New York demonstrators intend to denounce the prime minister’s visit to the U.N., where members last week demanded that Israel end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Protesting Netanyahu’s visit to Congress in Washington on July 24. (Diane Krauthamer, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
By Natalia Marques
Peoples Dispatch
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is for now set to deliver an address at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday.
In response, several anti-imperialist organizations, organized under the Shut it Down For Palestine Coalition, are planning a demonstration in New York on Thursday to denounce Netanyahu’s visit and demand that he be arrested for genocide and crimes against humanity.
With heightened tensions between Israel and Lebanon, Netanyahu delayed his visit to the United States, which was originally scheduled for Sept. 24 over security concerns.
In August, International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan urged ICC judges to rule on his request for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Khan had applied for arrest warrants back in May for the two top Israeli leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
But this has not stopped Netanyahu from making visits to the United States, a country which is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the ICC.
Netanyahu delivered a special address to a joint session of the United States Congress on July 24, where he received a standing ovation from U.S. lawmakers from both major establishment parties. On his way to the U.S., Netanyahu avoided stopping in Europe, where all nations are members of the ICC, in order to avoid any chance of arrest.
On July 24, although U.S. lawmakers greeted Netanyahu with open arms, he was also greeted by a crowd of tens of thousands of protesters. This mass mobilization was violently repressed by a team of several different police agencies utilizing pepper spray.

Protesting Netanyahu’s visit to Congress in Washington on July 24. (Diane Krauthamer, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
The Shut it Down Coalition, which includes organizations such as the Palestinian Youth Movement, the People’s Forum, the ANSWER Coalition, and Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, promises to once again greet the Israeli leader with masses of people of conscience, standing collectively against genocide.
“We must continue to show that the genocidal Israeli regime and its desperate wars of extermination are deeply unpopular in the United States, even as our leaders continue to undemocratically bankroll Netanyahu’s government and furnish it with US-made weapons of death and destruction,” Munir Marwan of the Palestinian Youth Movement told Peoples Dispatch.
As organizers gear up to protest, Israel has been rapidly escalating attacks against Lebanon and expanding its genocidal war.
Peoples Dispatch spoke to Lebanese-American journalist Rania Khalek, who said that protests like the one happening in New York City are crucial.
“We are at a very dangerous point of escalation, and thus far there have been zero consequences for all the horrific crimes that the Israelis have committed, and the only thing that we have that we can do is to get in their faces and make them uncomfortable wherever they go,” Khalek said.
She added, “It’s of the utmost importance that people here in the imperial core continue to protest against people like Netanyahu as they continue to carry out a genocide against Gaza and try to expand the war to Lebanon, and possibly drag even the U.S. into a regional war.”
After perpetrating a series of cyber terrorist attacks last week, Israel launched a series of deadly airstrikes in southern Lebanon on Sept. 23. According to Lebanese health officials, today Israel has killed at least 182 people and wounded 727, including women, children and paramedics.
It’s been almost a year since Israel began its genocidal war on Gaza. To date, Israeli forces have killed almost 42,000 people, [according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, with researchers at the Lancet warning in July that when indirect deaths were considered “up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.”]
Israeli forces have devastated the enclave’s health care facilities, educational institutions and infrastructure. Unable to achieve its military objectives in Gaza, Israel has turned its focus to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which has maintained a Gaza support front since Oct. 8.
Natalia Marques is a correspondent for Peoples Dispatch.
This article is from Peoples Dispatch.
Views expressed in this article may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
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Sure, as if he cared about protests which are going to be very far away from him anyway.
The UN is part of the criminal gang that run the global mafia.
But i see many people are buying their utter BS it seems.
Who gave Palestine to the zionists in 1947?
Think, yes, the UN.
What have they done since?
Nothing, today Palestinians live in open-air death camps in their own country.
But the fat would-be dictator guterres can now pretend to have some power since last Sunday when unelected bureaucrats gave away even more of our rights and sovereignty the globalist syndicate for their coming power grab.
This investigative journalist explains what the UN is and what their SDG really are:
Refering to fraud, mal feasance and crime with “leader, elite,” etc. instead of violate, liar and crook, helps who to clarify what.
If I discribe my perceptions with euphemisms the perps use, how can I clarify fraud and mal feasance.
Any perpatrater of genecide or even promoter, belongs in front of forensic scientists and Judicial excellance.
Tolerating poor vocabulary has helped who?
The U.N. is getting to be more useless the more Israel shows off its arrogance and genocidal tendencies. It’s about time Israel got expelled from the U.N. It’s like letting a criminal run rampant, while the majority nations of the world are abiding by the law. This is degrading both to the law and those nations that are actively working for peace and safeguarding life. But it’s also degrading the soul of America–a nation that purports to be so “Christian” It is shameful and a perversion of the spiritual message of that tradition, for its churches to stand by and let this blatant genocide happen, with nary a public word from most ‘Christian’ denominations.
How about a citizen’s arrest of this SOB!
This could be one of the best ideas I have seen. in comments to this site.
Where are the Son’s of Liberty when we need them?
Netanyahu is an evil man, indeed. But making him the scapegoat here is inaccurate. What is happening is perfectly in the interest of the US centralised empire — including us in EU — and most of our political and media elite are 110% into this. How bad it sounds, we are the ‘baddies’ actually, as long as we support this system. Hence, I don’t think there was any real chance to arrest Netanyahu even in Europe.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you.
Except on one issue, something you might want to consider. Netanyyahoo could stop this slaughter at any time.
