Comments on: ‘Cop City’ Leads US Buildup in Police-Training Bases Volume 29, Number 360— Wednesday, December 25, 2024 Tue, 24 Dec 2024 15:43:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Olde Reb Tue, 24 Dec 2024 15:43:50 +0000 The Constitution authorizes the States, individually or collectively, if they are ‘actually invaded’ or are ‘in such imminent danger’, to declare a War which would activate the states’ National Guard, establish martial law and suspend Due Process. Ref. Art. 1, Sec, 10, cl 3.

By: Paul Citro Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:30:38 +0000 The US military is prohibited by law from operating inside the US. The establishment is getting around that by turning the police into an army.

By: Anon Tue, 24 Dec 2024 07:39:33 +0000 “Mock City” specific:
At least Someone is trying to solve USA Housing shortage!

By: Jane Doey Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:54:28 +0000 “emphasize cultural awareness, community knowledge”

Nice words, but of course meaningless in modern corporate PR talk. To illustrate this point, I’ll observe that both terms are entirely consistent with Israel’s operations and actions in Gaza. One thing that is known is that Israel has been using an AI powered system to identify targets and quickly order strikes. “Cultural awareness” and “community knowledge” are words that are vague enough to include the inputs into such a system. A more crude way of putting it would be that bombing a mosque requires “cultural awareness”. Otherwise that mosque is just another building.

Yes, a person or group who is collecting cultural awareness and community knowledge about you and the people around you can be using that to cause you harm. And as the world moves from Collateral Damage to Genocide, one could say that these factors become more important to the operations. Collateral Damage was more random, while Genocide is an attempt to destroy a culture and ‘a people’ which in turn requires more cultural awareness and community knowledge.

By: Jane Doey Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:06:59 +0000 I fled Atlanta 20 years ago, but back then the Atlanta Police Dept had an extensive record of corruption. All of the below is “If I remember correctly”

— An entire district of the city, a substantial part of the city, was investigated in a conspiracy where almost every cop in the district was ‘dirty’. Yes, I had the pleasure of living in that part of town.
– A robbery gang was busted that had been hitting the big box stores. It was all veteran APD officers. They would ‘case the joint’ in uniform as a part of their duties, then come back at night and enter by cutting a hole in the metal roof, repelling down (probably a skill to be trained at “Cop City”) and then backing up a truck to load up.
— An alternative newspaper revealed that a Police commander who was running for mayor had an ‘interesting’ run in with the FBI. He was leading the city’s “anti-drug/anti-gang’ “Red Dog Squad” (maybe “Red Dawg Squad” in GA spelling?). The FBI was concluding an investigation into organized crime, and was going to wrap it up by throwing a party for their targets to gather them all together. Then, to their surprise, this police commander entered the room, started glad-handing all his friends, and complaining about how they could be throwing such a party without inviting him. The FBI had to find a way to get him out of the room before they arrested all his ‘friends’. Thankfully, he didn’t get elected as mayor. But the person who won I still think ended up in one of the then traditional FBI investigations of the Atlanta Mayor and City Council.

All of the above is “if I remember correctly”, as I followed Rogers Waters advice that “I’d better run” 20 years ago.

By: Jane Doey Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:47:14 +0000 I fled Atlanta 20 years ago, but at that time, the Cox family had a lot more media power than just the town’s monopoly newspaper. They also owned the city’s number one TV station (WSB) and the regional high-powered AM station that could be heard across a wide part of the country, (also WSB). The local cable system was ‘Cox Cable’.

Thus, the Cox family controlled the city’s monopoly newspaper, the number one rated local TV news, the number one rated radio news (on the station that broadcast Rush Limbaugh in the metro area), and control of the channels on the local cable system.

By: Jane Doey Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:39:02 +0000 What “De-fund the Police Movement?”

In the last election, both major candidates were strongly pro-police and promising to ‘get tough on crime’. Donald Trump promises crackdowns to the point of constitutional violations. The Democrats ended up replacing pro-Police Joe Biden with former District Attorney and Attorney General Harris who vowed a ‘strong DOJ’ and who has always stayed far, far away from any calls to defund her friends and colleagues in the police. Over 95% of Americans voted for these more-fund-the-police candidates.

Democrats in city elections take the same ‘get tough on crime’ line. Even the ones who claim to be ‘progressive’. They are all pro-police.

The only movement aiming to defund police in recent times has come from the House Republicans. They’ve worked for the last two years to defund the police at the IRS who try to catch tax-cheats.

By: ks Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:30:21 +0000 The powers-that-be seem to be intent on turning our cities into class war zones.

By: Lois Gagnon Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:01:18 +0000 The wealth hoarding class is circling the wagons as its criminal enterprise becomes more and more threatening to people’s ability to survive. Cop Cities are just one more attempt to prevent accountability by criminalizing dissent.

By: Vera Gottlieb Mon, 23 Dec 2024 15:32:41 +0000 I emigrated from the US some years back and…as I was leaving I said “the US is turning into a police state”.Looking back now…the understatement of the year…
