The media constantly deploy an anti-Semitic trope of crucial use to the Western power elite — that on Gaza, it is Israel pulling the strings in Washington, writes Jonathan Cook.

Offices of The Guardian in London, 2011. (Stephen Curry, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)
By Jonathan Cook
From Monday’s Guardian editorial: “Despite being Israel’s primary arms supplier, the U.S. has failed to secure a ceasefire or hostage deal in Gaza, exposing Mr Biden’s lack of influence.”
No, Guardian. It exposes something quite different — and all too obvious. U.S. President Joe Biden, like the rest of Washington, is right behind the genocide.
Ask yourself this. Why is an editorial in The Guardian, a supposedly left-liberal newspaper that spent years policing the left’s discourse on Israel — and looking for any hint of anti-Semitism, as part of a campaign to bring down former Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn – peddling an argument that, in any other circumstance, it would call out as a clear anti-Semitic trope?
This is what The Guardian is claiming:
That the president of the U.S. imperium, the commander-in-chief of the most powerful army the world has ever known, is incapable of standing up to tiny Israel. That, despite the U.S. supplying almost all the weapons Israel has needed to lay waste to Gaza, the Biden administration is powerless, it has no “influence” over Israel.
Is Israel pulling the strings in Washington, Guardian? Maybe Israel’s long tentacles are wrapped so far around the globe that they reach the Oval Office?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Biden in the Oval Office on July 25. (C-span still)
The fact that The Guardian, and the rest of the Western media, freely and constantly deploy this anti-Semitic trope about the U.S. being powerless to influence Israel — and no one says a thing in response — tells us something. It tells us that this particular anti-Semitic trope is crucially useful for the Western power elite.
What use could it be?
This: Israel serves as the perfect alibi as the West extends its control over the oil-rich Middle East, disrupting the emergence of any non-subservient power blocs that might ally with potential rivals like China and Russia. And all the while, Washington can redirect the blame to a supposedly defiant Israel — or more specifically, a rogue Benjamin Netanyahu — for committing the atrocities the U.S. empire needs to maintain that control.
Israel is the West’s Teflon coating.
Israel carries out a genocide in Gaza, sending a message beloved by all gangsters that defiance is not only futile but suicidal.
Israel further hollows out the sovereign state of Lebanon, and tries to reignite its lengthy, catastrophic, sectarian civil war.
Israel isolates and boxes in Iran from its allies, and provides the belligerent mood music to stop at any cost Tehran from developing a nuclear arsenal equivalent to the one that Israel already possesses.
And Israel helps to foment the conviction among Western publics that they are in a permanent, existential clash of civilisations against a barbarian, Muslim East — a supposed clash that requires more expenditure on the West’s war-waging, homeland security and surveillance industries, and more austerity measures on public services to pay for it all.
Meanwhile, the same Western publics are encouraged to devote their attention, not to these endless resource grabs from the power-elite, but to a supposed threat posed by immigrants fleeing to our shores from the wars we initiated on their shores.
And if we raise our voice to protest any of this? Be in no doubt. The Guardian and the rest of the establishment media will be only too sure to remind us that it is we who are the anti-Semites.
Jonathan Cook is an award-winning British journalist. He was based in Nazareth, Israel, for 20 years. He returned to the U.K. in 2021.He is the author of three books on the Israel-Palestine conflict: Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish State (2006), Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (2008) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair (2008). If you appreciate his articles, please consider offering your financial support.
This article is from the author’s blog, Jonathan
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
The US’s powerful economic component to its global hegemony drive, a summary of what Michael Hudson has to say in his book “Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of America”: hxxps://
If one goes back to Jeffery Epstein and his operation, the connceting dots are much clearer.
Guardian: “Ultimately, Mr Biden’s Middle East legacy risks being defined by the failure of the US-led international order to uphold its founding ideals”
Anyone can cite “founding ideals” of “US-led international order” other than stuff like “full-spectrum dominance”?
I understand that this is “aspirational rhetoric”, referring not to facts but what should be.
There is a religion created for antisemitism and weaponizing monotheistic mythology that resulted in the invention of other monotheistic religions for warfare spreading all around the world like a militaristic virus that threaten all of civilization.
In this era all of the world karmic entanglements will have to be faced on a realistic basis and historical reevaluation.
