Bush '05-'06
Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness
George W. Bush may have felt a thrill of vindication as he went to bed with visions of Saddam Hussein dangling at the end of a rope, but Bush achieved something more important for the Bush Family legacy. He silenced a unique witness who, if given the opportunity, could have testified about the roles of George H.W. Bush and other top U.S. officials in aiding and abetting Hussein's crimes against humanity. By making sure that Hussein never appeared before an international tribunal, Bush kept those Bush Family secrets safely tucked away. December 30, 2006
Troop 'Surge' Seen as Another Mistake
Official Washington missed the role that new Defense Secretary Robert Gates would likely play in helping George W. Bush sell an Iraq War escalation. Senate Democrats had hoped Gates instead would push for a military disengagement. In this guest essay, former U.S. intelligence analysts W. Patrick Lang and Ray McGovern describe how the Bush-Gates team manufactured the consent of skeptical generals. December 24, 2006
Congress, the Voters & a Peace Plan
When American voters overturned Republican majorities in the House and Senate, they sent a clear message that they wanted the Iraq War wound down. That view was reinforced a month later by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group. But George W. Bush is signaling he still wants to escalate the war. In this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky suggests a course of action for political leaders who want peace. December 23, 2006
Bush's 'Global War on Radicals'
George W. Bush is laying the groundwork for a wider war in the Middle East by stretching the parameters of the "global war on terrorism" to add to his enemies list what he calls "radicals and extremists." The change makes the struggle so amorphous that Bush theoretically could strike at anyone he doesn't like whether there's a credible link to international terrorism or not. The word shift also portends an endless war between the United States and the world's one billion Muslims. December 23, 2006
A Very
Dangerous New Year
Political pressures on
George W. Bush make the first few months of 2007 a very dangerous time
for an escalation of war in the Middle East. Intelligence sources say
Bush -- along with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and outgoing
British Prime Minister Tony Blair -- are weighing the possibility of
Israeli-led attacks on Syria and Iran, with the United States providing
logistical back-up. In this view, the proposed "surge" of U.S.
troops to Iraq and the dispatch of a second aircraft carrier task force
to Iranian waters are part of the plan. December 21, 2006
No Military Hope, So Send More
Rather than admit
responsibility for one of the worst political/military blunders in U.S.
history, George W. Bush is on the verge of committing more U.S. troops
to the Iraq quagmire, a course reportedly opposed by the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. In this guest essay, two former U.S. intelligence analysts -- W.
Patrick Lang and Ray McGovern -- warn that this Surge could force the
U.S. military to wage a bloody battle to reclaim Iraq while deepening
the prospect of a strategic defeat. December 20, 2006
Top Ten Things Not to Do in Iraq
George W. Bush seems
determined to "double down" his bet on the Iraq War despite
overwhelming public opposition and the recommendations for a phased
withdrawal from the bipartisan Iraq Study Group. Bush is now toying with
the idea of adding 15,000 to 30,000 more U.S. troops, a scheme called
"The Surge." In this guest essay, Ivan Eland puts that plan at
the top of his list of ten things not to do in Iraq. December 19,
Robert Gates Lines Up with Bush
The appointment of
Robert Gates to replace Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary was widely
viewed as a sign that George W. Bush was prepared to accept more realism
on the Iraq War and possibly agree to a phased withdrawal of U.S.
troops. That wishful thinking led Democrats to treat Gates as a closet
ally and to support his nomination unanimously. But the new Defense
Secretary now is signaling that he's onboard with Bush's determination
to press ahead in Iraq until "victory." December 19,
Iraq 'Defeat' Not Fault of U.S.
George W. Bush, who
famously hates to admit mistakes, seems headed toward a military
escalation of the Iraq War, in part, he says so as not to betray the
sacrifice of the American soldiers who already have fought and died in
Iraq. In this guest essay, novelist Steve Hammons writes that whatever
the outcome in Iraq, there should be no question about the courage and
honor of the U.S. forces sent to fight a misbegotten war. December 16,
A Way Forward, a Look Back
U.S. policy
in the Middle East is staggering toward the abyss along a path marked in
the past few days by the Saudi ambassador's abrupt resignation and
George W. Bush's postponement of a major speech on the Iraq War. It's
increasingly apparent that Bush has no intention of changing direction
despite prospects for a region-wide conflict. As the crisis worsens,
some hidden history is relevant as are thoughts on what a creative path
forward might look like. December 13, 2006
Government Checks Naughty or Nice
Besides endless warfare
abroad, the interminable "war on terror" requires the steady
erosion of freedoms at home. So perhaps it should come as no surprise
that the Bush administration claims the unchecked right to rate American
travelers as possible security risks, as Ivan Eland observes in this
guest essay. December 12, 2006
Pinochet's Death Spares Bush Family
heart-attack death of notorious Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet means
the Bush Family can breathe a little easier, knowing the criminal cases
against Pinochet can no longer implicate his longtime friend and
protector, George H.W. Bush. Pinochet also was protected from facing
justice by George W. Bush, who sidetracked an FBI recommendation to
indict Pinochet for the terrorist murder of a Chilean dissident and an
American woman in Washington in 1976. December 12, 2006
Time for Bush to Go!
