Given recent articles and books on the Bolshevik Revolution, which began Oct. 24, 1917 (Julian), it’s a struggle on the level of ideas that continues well into the 21st century, says John Wight.
In 1985, the U.K. backed apartheid South Africa and said the African National Congress were terrorists. Now they back apartheid Israel and say Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorists. The state can be wrong.
Congress has not declared war on Iran; nor has it authorized the use of U.S. military forces against it, writes Andrew P. Napolitano. Yet the White House says it is sending around 100 troops to Israel.
Hezbollah has so far focused on military targets and deliberately avoided civilians. This could soon change if Israel continues to slaughter innocent people.
In the long term, this indiscriminate violence waged by Netanyahu and those driving Middle East policy in the White House creates adversaries that, sometimes a generation later, outdo in savagery — we call it terrorism.
Israel’s bombing of Beirut mirrors its harsh attacks on Gaza and symbolises the disdain for human life that characterises both Israeli and U.S. warfare.