If you want a benchmark to judge how biased the ‘western’ media is, check out today’s stories about the UN’s ICC issuing an arrest warrant against Netanyahu for Genocide.
The American media is stressing the word ‘alledged’. But, when you read other ‘papers’ or ‘news sites’ around the world, one does not see this. The American media stresses the Israeli reaction to this, and gives their words full credibility. The editors at NBC choose to put a ‘Hamas supports’ statement right after the Israeli statement, Thus, the Israeli words about how this is an act of terrorism got connected in the reader’s eye with “Hamas supports”
The American media has erased the reactions of the rest of the world to these warrants. The rest of the world is supportive. Even the war minister of the EU, Borrell, supported these and says they are of ‘mandatory execution’ for EU nations. The American media has completely censored this, and the many other voicing of world opinion against the ongoing American support, Israeli genocide. Instead, the American media focuses on the American denunciations of this court that dares to try to stop the Genocide.
Meanwhile, this latest story has pushed the very limited acknowledgement in the American media of America’s vote in the UNSC that the Genocide must continue completely into the background. Instead of a picture of the African-American with their hand raised for genocide, what coverage of the “middle east” is now limited to pro-Genocide voices in America and their condemnations of the UN and the UN’s ICC.
Of course, the one thing that can not be admitted, not even by most of the rest of the world, is that America is waist-deep in the blood.
In other words, all in the same manner that Goebbels built his support for the decisions of his National Socialist party. One can almost substitute Goebbels phrase about ‘an international Jewish conspiracy’ for the statements that these modern attempts at justice are really terrorism and the acts of the ‘international Iranian conspiracy’.
Lots of people have known this for some time and the alt-media, the smaller of those have been discussing this along with history. France has been over run with the Zionist plan that mimics the WEF and is most likely in cahoots with them. The attacks by Zionist supporter on soccer fans is the 2nd in 10 days, the first occurring in Amsterdam. It’s quite apparent the Zionists are in control of the collective West, because otherwise why would they be supporting another genocide when they supposedly fought against they used to destroy Hitler. Imagine what Tsar of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, Lumumba, Napoleon, Allende, Gaddafi, and so many others over the years in South America, Africa and East Asia. These leaders all wanted the control of their own resources and many wanted or tried to create national banks. Hitler was named man of the year and appeared on the cover of Time Magazine for bringing his economy back in 6 short years after WW 1
After Hitler came to power and pulled Germany out of the devastation of WWI, he did it so damn well by creating a state bank that was so successful that Germany’s GDP had increased 100% from 1933-1939. It was a “miracle” Time magazine said and had him on the front cover as man of the year, and all without the usury of Central Banks. Frightened the Bank of England and the Rothschilds so much for fear they’d lose their empire if other countries emulated Germany, that Great Britain promised Poland sovereignty if they would antagonize the German population of Poland which they did, killing 58,000 German citizens and culminating in the Bromberg massacre of Sept. 3, 1939 in which 5,500 people were murdered and which brought Hitler to invade Poland in defense of his people, much like what happened between Ukraine and Russia. And again, much like Russia and Ukraine and the Minsk agreement, Hitler tried to make peace and offered up the Marienwerder proposals. Britain intervened on the order of international bankers and advised Poland not to negotiate. Hitler made at least 28 known attempts at peace without condition; they were all refused.
Trying to escape from monetary enslavement of Central Banks has killed millions. It is not by accident we do not learn this history in our public schools. We need an entire world to realize that these central banks must go for a new and better world to form.
If we are referring to politicians looking for votes and money to support their campaigns for public office, both major parties are very aware of what The Israel Lobby (both Jewish AND Christian Zionists) want. The Democrats, in particular, are aware also, of what the anti Zionists want.
If we are only referring to the powers behind the scenes in Washington (and other capitals in the West) for the past 20-35 years, the neo-cons (nearly all of them Jewish Zionists) are clearly the predominant voice making U. S. policy, coupled with a compliant, overwhelmingly Zionist media, all in the background of Zionist Hollywood, and Zionist TV, both of which shape public opinion not only in the U. S., but throughout the English speaking world.
Not only anglophone! France is greatly controlled by the aipac- like zionist associations such as LICRA and CRIF.
Reagan soon put a stop to Israel’s bombardment of West Beirut in 1982.
All it took was one phone call to Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
It’s a bad, bad situation, and only when the Saudi & Emirates wake up to the fact that they have expansionists in their region will the US & the UK pull back.