The American
political system is hurtling toward a constitutional crisis because of
George W. Bush's obstinance about changing course in the Iraq War or in
his broader ideological approach toward the Middle East. Bush has made
clear that not even Bush Family fixer James Baker will influence the
actions of "The Decider." So, as U.S. policy in the oil-rich
region spins out of control, the stark choice confronting the American
people will be whether the country can stand two more years of this or
whether it's time for Bush to go. December 8, 2006
Readers Comment on Bush, Gary Webb
Our readers comment
about George W. Bush's political future and the meaning behind Gary
Webb's life and death. December 11, 2006
Coming Clash Over Iraq Policy
Washington's conventional wisdom that a major overhaul of the Iraq War
policy is looming, the appointment of CIA Director Robert M. Gates to be
Defense Secretary and President George W. Bush's recent remarks about
achieving "victory" suggest that no significant change is
likely. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland sees Bush willing to make little
more than cosmetic adjustments. December 5, 2006
Readers Comment on Gates, Iraq, Law
Our readers offer views on
the speedy confirmation of Robert Gates as Defense Secretary, the Iraq
War and the Military Commissions Act of 2006. December 7,
Robert Gates & Locking You Up
The Senate
is expected to quickly confirm former CIA Director Robert M. Gates as
the new Defense Secretary, without reexamining some troubling chapters
of Gates's past. But these lingering questions about his independence
and integrity might be especially relevant given the fact that the next
Defense Secretary will inherit sweeping new powers to lock up
indefinitely not only "unlawful enemy combatants" but
"any person" who is alleged to have aided them. December 1,
Gates, Hadley: More of the Same
Even as the
Democrats prepare to assume control of Congress, the Bush administration
is pressing ahead on its Middle East war policies, just with a few new
faces. In this guest essay, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern looks at
early indications that Defense Secretary nominee Robert Gates may become
just the President's latest yes man. November 30, 2006
Why Trust Robert Gates on Iraq
Two decades
ago, then-CIA deputy director for intelligence Robert M. Gates made
wildly erroneous predictions about what would happen in Central
America if the United States didn't bomb Nicaragua and overthrow its
leftist government. Gates staked out a position considered too extreme
even by the Reagan administration. But now, Official Washington is
treating Gates as the returning Wise Man who will help guide the
nation out of the Iraq debacle when he replaces Donald Rumsfeld as
Defense Secretary. November 27, 2006
Blackmail & Bobby Gates
Unresolved mysteries about former intelligence officer Robert Gates mean that his secret -- and possibly illegal -- activities in the 1980s could come back to haunt the United States if he is confirmed as Defense Secretary. Though Gates denies all wrongdoing, substantial evidence now exists that Gates engaged in controversial plans to arm the Iranians and the Iraqis, a past that conceivably could open him to pressure and even blackmail. November 15, 2006
Gates & the Iran-Contra Legacy
Official Washington quickly tired of the Iran-Contra scandal in the late 1980s, with its complex tales of money-laundering and arms smuggling. So, most Americans missed that Iran-Contra was a test run for an all-powerful Executive who could override the nation's laws and the U.S. Constitution. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland examines what it means for George W. Bush to pick Robert Gates, an Iran-Contra veteran, to be Defense Secretary. November 15, 2006
Robert Gates-Gate
The first test of the new Democratic majority's mettle may come during the lame-duck session of Congress with the Republicans still in control and George W. Bush determined to rush through the nomination of Robert Gates to be Defense Secretary, replacing Donald Rumsfeld. Gates is a longtime Bush Family loyalist who appears to have deceived Congress over the Iran-Contra and Iraqgate scandals. In this guest essay, former CIA officer Ray McGovern describes his 36-year experience with Robert Gates. November 14, 2006
Open Letter to Levin on Robert Gates
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern urges Sen. Carl Levin, ranking Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, to take a serious look at the appointment of former CIA director Robert Gates to be the new Defense Secretary. Sent November 11, 2006
Bush's Belated Accountability Moment
Over the past six years, George W. Bush has rejected the idea of outside oversight of his administration. Two years ago, he asserted that Election 2004 was his "accountability moment," even though government secrecy was shielding many of his official actions from the view of American voters. Now, with the Democratic congressional victories, Bush may get a taste of what real oversight and meaningful accountability actually mean. November 12, 2006
Democrats, the Truth Still Matters!
