Comments on: Caitlin Johnstone: Where the Aggression Really Begins Volume 29, Number 360— Wednesday, December 25, 2024 Mon, 23 Dec 2024 07:48:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Realist Mon, 23 Dec 2024 07:48:42 +0000 In reply to Triple Beam.

Yes, when your three score and ten years of play time are over, it’s too late for the residual dust to do anything at all, even express regret for all the bad choices it made whilst briefly animated.

I can remember nearly 80 years back when, as a student in Catholic school, those hard-ass unforgiving nuns used to terrorize us little whelps with threats of how nearly every one of us in this life would absolutely, positively never get to heaven. Not even after being “purified” by suffering a hundred million years in the fires of “Purgatory.” Purportedly, only some tiny fraction of one percent of might have enough of God’s “grace” (not just “poise” but a more fungible commodity that you might actually earn by maintaining a record of good “cred” with the bearded One on His cloud) to dare fantasize ever seeing even a tiny precis of your days on this planet added to the latest edition of “Lives of the Saints.” Creatures such as us, when confronted by “free will,” are sure to sin… in ways awful and often that pretty much eliminate any chances at heaven on your “day one” on Earth. Least that’s what the “brides of Christ” had to say about the matter. With that as an underlying philosophy, what is anyone’s motive for doing “good works?”

I don’t so much blame the alleged creators of these great reiterating board games called religions, but most of them seem to make the worst possible choices in the PR teams they supposedly put together–worse even than all of Trump’s cabinet picks! Pope Frank seems the least insane of the lot, but he is roundly condemned for being an apostate when he suggests that the godhead might show mercy to those of us who try but fail to meet perfection under the rubric of “human nature” which he supposedly devised. Frank seems to be a “realist,” but in a good (at least a less evil way, if human suffering qualifies–which you’d think NOT based on its prevalence). If I were “God for a day” I’d reserve the deepest pit in hell not for the “money changers, ” the greedy, or the narcissists per se, but for the unapologetic hypocrites–especially those who make religion part of their great con–yes, like Joe Biden and his relentless crime family. Yeah, Joe, you deserve a solid case of eternity in hell, even more than the old ladies who tried to cheat at the weekly parish “Bingo” games.

By: MikeH Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:56:53 +0000 In reply to John Q. Smith.

Some of my thoughts on the possibility of life after this present life, and justice in a future life.

There is very much of what looks like possible evidence for life after this present life on the internet. One such web site is run by a retired Australian attorney named Victor Zammit. He makes the bold claim that there is “without any doubt whatsoever, objective, repeatable, evidence for the existence of the afterlife”, and that the evidence has been collected by “some of the most brilliant scientists who ever lived”. He makes the point that this is not about religious crusading, and has nothing to do with religion.


Victor Zammit makes a point of noting that he considers that the evidence he has found shows that justice works itself out in the next life. For instance those who are cruel in this present life will find themselves in a very undesirable state, or a dark realm, in the next life, but such a state does not have to be permanent (unlike Christian teaching that one’s eternal destiny is fixed at the moment of death).

And here is a very interesting video about the Life Review, which is one feature of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) which many people have reported. The video is titled The Golden Rule Dramatically Illustrated, and features NDE researcher Dr. Kenneth Ring. Dr. Ring makes the point that people have re-experienced and relived their deeds, not only from their own perspective but from the perspective of others whom one’s deeds have affected. In particular Dr. Ring describes the life review of a man, a big fellow, who had gotten into a fight with and punched out another man. In a life review accompanying a near-death experience he later had, he had to re-experience what he did — and this time he had to in effect be the man he had punched out, and to himself feel what the other man must have felt as a result of his blows.

In the video Dr. Ring makes the point that in the context of the near death experience the Golden Rule is “not just a precept for moral conduct but the way it works”, and one experiences this in a very forcible way in the life review.


Hearing about near death experiences and the life review gives me some hope about the possibility of justice working itself out in a next life if not in this life.

Disclaimer: I have never had any personal experience which would confirm or strongly indicate for me the reality of life after this present life. I consider myself to be between 2 and 3 on Richard Dawkins’ scale of belief, where 1 = strong belief and 7 = strong disbelief. And I also absolutely do not accept the Christian beliefs that one’s eternal destiny is solely dependent (or even at all dependent) on “accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior” in this present life, and that a person’s eternal destiny is necessarily fixed at the moment of death.

By: Triple Beam Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:47:26 +0000 In reply to Triple Beam.

Ahhh yes, of course…Queen’s another one bites was your point of reference, although it might be better if more in decision-making positions were to reflect on and catch wind of their own mortality as well as all those their decisions and actions affect.

By: Triple Beam Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:18:37 +0000 In reply to John Brown Harper.

Were you perhaps meaning to refer to the classic and oh-so-fitting song, “Dust in the Wind”? I’m still in Kansas anymore, btw. lol

By: Andrew Sun, 22 Dec 2024 01:23:10 +0000 “If you want to dispossess a people, the simplest way to do it is to tell their story and start with secondly.” — Mourid Barghouti

By: Gregory Kruse Sat, 21 Dec 2024 23:03:33 +0000 In reply to Glen Sarvis.

I want to repost this on bluesky

By: MikeH Sat, 21 Dec 2024 21:10:39 +0000 In reply to John Q. Smith.

“If the murderer does the same and admits they were wrong and asks forgiveness when he meets Jesus, he might still get into heaven.”

This brings up something that especially bothered me when I was a Christian. According to traditional Christian teaching, and especially as emphasized by fundamentalist and conservative evangelical Christians, a person is “saved” and is let into heaven by “accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior”, and only by doing so, and only by doing so in this present life.

So apparently an “unsaved” murder victim goes to hell, while if the murderer “repents” and admits they were wrong and asks forgiveness then the murderer is let into heaven. (Here I am not thinking about somebody like a rich CEO; I am thinking about any average person who has not “accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior” and is thus supposedly “unsaved”.)

This is a major part of the reason I am no longer a Christian (as well as also some more personal reasons), and I am happy to no longer be one. I talk about this, and other things, in my write-up linked to by my screen handle.

By: Barbara B. Mullin Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:16:29 +0000 No surprise that two countries who understand this happen to be South Africa and Ireland, no doubt from their past history.

By: Helga Fellay Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:06:55 +0000 In reply to John Q. Smith.

I was going to write something very similar, thank you for saying it for me. That is the reason Luigi reminded me of Jesus Christ, and I see him as a Christ like individual. While Jesus ended up nailed to the cross for doing things very similar to what Luigi did, Luigi may end up dying in prison. But if heaven and hell exist, he will end up in heaven, while all the corporate multi billionaires who have denied health care to their customers will forever burn in hell, deservedly so.

By: Vera Gottlieb Sat, 21 Dec 2024 15:26:44 +0000 The REAL aggression begins for any nation rich in natural resources. The US can’t stand it when others are better off.