Same as with Putin and the Mad comedian from Ukraine. You can consider yourself one of the ‘baddies’ and the mouse in your pocket, but not me brother.
As I have pointed out many times you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.
When is the last time you called or dropped a line to your U.S. Senator?
The right wingers in the U.S., Israel and Ukraine should have learned long ago after their failed wars that people cannot be beaten into allowing the U.S. to rule the world. These idiots in D.C. blew it, in my opinion, when during the ‘haydays’ of U.S. domination they should have handled foreign policy in a much different manner.
But Nope, they fed the MCCIMAT from the plate of death.
The protesters will be herded into a free speech zone.
I hope INTERPOL shows up and arrests his blood thirsty ass!
SOB shouldn’t even be allowed in our country, if that is the Israelis haven’t completely taken it over.
Ewin Stars great song WAR!
Shame, for shame on Israel and all backers of this baby killing criminal!
i think of edwin starr’s lines often and find the song
as compelling now as i found it then – but i also know
that all the warmongers of this world act in accordance
with their mantra and maxim: “peace does not pay!”
israel can only wage its wars because external powers
continue to supply it with so many deadly weapons …
my EU country among them, much to my dismay & shame.
peaceful coexistence is the only way forward.
never to be achieved if man[kind] is inherently unkind.
As both Israeli and US officials admit, Israel could not do any of this without US veto on the UNSC, without US/UK military/logistic/ and intelligence support, US financial support and massive shipments of fuel and US weaponry. Israel would collapse without full spectrum support from the US and vassals.
Therefore, Bibi the Butcher is not the only villain or even the primary villain: the Biden regime and 99.9% of Bipartisan Consensus Congress are equally to blame. And both KH and DT are in a competition to show who is the greatest supporter of genocide.
The protest will be largely censored from MassMediaCartel/MiniTrue and sadly, ineffective. No mater who “wins” our sham Elections Inc., US support for genocide will continue.
On the other hand: this time it looks like Israel is in a much more precarious position and if Israel invades S. Lebanon again (doubtful) in any significant way, all bets are off. It looks like Israel will continue to bomb Lebanon as long as the US/UK arms shipments keep them supplied and fueled, but air power is limited, and that policy will cost Israel dearly. N. Israel is largely evacuated already, and the displacement and disruption is costing Israel a lot of money and opportunity. Despite all the threats, Israel will likely have to back down on invading S. Lebanon and Hezbollah looks like they are saving their big weapons and have not yet unleashed anything significant against Israel.
Even if 5m people show up, it wont.get srrious coverage from corporate medis.
IF 5m people show up, it’ll get serious coverage; from the U.S. National Guard!
If Netanyahu has the gall to show up, it will be to burnish his image, while giving the world the finger.
This is the really burning issue of genocidal incitement.
If 1000’s of people do show up, it will have no more effect on the ultra Zionist, Israeli mass murderers, than a funeral procession for all the many thousands of already dead in Palestine.
Rabin was not nearly as Rabid as the present Crime Minister.
I wonder what you motive is for your statement. To whom are you directing it? For what purpose?
Might your statement be exactly what the leaders of our inverted totalitarian state want? to help
fragment those activists involved in the protest in effect telling them – eh? Why bother? No one
will pay you attention. Go grab a beer….watch a video….take it easy…stay lethargic….zoned out…
Were 5 m to show up, might it not make the elite begin to get at least a little nervous?
And if it didn’t, what’s the dynamic lesson?
An Italian psychoanalyst named Assagioli who created a therapeutic conception and form called Psychosynthesis offered some psychological laws. One of those is quite simple and common sense.” Whatever you give your
attention to grows. ” Attention – itself – grows whatever its focus is directed upon. “You don’t make a difference. Just forget about politics.” grows what? What do you want to happen?
Selina, you damned right 5m would get attention!
August 68 riots in Chicago at dimo convention
Woodstock Aug 15 -Aug 18 1969. number in attendance estimated between 400,000 – 500,000 the FBI and CIA definitely took notice ever hear of COINTELPRO (CIA-> J E Hoover in his red dress) and FBI illegal surveilance of the average American. Ever hear of Fred Hampton or Mark Clark! Murdered by FBI and Chicago city police(?) COINTELPRO was brought about by Sen McCarthy communist witch hunt. House Committe on Un-American Activities or some bogus bull crap!
COINTELPRO Started in 1954 these FBI clowns and those at CIA could not even keep track of Lee H Oswald or so they claim. Oswald former Marine defected to Russia 1959
October 15, 1969 an estimated 2 million protesters gather across. the U.S. for the largest anti-war march in U.S. history.
May 4, 1970 I got home from Berlin May 3 1970. – two 19 year olds and to 20 year olds murdered by National Guard at Kent State. Nine others wounded –
National Guard claimed they were in fear of their lives. No student was armed I sometimes wonder.
Regardless there was much more than a little uneasiness to going around the ‘Man’ had been put on notice and while the nation cringed, still it took until 1975 before the crooks in D.C. and at the White House ended it.
Never ever underestimate the power of large groups of ignorant people! LBJ, Kissenger, Nixon, Dick Helms, J.J. Angleton, Bush 41 it’s a really long list of people who should, most likely, have gone to jail.
Now go listen to Buffalo Springfield’s 1966 classic ‘For What It’s Worth’ that referred to riots in California over Sunset strip curfew.
US B-52’s , not the band, are on high alert in Minot S.D. time to get to them phones to the White House folk, apparently the lights are on but no one is home!!!
Thanks CN
Serious people aren’t getting their news on corporate (aka State) media.