There are parallels between their roles in Syria and Ukraine. But can Abu Mohammad Jolani be as easily controlled by the U.S., Israel and Turkey (who may have conflicting interests) as Volodymyr Zelensky?

Abu Mohammad al-Jolani (Unknown/Wikimedia Commons), Volodymyr Zelensky (President of Ukraine/Wikimedia Commons)
Former C.I.A. analyst Larry Johnson and CN Editor Joe Lauria joined Randy Credico’s Live on the Fly over-the-air radio program on WBAI in New York Friday to discuss events in Syria and Ukraine.
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Randy plays the best music during breaks.His Jack Nicholson impression is just as great.Thanks Joe,Larry and Randy for this awesome meeting of minds .With people like you three ,the community of Consortiumnews,plus an occasional uber driver, I don’t have to scream at the msm all alone .And i can look foward to each day bringing more light for discovering more truth .During my 69 years the U.S.A.has “seemed”to get away with most of its murders and mayhems but right now things look deservedly
dreadful, and dicey.The seeds sown in our names and with our dollars are reaping whirlwinds every second. Thank goodness we can count on you guys for helping us understand at least some of what’s going down.
You can’t make a donation to WBAI “in the name of your favorite show.” There’s a glitch with the connection.
“Oops, we can’t find the page you were looking for.”
As upbeat as is possible. Thanks, you guys!
What’s that Shostakovich piece? I think I might have fished around for it and found it once when Randy played it prior; can’t think of name either. I’ve heard some Shostakovich pieces before, and this one Randy plays is way, way better IMO. It’s great.
Mass media control is the apex power in society & there’s no meaningful democracy in rich elites’ owned & run Western media, all controlled by a handful of billionaires & giant corporations.
The only way to fix this & avoid our species’ mass extinction is to give citizens at least an equal sized sector of mass media they control (directly), not ‘money’.
Surprisingly easy to do for our *currency issuer* governments.. (yes, denying govs’ money/system creation is another grand lie told to the public..) – eg. an exclusively Common Ownership structured citizens’ Commons sector.
The media Commons is funded only by Gov (currency creation) – no other income allowed – but not directly. Instead, Gov gives every citizen an annual Commons media voucher, which they can use to sponsor the Commons eligible media provider(s) of their choice.
The media providers then redeem the vouchers they’ve collected for cash from Gov.
Simple, inherently democratic citizen participation in the public discourse that elevates politics to power.
Very important point you raise Mike. There can be no functioning “democracy” with our MiniTrue Discourse Dictatorship that passes as the “free press” and mass media. At least half of the population has been turned into electronically-lobotomized zombies by the most pervasive, and sophisticated system of misinformation and psy-ops in history. Even Ed Bernays or Eric Blair (George Orwell) would be awestruck if they were alive today.
The public airwaves and public electromagnetic spectrum have been privatized and monopolized by the oligarchy. (Techno-Totalitarian ne0-Feudalism). Add that to the institutional corruption of all 3 branches of govt., and the Citizens United and other SCOTUS decisions making unlimited political bribery legal, and we have no way to redress legitimate political grievances. History shows that this sort of situation results in mass violence, but this time around the brainwashed zombies don’t know who their enemy is. Many have been conditioned to worship the oligarchy, instead of rolling out some Guillotines…