Democrats, being Democrats, often put governance, such as enacting legislation and building coalitions, ahead of oversight, which can involve confrontation and hard feelings. Given that tendency, we are re-positing a story from last May that examined why President Bill Clinton and the last Democratic congressional majority (in 1993-94) shied away from a fight over scandals from the Reagan-Bush-I era -- and the high price they paid for the decision. November 12, 2006
The Secret World of Robert Gates
Replacing Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon with Robert Gates is a sign the Bush Family is circling the wagons around the embattled presidency of George W. Bush. Gates is a trusted hand of George H.W. Bush, but there remain troubling questions about whether Gates is a trustworthy government official. Since his last confirmation as CIA director in 1991, new evidence has surfaced suggesting that he may not have told the full truth. November 9, 2006
Readers React to Election, Gates
Comments from readers about the Democratic election victory and the appointment of Robert Gates to succeed Donald Rumsfeld. November 10, 2006
American Voters Just Say No
By throwing out the Republican majority in the House, the American voters just said no to George W. Bush -- and to his dark vision of endless war abroad and the end to the Republic at home. The stunning election results now set the stage for a historic battle over the U.S. constitutional system. Bush indicates he won't back down; the Democrats face some tough decisions on how to proceed. But the American people made clear they're sick and tired of Bush's claims to unlimited power. November 8, 2006
Disregarding Democracy
The Bush administration is hedging its bets on the Nov. 7 elections, saying a possible voter rebuff of Republican congressional candidates won't force George W. Bush to change course on the Iraq War. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland points out that this White House has long disregarded democracy -- at least when it doesn't match George W. Bush's interests. November 7, 2006
Readers React to Bush '06 Push
Comments from readers about our recent articles on George W. Bush's last-ditch campaign to save the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. November 5, 2006
America's Slide to Totalitarianism
With some last-minute polls showing a strong Republican comeback, Election 2006 may yet serve as a ratification of George W. Bush's dark vision of endless war abroad and an end to the American Republic at home. Though Americans may not understand the stakes, Bush will surely interpret a Republican victory as an endorsement of his assertion of "plenary" -- or unlimited -- powers and the effective elimination of the "unalienable" rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. November 6, 2006
Bush Will Say Anything
In the final days before the pivotal Nov. 7 elections, George W. Bush is rallying Republicans with stump speeches that are remarkable -- even by today's standards -- in their disdain for facts and logic. Bush's performance has added another question that may be answered in the voting -- have most of the American people lost the ability to differentiate between spin and reality? November 4, 2006
America's Point of No Return
George W. Bush has reframed the pivotal Nov. 7 elections around John Kerry's "botched joke" and the premise that a Democratic victory means "the terrorists win." Much less attention is getting paid to what continued Republican congressional majorities would mean for America's constitutional liberties and for a near-endless "World War III" against Muslim militants around the globe. November 2, 2006
How Neocon Favorites Duped U.S.