Can’t see China getting involved.
Mr. Cook fails to convince me here his first five lines. The entire article misses a great parcel of truth involved in all of this which as a loyal U.S. citizen , I totally oppose the U.S.A. / Israel status quo, I feel I must address. Patriotism is supporting country all the time and your government when it deserves it. If my government told me the truth I might agree or I might not. My role is to question the unexplained hemorrhage of weapons and money.
He quotes the Guardian as exposing Biden as having no influence over Israel, going further, even though Biden supplies Israel with the weapons it needs, he has no influence in gaining a cease fire or a hostage deal. Claiming the Guardian statement exposes the obvious, Biden and Washington are right behind genocide. All of which rings true as events seem to back his statement, events however can be very misleading.
The point to be embellished here is the reason why these statements are predominately true. The headline that follows the title here gives support to his first five lines with the reference to the Western Elite. Does the Western Elite include the Deep State? What about Zionists?
As he continues to make his case in the next paragraph he questions why the Guardian in an editorial would campaign to ruin Jeremy Corbyn calling him out for using an anti-Simetic trope. It worked but that isn’t on me and a great many others.
What comes next seems to be unnecessarily clumsy. He states again what has previously been stated writing, “This is what the Guardian is claiming: I’m of no opinion because the significance is not mine to suffer.
He continues in his next paragraph, with somewhat of a rehashed embellishment of his previous statement, alluding to how the commander in chief of the U.S. military, strongest on earth cannot standup to ‘tiny Israel’. Finishing with, the Biden administration is powerless and has no “influence “over Israel. Influence is a dangerous word when combined with large sums of money, unsavory , I believe is the term.
He then addresses the Guardian again, this time with the question, posing his own answer. “Is Israel pulling the strings in Washington, Guardian(in italics )? Maybe Israels long tentacles are wrapped so far around the globe they reach the Oval Office?” So far he has at least gotten this right!
The next paragraph Cook belabors an old point again. Stating the “Guardian and the rest of the western media, freely and constantly deploy this anti-Simetic trope about the U.S. being powerless to influence (here is this word again) Israel – and no one says anything in response – tells us something. It tells us that this particular anti-Simetic trope is crucially useful for the Western elite.
The Western elite and about the global Deep State?
“What use could it be?” Cook questions. At this point I must seriously interject. Let’s us talk about this term ‘influence’ for a moment shall we? Momentarily avoiding any unsavory considerations.
I will describe the issue as the ‘ yin and the yang’ of influence. I have no intention of offending anyone using the term yin and yang, instead I favor the simplicity involved.
It must be very interesting to others that at this point in this article that I must agree with everything he writes for the next 19 lines I agree with. Save those last two critical statements. I can explain.
Warning ! This may be. offensive to some readers.
The most important issue(s) Cook misses or ignores is the outrageous funding the U.S. congress calls for , sometimes increasing the allocated amount sometime voluntarily and votes in favor of, the almighty dollar, going to Israel.
Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid since it’s founding, receiving $310 billion adjusted for inflation in economic aid. . (Council on Foreign Relations). This does not include other generous donations from a significant number of other sources, some non taxable entities and others. Including additionally many billions of $’s in military aid most recently.
Just let us address this arrangement, an arrangement not without serious implications because of a total lack of explanations in far too many instances. Transparency is the term.
The U.S. citizenry has, in my opinion, most willingly by government foreign policy implementations some not revealed, explained, or questioned by the U.S. Congress, fallen victim to out side influences resulting in a tremendous impingement on the treasure of U.S. citizens, i.e. government funds, used to finance said foreign policies. Impingement which stems from the undue influence of foreign lobbies and dark money. Due to the unexplained grotesquely large amounts of U.S. aid to Israel one must wonder, who is influencing who in this exchange of money and influence, how and why.
The funding and other aid I describe above is very significant for such a very small state. I mention the yin and the yang, or what ever, in an effort to describe the enablement of one side to the benefit of the enablement of the other in this sordid business of the buying and selling of ‘influence’, which in my opinion is exactly what we are actually discussing here. So let us get this right once and for all. Speak now or forever hold your peace Kiddies.
I warned this topic might turn to the offensive side and injure the sensibilities of some. I care not one iota. This is the way of truth.
