Comments on: Putin Thinks Al-Qaeda in Syria Is Reformed Too Volume 29, Number 360— Wednesday, December 25, 2024 Sat, 21 Dec 2024 23:46:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: rusanaony Sat, 21 Dec 2024 23:46:31 +0000 In reply to Lois Gagnon.

Yeh, first glance is that it is very sad to see Putin sink to the spin game but maybe he has another game in mind.

By: David Otness Sat, 21 Dec 2024 23:35:41 +0000 In reply to mgr.

Thank you, mgr.
There is a very complicated and inexorable chess game being played here, one with so many innocents in its crosshairs. So it has always been, so we can only hope for that maxim to change one day.
I think Mr Putin a master of give and take, something he MUST be, and cognizant of what actually constitutes a ‘loss’ vs giving ground for the opponent to ruefully discover is actually quicksand. But only after having jumped in with both feet, and only having enough rope with which to hang himself—and again, if only there is a branch above.
With two of the world’s indisputably most treacherous allies—Türkiye and Israel—making it a scoundrels’ tripartate Axis with the United States government (as currently and corruptly constituted.)

By: Em Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:25:17 +0000 What of Premeditated Provocations?

Re: cited passage: So, the question is: has the HTS and lesser extremist groups in Syria really changed their stripes?
Have they really transformed from Jihad to Jefferson?

Questions: Since when has Jefferson been the universal role model for non-Western ‘legitimate’ practitioners of the Islamic religion?
In what way do Islamic extremist terror-mongers differ from Judaic extremist terror-mongers?

Has the “most moral army” not just recently (Oct. 8th 2023) changed its ‘spots’ or has its intent, in truth, always been to ‘ethnically cleanse’ the “Other” through the practice of constant terror?

Duplicity is fine, so long as the perpetrators are on ‘our’ side.

Who/What have been the causes of so-called religious extremisms?
One possible answer: the ‘one-God’ doctrine, which mythologies are always the self-righteous side, no matter the side we are on!
Or perhaps evolution is to blame; definitely not ourselves, for we, critically thinking and reasoning beings are much more elevated than lowly animals of pure instinctive, reactive behaviors.

By: William Sat, 21 Dec 2024 14:47:56 +0000 It could be another case of Putin’s dark humor also. I’m getting a vison or RT”s editor looking over at him on stage again with a smirk on her face as Putin delivered some dark humor a few months back.

By: mgr Sat, 21 Dec 2024 13:57:42 +0000 You can’t judge Putin by Western standards. He actually is competent. Genuinely competent leaders is a rather shocking concept in the West. I suspect that it could be a case of Putin simply saying to the Western powers, “You have made your bed. Now you have to lie in it.” Well, we shall see. Wonderful if we can somehow avoid more war. The neocons have lost their collective minds and will happily kill us all rather than face the reality of their utter intellectual incompetence and moral depravity.

The remaining Russian bases in Syria are secure and I understand that most Russian resources in the ME are now in Libya. It is now Turkey, Israel and the US that will have to deal with the situation on the ground with the various factions now and going forward (forever..?), including the Kurds, while Russia sits back and looks on. Funny how things that go around, come around. In reality, the former Syria is now an ongoing problem for whom..? Not Russia, I think.

By: Casey VanSise Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:17:15 +0000 As with all manner of other countries, ranging from the likes of Algeria (“Algeria – A Very Dirty War,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), 1998, and Jeremy Keenan, “The Dark Sahara: America’s War on Terror in Africa,” London: Pluto Press, 2009) and the former Ba’athist Syria (Peter Neumann, “Suspects Into Collaborators,” London Review of Books (LRB), April 3, 2014, and Mamoon Alabbasi, “Iraq Asked Syria’s Assad to Stop Aiding ‘Jihadists’: Former Official,” Middle East Eye (MEE), Oct. 21, 2015), to Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States (“Why Israel Created Hamas,” Swiss Policy Research, Oct. 23, 2023), Russia also has a past history of selectively providing intermittent strategic support to Islamist militants as proxies in order to create a pretext for “mowing the lawn” within their own sphere of influence and beyond and/or as a means of destabilizing territory and complicating resource access for their geostrategic competitors.

This is attested to by everything from the record of Far West Ltd (Peter Dale Scott, “The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War (Part Two),” Foreign Policy Journal, Jan. 10, 2010) to the allegations of the late Alexander Litvinenko (John Simkin, “Alexander Litvinenko,” Spartacus Educational, May 2013) to the weapons, narcotic, and gold-smuggling intrigues of GRU-tied arms dealer Viktor Bout (Elaine Shannon, “The Merchant of Death Is Back in Action,” Politico Magazine, Dec. 12, 2022), the results of which were often in congruence with the interests of neoconservative and liberal interventionist actors in the Western world, especially during the 1990s and early 2000s (for example, see Matt Kennard, “When Tony Blair Backed Putin’s Brutal War,” Declassified UK, March 25, 2022).

In that sense, Russia may just be returning to the same roots that can also be observed in many other Weberian protection/extortion rackets (i.e., global and regional hegemonic nation-states) frequently instrumentalized to exclusively benefit certain transnational oligarchic interests.

By: wildthange Sat, 21 Dec 2024 01:52:35 +0000 Or was it a calculated retreat by Assad and Russia to let us suffer the chaos like dissolving the USSR in face of weaponized religious forces of chaos.

By: Lois Gagnon Fri, 20 Dec 2024 21:46:56 +0000 I really hope it was either sarcasm or Putin throwing a curveball to Washington to make them think he’s naive about HTS. Putin has been too slow in the past to perceive Washington as a possible partner. I thought he had figured out that is folly. Time will tell what he meant by this remark.

By: Wild Bill Hitchcock Fri, 20 Dec 2024 20:12:16 +0000 “So the question is, has the HTS and lesser extremist groups in Syria really changed their stripes? Have they really transformed from Jihad to Jefferson? ”

Thanks for the belly-laugh! :)

BTW, it wasn’t more than a few weeks ago that Al-juliani and HTS were using force to put down popular demonstrations in Idlib against them. Just like a modern Democrat mayor, but a long ways from Mister Jefferson.

By: Rob Roy Fri, 20 Dec 2024 19:54:04 +0000 I’ve been listening to Putin for 20 years. I know how he thinks and what he means when he speaks. He has the US (and its allies) down pat. You must learn to know tongue-in-cheek when you hear it from Putin. He’s the world’s most competent, reasonable leader. Wish we could ever have a president half as sensible. But that would never be allowed. The US and Israel are the hellholes of the world. Thank god for BRICS. As for al Jalani’s group, this comes from a reporter who was tortured by them for two years: All those guys want is to rape women and own a truck. Period. Anyone who falls for “they’ve changed” is an idiot.