With the U.S. death toll in Iraq now over 2,800 and no end in sight, the Nov. 7 elections may be the last chance for voters to exact some accountability on the architects and enablers of the war. This "special report" explains how Washington's political/media system became a conveyor belt for disinformation from Iraqi "defectors" closely allied with George W. Bush's neoconservatives. November 1, 2006
Readers' Comments
Comments from readers about recent articles. November 3, 2006
Al-Qaeda Wants Republicans to Win
Despite George W. Bush's assertion that a Democratic victory on Nov. 7 would mean that "the terrorists win and America loses," the evidence actually points to a conclusion that a Republican victory would much better serve al-Qaeda's interests. As U.S. intelligence agencies know, Osama bin Laden has long understood that Bush's blunderbuss "war on terror" is al-Qaeda's best ally in spreading violent extremism throughout the Muslim world. October 31, 2006
All the President's Lies
Out on the stump for Republican candidates, George W. Bush is letting loose a crowd-pleasing stem-winder full of distortions and lies, remarkable even by his standards. As his crowds chant "USA, USA," Bush presents the Democrats as people who don't want to detain terrorists, won't question terrorists and oppose putting terrorists on trial. The speech shows that Bush remains confident in his ability to paint a false reality without paying a price. October 30, 2006
Winning the Spin Battle
Having jettisoned "stay the course," George W. Bush is redefining the Republican message for the Nov. 7 elections. It is that a Democratic victory means "the terrorists win and America loses," as the President said in a speech in Georgia. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland suggests that Americans who see the Iraq War as a disaster for the nation should get into this game of clever catch phrases. October 31, 2006
Why Conservatives Balk at GOP
George W. Bush says the U.S. government's highest duty is to protect the safety of Americans. But many traditional conservatives -- and other Americans -- disagree, saying the top priority must be defense of the Constitution and individual liberties. In this guest essay, William Frey explains why he and other conservatives believe the modern GOP has lost its way. October 26, 2006
Misreading al-Qaeda on Iraq
An emerging argument for keeping the U.S. military in Iraq is that to leave would give Osama bin Laden an important political and strategic victory. Terrorism expert Peter Bergen made this point in a New York Times article echoing George W. Bush's stump speeches. But Bergen and other advocates of a prolonged U.S. occupation appear to have missed a recent intercept of an internal al-Qaeda message that welcomed the idea of "prolonging" the Iraq War. October 27, 2006
How Democrats Might Blow It, Again
As the Democrats read the polls and stock up on champagne, they are losing focus on what would happen if the Republicans engineer an upset victory in Election 2006. George W. Bush would surely interpret another GOP win as a broad mandate for waging "World War III" against his Muslim enemies and for eliminating many of the nation's precious constitutional rights, as he puts in place an increasingly authoritarian state under an imperial President. October 24, 2006
Readers React on Bush's Power
Comments from readers about stories on George W. Bush's expanding powers and the manipulation of intelligence. October 23, 2006
U.S. Arrogance in Iraq
Facing the prospects of Republican losses in the Nov. 7 election, George W. Bush has jettisoned his "stay the course" mantra and is looking for a new sales pitch to give the voters some hope that he has a workable plan for Iraq. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland argues that election-year gimmicks -- and badgering the Iraqi government to do what it can't do -- won't be enough to solve the intractable problems in Iraq. October 24, 2006
Giving Osama What He Really Wants
The Republican National Committee and George W. Bush are claiming that what Osama bin Laden really wants is a U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq -- and that U.S. voters should deny him that wish. But recent U.S. intelligence actually reveals the opposite, that al-Qaeda realizes that "prolonging" the U.S. occupation serves its interests by creating thousands of new jihadists. October 21, 2006
Bush's Absolute Power Grab
Many Americans don't want to believe a totalitarian structure could be put in place in their own country. They don't want to view the various pieces of George W. Bush's "anti-terror" system in that dark a light. But -- as Carla Binion argues in this guest essay -- America already has traveled far down that scary road. October 21, 2006
Who Is 'Any Person' in Tribunal Law?
The New York Times lead editorial assures American citizens that they won't disappear into George W. Bush's new draconian legal system outside the protection of the U.S. Constitution. But is that comforting message true? The law actually contains a number of provisions that apply to "any person" who is viewed by the Bush administration as aiding America's enemies. Indeed, some references make clear that the "any person" can be a U.S. citizen who could be denied constitutional rights. October 19, 2006
Shame on Us All
October 17, 2006, should go down in history as the antithesis of July 4, 1776. On that glorious day, the American Founders proclaimed that all people possessed "unalienable rights," including the crucial legal right of habeas corpus. Some 230 years later on a dreary fall day in Washington, George W. Bush signed a law repealing America's founding principles and establishing a parallel system for prosecuting enemies of the state, including U.S. citizens. October 18, 2006
Readers React on Tribunal Law
Comments from readers about our stories on the Military Commissions Act of 2006. October 20, 2006
Republican v. Democrat on Security
National security again stands as a major issue in the U.S. national elections. But unlike 2002 and 2004, polls show it is not the Republican strong suit it once was. That's in part because the American people know more of George W. Bush's real record. In this guest essay, national security expert Burt Hall compares how the two parties have dealt with terrorism. October 20, 2006
Iraq Deaths: Politics vs. Science
The cost of the Iraq War in blood and money keeps rising. Yet, perhaps the most shocking recent news was the medical study estimating that the war has killed more than 600,000 Iraqis. In this guest essay, Dr. Curren Warf examines the science behind the study and the political attacks on the numbers. October 18, 2006
Is U.S. Worsening Iraq Civil War?
