The 2000 Campaign
Bush's Conspiracy to Riot
Newly released documents show that George W. Bush's campaign paid for
operatives who staged a riot in Miami that disrupted the counting of votes.
August 5, 2002
So Bush Did Steal the White House
A recently uncovered memo shows that the Florida judge in charge of
last year's presidential recount was moving toward counting the "overvotes"
that heavily favored Al Gore when George W. Bush got five Republicans on the
U.S. Supreme Court to intervene to save the day. November 22, 2001.
Gore's Victory
A new study of the Florida ballots reveals that Al Gore was the choice of
the voters regardless of which kinds of chads are counted. But the top news
organizations have buried these findings to make George W. Bush look like a
legitimate president. November 12, 2001.
Is Nader Right?
Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader still insists he was right to
run as a leftist alternative to Al Gore. But, given the electoral realities
in the U.S., does his strategy hold any hope of succeeding? By Sam Parry.
September 5, 2001
The Media Is the Mess
A newspaper's belated findings about how the Bush campaign
applied disparate standards to the counting of Florida's overseas ballots is
interesting history, but also exposes how distorted the press coverage of
Election 2000 was. July 17, 2001
Gore's Lost Votes
A new study finds that the votes of blacks and lower-income
Americans were undercounted across the country, suggesting that Al Gore's
plurality might have been even larger than a half million votes. July 12,
Democracy's Shame
The U.S. Civil Rights Commission sees racial bias in the Florida
election results. June 6, 2001
Bogus 'Election'
The Washington Post has concluded that rules were bent to count the
absentee votes of Bush supporters while ballots of African-Americans were
suppressed. June 2, 2001
for Gore
New unofficial tallies show Al Gore gaining 682 votes from an
analysis of 'overvotes' in Florida, enough to erase Bush's official victory
margin of 537. May 12, 2001
Protecting Americans from W's Illegitimacy
Additional votes are piling up for Al Gore in the unofficial Florida
recounts, but the national news media seems determined to protect Americans
from the growing evidence that George W. Bush stole the White House. April
8, 2001
So Gore Really Won?
In a
stunning reversal, the Miami Herald now reports that its review of the
Florida election reveals that Al Gore could have gained 2.022 net votes in
Palm Beach and Broward counties and thus won the election. April 6, 2001
W's Latest Unjust Reward
A new
analysis of Florida "undervotes" actually shows Al Gore the narrow winner
statewide using "clear-intent-of-the-voter" standards, but two newspapers
subtracted the results from 3 1/2 counties to declare George W. Bush the
winner, again. April 5, 2001
Press Blows Florida -- Again
In one more rush to
judgment, the national news media exaggerates a partial tally by the
Miami Herald into another premature call of the 2000 election. February
27, 2001
GOP Opens Battle for W.'s Legitimacy
Republican leaders
are taking aim at the few remaining Democrats who question the legitimacy of
George W. Bush's seizure of power. February 26, 2001
Rehnquist -- Political Puppeteer
By swearing
in George W. Bush, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist
completed a power grab by conservative federal jurists that began a decade
ago. January 29, 2001.
A Stolen Presidency & the Seattle Coalition
Fractured by the Nader v. Gore conflict, the Seattle Coalition has pulled
together -- at least for now -- to challenge the legitimacy of George W.
Bush's presidency. By Nat Parry. January 19, 2001.
Lawyers Protest the U.S. Supreme Court
outpouring of anger from 554 law professors representing 120 American law
schools targets the U.S. Supreme Court's five conservatives as partisans for
George W. Bush's campaign. By Mollie Dickenson. January 15, 2001.
Man With No Mandate
pretense that George W. Bush was elected to carry out his agenda makes him
look like the emperor with no clothes -- or the man with no mandate. By Sam
Parry. January 10, 2001.
Supreme Ambitions
President Al Gore misplaced his trust in U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra
Day O'Connor, who had her own reasons for voting to hand the presidency to
George W. Bush. By Mollie Dickenson. January 7, 2001.
W's Coup d'Etat
The 5-4 ruling by
the U.S. Supreme Court blocking Florida recounts short-circuits democracy
and reveals the nation's highest court to be the ultimate partisan weapon.
December 13, 2000.
Supreme Court Intrigue
Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor, a supposed "swing vote" on the U.S. Supreme Court, may have a
personal incentive to ensure the election of Texas Gov. George W. Bush. By
Mollie Dickenson. December 11, 2000.
A Dark Cloud
The U.S. Supreme
Court has blocked the counting of ballots for president for the first time
in history, a dangerous turn for democracy. December 10, 2000.
At War with the Ballots
Texas Gov. George
W. Bush continues his trench warfare against counting Florida's votes.
December 9, 2000.
Electoral 'Legitimacy'
The pundits seem to have forgotten that democratic legitimacy comes from the
voters. December 6, 2000.
