Two forms of interdiction — the steady expansion of U.S. sanctions and our stunning drift toward unmasked censorship — have begun to intersect.
Category: American Empire
Trump Hammers Cuba While Cuba Cures the Sick
It’s clear that from now until November, the Trump administration will pummel its island neighbor, write Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores.
UPRISING: Narrative Control Operations Escalate as America Burns
UPRISING: US Propaganda Outlets Omit Black Lives Matter Protests
It’s hard for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty to sell the USA as a shining example of civil liberties and democracy when the internet is drowning in pics of police violence, writes Yasha Levine.
NYT Finally Gets Around to Reporting OAS Fraud Election Claims in Bolivia Were Bogus
The Times only covered the problems with the OAS analysis after a study from three independent researchers found flawed data and analysis.
Hong Kong’s ‘Pro-Democracy’ Movement Allies with US Politicians Who Seek to Crush Black Lives Matter
Ajit Singh reports on Hong Kong organizers’ ties to far-right politicians in Washington.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Failed American Experiment
UPRISING: The Story of America Crashes Headlong Into the Reality of America
We are witnessing the head-on collision between the story America’s political, media and educational institutions tell Americans about what their country is, and the reality of what their country actually is, writes Caity Johnstone.