Consortium News provided the most detailed and comprehensive coverage of the Julian Assange case. CN is now preparing a collection of its reporting on the case for a new book.

Stella Assange addressing the media after hearing High Court decision in March this year. (Joe Lauria)
On Dec. 16, 2010, Robert Parry, the founder of this publication, wrote a piece called, “Journalists Are All Julian Assange.” Parry was way ahead of the story. He wrote:
“Whatever the unusual aspects of the case, the Obama administration’s reported plan to indict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for conspiring with Army Pvt. Bradley Manning to obtain U.S. secrets strikes at the heart of investigative journalism on national security scandals.
That’s because the process for reporters obtaining classified information about crimes of state most often involves a journalist persuading some government official to break the law either by turning over classified documents or at least by talking about the secret information. There is almost always some level of ‘conspiracy’ between reporter and source.”
Thus began Consortium News‘ coverage of the most important press freedom case in more than a century. Over the next 14 years, CN covered the impact of WikiLeaks releases and then the U.S. government’s war against him, including his arrest and ultimately its failed attempt to extradite him.
Consortium News was there every step of the way during his four-year legal battle to avoid extradition to the United States and to save his life.
We were either physically inside the courtroom in London or viewed every minute of his hearings via videolink, and produced breaking news, and groundbreaking analysis in print and on CN Live! CN won a prize for its Assange reporting.
The book will provide both an overarching and a detailed history of the political and legal aspects of his long struggle against a repressive state trying to silence him. It will be called The Julian Assange Case as Reported By Consortium News.
We thank readers for their past generosity in making our coverage of Assange possible. We believe it was a wise investmenmt. As the book will cost several thousand dollars to produce, we ask that if you can, please make a generous contribution today to our Fall Fund Drive. Thank you.
Please Donate To CN’s Fall Fund Drive
Brilliant idea. I hope it includes some of our comments. (Excluding our names to protect the guilty.) :)
Please could you prepare a Kindle version? I feel some kind of e-format is the most sensible way to reach your global readership. I so much want to read this.
Yes, without Consortium News we would not have been able to follow this case so precisely.
As far as I know no other outlet had this detailed, accurate, and constant analysis.
So MANY THANKS Team Joe, Cathy V et al.
Outstanding work which helped to keep Julian Assange at front of mind and eventually free him.
And the book will be a solid historical record.
Consortium News has been at the forefront of the Julian Assange story right from the beginning. Your reporting and commentary on this affair has been nothing short of outstanding. Whilst the mainstream media has tiptoed around or ignored the Assange case, CN was always the place to go to get the latest updates on the story. As for a book; great idea. It will be required reading, along with the other excellent books already published about Julian Assange, for anyone concerned about journalism, the law, and seeing just how far so-called democratic govenments are prepared to go to subvert both. I look forward to publication!
Will it be published on Kindle? And with what title and author? Looking forward to reading it.
yes. As you can see above this is the title and author: The Julian Assange Case as Reported By Consortium News