Is Biden behind the genocide? Hell yes, with the coming of POTUS (My Dog this hurts) Trump a man of principle would have given orders to stop the slaughter. Therefore, very obviously, Biden has no personal principle to guide him, or. something else is at work here. But then again he has admitted to being a Zionist and he gets along with NEOCONS famously at least as much at Obama and Clinton have. (duopoly maybe)
The AIPAC lobby feeds the Dog (congress) a bone and the Dog does the masters bidding. The emperor massages the Dog’s belly and the money flows out the door.
Is now the time to talk about all the oil diverted, I like that term as well as stolen, to Israel during the Iraq / Afghanistan wars that lasted ~ 20 years. And what about all the gold Israels were said to have found in Lebanon?
Now, I will address those last two lines of Cook’s. I refuse to be party to lies or half truths, which is why we find ourselves in “quite the fix” , a partial quote of Gen Curtis LeMay to JFK Cuban missile crisis. The truth is the truth is the truth no matter how or who frames it!
I’m of the very strong opinion Cook addressed only half the story here and I simply refuse to accept his words here with out adding the other half of the equation.
Time for the B.S. to officially end!
Thanks CN
Exactly! Both wars are Wall Street/City of London driven. As always, follow the money. All wars are banker wars. Crapitalism has to go. Period!
“The media constantly deploy an anti-Semitic trope of crucial use to the Western power elite — that on Gaza, it is Israel pulling the strings in Washington.”
Cook has to be kidding. The U.S. corporate-Zio media rarely mention how the pro-Israel zealots dominate Washington’s Middle East policy.
It’s the tail wagging the dog here. Regardless of where Cook stands, the pro-Israel zealots do indeed call the shots when it comes to U.S. recklessness and warmongering in the Middle East specifically.
See the books by James Petras, Gilad Atzmon, Mearsheimer and Walt, and essays by Jeff Blankfort.
It’s definitely not an “anti-Semitic trope.”
Drew Hunkins, See my comment (above).
As an example, the current ‘envoy’ to try to get a ceasefire where Israel gets to occupy Lebanon. His name can be found in reports as “Amos Hochstein”. IIRC, he used to hold dual citizenship between the USA and Israel. When he was first named as Biden’s ‘neutral’ envoy to the border, there were, again IIRC, stories in the Lebanese press about whether or not it would actually be legal for anyone in Lebanon to meet with him. Lebanon, as the nation that is regularly invaded and bombed by Israel, has laws forbidding contact with Israel. In these stories, it was mentioned that Mr. Hochstein may have been one of the ‘boots on the ground’ in the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006. I’m pretty sure that he did serve in the Israeli military, which most must do in that militaristic regime.
Its hard to find Hochstein in wikiped. There is an article, and a picture that matches news reports, but his role as an envoy to Israel/Lebanon is obscured or not mentioned. He’s an official about ‘energy’. So, while the bio was not hard to find, it had me wondering if I had the ‘wrong’ Hochstein in the American government. I match the picture with news reports to confirm that this now resigned ‘energy official’ is the same man. It does confirm that he was born in Jerusalem. The wiki says he is not a ‘dual citizen’. That is from a reference in a news article where a St. Dept spokesperson says it. But then the piece says that the spokesperson declined to speak about whether he formerly of Israeli citizenship or how or when he renounced it. My guess is that he renounced it to become the envoy to Lebanon due to objections from Lebanon, but that appears to be one of the many things which is too sensitive to confirm or deny to the taxpayers who pay his salary.
Of course, Biden has to pick an Israeli to mediate between Israel in one of its multiple conflicts. Couldn’t find, say a Hawaiian, to provide even an appearance of neutrality?
I wonder how the law of return works in Israel. In USA, if you renounce the citizenship that it is very difficult, perhaps impossible, to get it back. But if Mr. Hochstein abandons elevated status of Aliya for travails and humiliations of the Galut/Exile, he probably can Return to be Aliya once more. If so, declaring that he is not Israeli citizens anymore has hardly any consequence.
Nevertheless, if AIPAC and the wider pro-Israeli lobby were inconvenient to the bulk of our ruling class, their influence would be like the association of used car dealers, i.e. nothing to sneer about but down to size even so. Thus my theory is that AIPAC is a trailblazer for corporate lobby influence. When AIPAC “removes” a member of Congress or Senate, chances are that this person is a “rouge” for many lobbies, and assures that overly independent attitudes are shunned in politics.