Seven-year old Consortium News in 2002 was one of the first outlets to reject the politicized intelligence for the disastrous Iraq invasion and has run circles around corporate media on Syria, from 2011 until today. But only with your help.

April 18,1991: Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the “Highway of Death”, the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm. (Joe Coleman, Air Force Magazine, Wikimedia Commons)
Consortium News has been at online, independent journalism longer than anyone else still publishing in the United States today. Next year we will be celebrating our 30th anniversary.
Among the most important stories we’ve covered over these three decades is the Middle East. Our founding editor, the late Bob Parry, broke major stories in one of the worst political scandals in U.S. history, and it involved the Middle East — the Iran-Contra affair.
Before the scandalous invasion of Iraq in 2003, Consortium News raised the alarm about the bogus intelligence justifying U.S. military aggression against a country that did not threaten the U.S.
In addition to many articles, on Feb. 5, 2003, CN published the very first memo issued by a brand new organization called Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, or VIPS. It questioned Colin Powell’s vial display, i.e., his fake vial of anthrax that he used to push the C.I.A.’s fake story of Iraqi WMD at the U.N. Security Council.
VIPS followed that up with two more memos on March 12 and March 18, 2003, just one day before the invasion began.
Cooking Intelligence for War in Iraq
MEMORANDUM FOR: Confused Americans
SUBJECT: Cooking Intelligence for War
March 12, 2003
Iraq Intel: Forgery, Hyperbole, Half-Truth
SUBJECT: Forgery, Hyperbole, Half-Truth: A Problem
March 18, 2003
Consortium News covered the aftermath of Iraq, the disaster in Libya, the upheaval in Syria, and the genocide in Gaza with a sharply critical eye on Israeli and U.S. policies. We’ve put a special emphasis on the dark alliances of convenience the U.S. have made with terrorism, and on shattering the propaganda shrouding U.S. aims in the region.
In the midst of this historic explosion in the Middle East, help us with a generous donation today to continue covering these multiple crises .
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