The Will of the People
Isn't it time for
George W. Bush to face the basic fact that the American people -- and the
voters of Florida -- wanted somebody else? An editorial. December 4, 2000.
The Courts & the Count
Reagan-Bush appointees
to the U.S. Supreme Court seem ready to enforce legal technicalities to help
Texas Gov. George W. Bush. December 3, 2000.
A Bush Family Slip-Up
The official story
is that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has stayed out of his state's electoral fray.
But his father thinks otherwise. December 1, 2000.
W's Triumph of the Will
George W. Bush has demonstrated how hardball politics can take precedence
over the will of the voters. By Robert Parry. November 27, 2000.
Mob Rule Wins for W
A mob assault on
the Dade County election board intimidated the board into halting a crucial
recount. November 24, 2000.
Bush & the Law
Texas Gov. George
W. Bush rallied his angry troops in Florida with a speech suggesting that
this would-be president doesn't understand how the American constitutional
system works. November 23, 2000
Gore's Florida 'Victory'
A new analysis of
the Florida vote indicates that Vice President Al Gore was the voters'
choice. November 22, 2000
Gore Breaks 50 Million
Vice President Al
Gore becomes only the second U.S. presidential candidate to surpass the
50-million-vote mark. November 21, 2000.
Bush Gained from Hand Recounts
Though battling
hand recounts in three Democratic counties, Gov. George W. Bush benefited
from hand recounts elsewhere in the close Florida race. By Mollie Dickenson.
November 19, 2000.
Who Should Concede?
Republican/media demands that Al Gore do "what's good for the country" and
concede the election distort what really happened in recent U.S. political
history. By Robert Parry. November 13, 2000
The GOP's Popular-Vote Hypocrisy
When the
Republicans feared Al Gore might win the Electoral College but lose the
popular vote, they planned to challenge the legitimacy of his victory.
November 10, 2000
American Coup d'Etat?
What can be done?
An editorial on the challenge to American democracy from George W. Bush's
grab for power. November 9, 2000
One Voter Strikes Back
An American voter,
fed up with the media's exaggerations about Al Gore's exaggerations, has
made a federal case out of it. By Mollie Dickenson. November 7, 2000
History on the Ballot
The presidential
election could determine whether Americans gain access to Cold War history.
By Robert Parry. November 5, 2000
German Green Warns Against Nader Threat
A founder of the
Green Party in southern Germany calls U.S. Green Party campaign 'immature'
and 'alarming.' November 1, 2000
George W. Bush: Nowhere Man
The Republican
presidential nominee is not a man of international travel, though he may
soon become the leader of the world's last superpower. October 29, 2000
Bush's Mysterious $40 Trillion
George W. Bush uses some fuzzy math to justify his claim that Al Gore's
Social Security plan will produce a $40 trillion debt by 2050? By Sam Parry.
October 28, 2000
'Daisy' Ad Disinformation
A pro-Republican ad, picturing a girl with a daisy, seeks to confuse voters
about who's to blame for losing nuclear secrets to communist China. By
Robert Parry. October 27, 2000
Protecting Bush-Cheney
While bashing Al
Gore at every turn, the national press corps has turned a blind eye to lying
and hypocrisy by Gov. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. By Sam Parry. October
16, 2000
Bush, Coal & the Internet
attribution, George W. Bush cites dubious coal-industry data to justify his
energy plan. By Sam Parry. October 9, 2000
Gore vs. Bush: Earth in the Balance?
Al Gore and George W. Bush offer sharply contrasting strategies for energy
production and the environment. By Sam Parry. October 3, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part One: The Early Years
George W.
Bush's run for the White House highlights the intersection between his
family's political fortunes and its ties to Big Oil. By Sam Parry. August
14, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part Two: The Third Generation
George W. Bush
follows in his father's footsteps, launching his own oil ventures in
preparation for his political career. By Sam Parry. August 15, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part Three: Politics & Oil -- A Sequel
George W. Bush finds
oil and politics a lucrative two-way street in Texas. By Sam Parry. August
19, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part Four: At the Candidate's Ear
George W. turns to
trusted oil industry advisers as he marches on the White House. By Sam
Parry. August 20, 2000
Gore v. the Press
The press mangles Gore's words and wins
his apology. By Robert Parry. February 1, 2000
Bradley: Mr. Liberal?
Democrat's slide to the left was
well-timed. By Mollie Dickenson. January 29, 2000
McCain: Straight Shooter?
A look at McCain's special-interest
interests. By Mollie Dickenson. January 29, 2000
Editorial: Like Father, Like Son.
The Bushes. October 18, 1999
Bush Family Politics.
Gov. Bush is the GOP great hope, but his pedigree is the key. By
Robert Parry. October 5, 1999
Bill Bradley:
Pro-Contra Democrat
In the 1980s, Bradley gave President Reagan a key
contra vote. By Robert Parry. July 28, 1999 |