel to do as it deems bloody fit.
Meantime, a sizable chunk of traditionally Democrat voters — adamantly against and angry about the intentional large-scale starvation and mass slaughter by Israel against Palestinian non-combatants — credibly threatened to punish the administration through presidential candidate Kamala Harris at the ballot box.
Judging from their rightful passion and the seriousness of the human crisis involved, it was doubtful the most adamantly pro-Palestinian and anti-war demonstrators and voters would compromise, sell their souls, by politically forgiving the Biden/Harris administration come election day for the very consequential stance it took/takes in continuing to provide Israel with the mass-casualty weaponry being used against Palestinian non-combatants.
I, for one, honestly could/can not blame that electorate for maintaining their moral stand. And it really serves right the institutional Democratic party if it (via its establishment candidate, Kamala) lost the presidential election over this — perhaps through the vocally pro-Palestinian and morally conscientious Jill Stein candidate, who, quite notably and to her credit, is also Jewish.
Trash piece with no coherence.
Kinda like Walter Winchell.
Are you guys doing tabloid journalism now?
Illuminating article..!
Until recently I felt Blinken was simply incompetent, but now understand he has been entirely complicit in all of the foreign policy disasters which distinguish the Biden administration’s legacy.
He’s still incompetent, and utterly unself-aware.
It looks like religious warfare by all the world players to compromise each other using the religious sexual repression of civilization as a weapon to defame and destroy each other for profit on pains. Bill Casey also got Reagan in over Bush via the New Hampshire primary when he took over the campaign and worked on the sabotage of the Carter secret hostage negotiation in Spain. The order of Malta CIA branch. Was there a CIA war triggered when Dulles left the CIA?
All the ages of religious wars following the Roman takeover of monotheism as weapon for their occupation of the Middle East that soon got out of control and became an empire of its own causing the formation of others for self defense in world affairs for god given rights.
And now with atheist communism out of the way the battle of Chieftain orthodoxies is back in the Ukraine and for culture war to. dominate Asia too.
The world needs a better more ecologically effective model than permanent religious dominance bad behavioral sexual warfare.
So what does Israel have on Harris …
So what does Israel have on Trump …
The Doe v Trump (2016) case gives you some probable insight into what elements within the Israeli government interfaced with a transnational intelligence cabal likely have on him (to say nothing of the Adelsons being major campaign financiers, the influence of Jared Kushner, etc.).
While there is perhaps a bit more ambiguity in Harris’s case, the following article appears to shed light on the ways that she is financially and emotionally beholden to those elements as well, with one very likely conduit being her husband Doug Emhoff:
“Kamala Harris bemoaned the influence of the powerful and connected elite last Tuesday when she called on top Justice Department officials to recuse themselves from any matter related to Jeffrey Epstein. She said their former law firm’s work on behalf of the financier accused of sexual abuse ‘calls into question the integrity of our legal system.’
Yet the same day, Harris’ husband [Doug Emhoff] headlined a Chicago fundraiser for her presidential campaign that was hosted by six partners of that firm — Kirkland and Ellis, according to an invitation obtained by The Associated Press [for more interesting details, see Hannah Sarisohn, “Doug Emhoff Navigates Dual Empathy in Israeli-Palestinian Tragedy,” The Jerusalem Post, Oct. 15, 2024].”
“Kamala Harris Blasts, Then Takes Money From Epstein’s Law Firm for 2020 Campaign,” CBS News, July 16, 2019
Biden’s total and abject servility to Netanjahu strongly suggests the possibility of blackmail managed by Mossad. This article seems
to hint at this possibility noting his reputation for fondling women and girls but doesn’t pursue it. Biden is by nature a lickspittle kind of
guy and his extreme loyalty to the Israeli’s needs way more inquiry. He doesn’t have the strength of character to possess the kind of loyalty he demonstrates for Netanjahu.
I don’t think Biden is being blackmailed. He’s simple-minded, and really believes that Israel cannot be anything other than righteous. But who knows? Maybe someday we’ll find out for sure.
I’ve long suspected that similar blackmail methodology is also utilized by various Big Business/Corporate lobbies. ‘Dirt’ on a president or prime minister, especially ones seeking another term, can be much more valuable to a lobby-client’s interests than a huge financial donation to the relevant political candidate’s reelection campaign.
A Palestinian-American briefly interviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s TV news channel about ten days ago said she was actually going to cast her ballot for Trump this election instead of her usual vote for the Democratic candidate. Why exactly, she didn’t specify, other than the obvious Biden/Harris administration’s unconditional arming of Israel’s mind-bogglingly massive starvation, sickening and slaughter of Palestinians over the last year.
However, it’s likely also due to the Democrats’ neo or phony liberalism on this great-human-disaster issue: they should be well above Trump’s unconditionally pro-Israel foreign policy. Recall, for example, that he even appointed his Jewish son-in-law (Jared Kushner) to head his administration’s Israel-Palestine portfolio (which, to me, seems like a bit of a conflict of interest on Kushner’s part).
But the Democrats are not much or not at all above Trump’s as well as the Republican party’s transparent, very-long-standing thus expected unconditional political and military-arms support of Israel. In their phoniness, at least on this issue, the Democrats want to both have and eat their cake by expecting the political support of pro-Palestinian and anti-war Arab-, Muslim- and Palestinian-Americans.
“Do presidents bomb other countries to distract from their scandals?”
How about prime ministers?
I’m going to repost this, bloody good job mate
Not directly related to this article but very important.
We need to unleash the Sword of Damocles and Sinwar’s Stick. Here’s an interview with Jacob Cohen, author of The Spring of Sayanim which is being prevented from being translated into English. hxxps://
Also a review of said book by Paul Codenec. hxxps://