One of the internal contradictions in George W. Bush's Iraq War policy has been the risk that arming and training a Shiite-dominated military would encourage it to violently subjugate the rival Sunni minority, a development that could end up looking a lot like genocide. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland argues that it may be time for the U.S. to back away from Shiite-run security forces. October 18, 2006
N. Korea Bomb Tied to Bush Fiasco
U.S. intelligence has determined that North Korea's Oct. 9 nuclear bomb came from plutonium supplies that were unfrozen in 2003 in Pyongyang's response to George W. Bush's "axis of evil" threats. The plutonium had been kept under lock and key through an agreement negotiated by the Clinton administration, a deal that Bush first disparaged and then swept aside. October 17, 2006
Foley 'October Surprise' Claim Flops
Immediately after Rep. Mark Foley resigned over a page-sex scandal, senior Republicans and the right-wing news media began spreading a conspiracy theory claiming Foley was done in by a Democratic dirty trick. The "October Surprise" allegation spread quickly despite a lack of evidence, but -- now with more known about the story's back story -- the GOP theory has collapsed. October 16, 2006
Canada's New Bush-Style Politics
For decades, Canada has been known as America's pleasant neighbor to the North, with a political process more focused on practical solutions than ideological combat. But that may be changing as Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper adapts lessons from America's Republicans to the goal of building the same kind of right-wing powerhouse in Canada that George W. Bush relies on in the United States. October 14, 2006
Bush & His Dangerous Delusions
So what happens if an American President loses touch with reality and no one around him has the courage to intervene? Though this might sound like the plot of a political thriller, it appears increasingly as if that is the reality the United States is now facing, as George W. Bush drifts deeper and deeper into a made-up world where facts and logic are not tolerated. October 12, 2006
More Readers on Bush's 'Delusions'
Comments from readers about whether George W. Bush suffers from "delusions" or just plain lies. October 15, 2006
Bush's Tough-Talkin' Korean Bungle
Even before 9/11, George W. Bush was talking tough to North Korea, letting the communist dictatorship know it was near the top of his list for regime change. But Bush's harsh rhetoric and threatening actions -- especially in the context of the 2003 invasion of Iraq -- sent North Korea off in a hasty pursuit of nuclear weapons, an unintended consequence that is provoking a new crisis. October 10, 2006
Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
U.S. intelligence documents reveal that Washington Times founder Sun Myung Moon gave millions of dollars to North Korea's communist leaders in the early 1990s as they were scrambling for resources to develop nuclear weapons and other sophisticated military hardware. But Moon also put large sums of money into Bush family pockets -- and has escaped legal complications. October 11, 2006
Moon Backer Responds on N. Korea
Comments from a supporter of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about his business dealings with North Korea. October 13, 2006
A Way Out of Iraq?
The worsening political disintegration of Iraq -- combined with George W. Bush's refusal to admit that his 2003 invasion was a mistake -- has led some analysts to look for creative approaches for resolving the crisis. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland argues that partitioning Iraq may be the only way to avert disaster. October 10, 2006
Bush's Failed Policy of Kill, Kill, Kill
George W. Bush's strategy of killing his way to victory over Islamic extremism is dooming the United States to a bloody defeat in Iraq and a broader failure against Muslim radicals around the globe. This troubling message has been written on the wall for several years now, though Official Washington is only just beginning to read it. But what can be done? October 6, 2006
Al-Qaeda's Fragile Foothold
In a newly disclosed internal communique, an al-Qaeda leader frets that the terrorist organization has alienated key Iraqi insurgent groups -- and says an extended U.S. occupation is needed to give al-Qaeda time to mend fences. "Prolonging the war is in our interest," said one of Osama bin Laden's top lieutenants in a letter intercepted by the U.S. military. October 4, 2006
Kissinger's Bad Advice on Iraq
As the situation worsens in Iraq, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has emerged as a White House adviser, urging George W. Bush to resist calls for withdrawing U.S. troops. But is Kissinger charting the same disastrous course for a prolonged war in Iraq as he did in Vietnam? In this guest essay, Ivan Eland examines whether Kissinger is the right man to be giving advice at this dangerous moment. October 3, 2006
Readers React to Latest News
Comments from readers about the latest news. October 3, 2006
Why Capitol Pages Fear Retaliation
Capitol Hill pages kept quiet about Rep. Mark Foley's suggestive e-mails for years out of fear that they would be blacklisted from future political jobs in the Republican-controlled U.S. government. This fear of retaliation was one of the lessons that the pages learned from watching how the adults behaved in today's Washington. October 2, 2006
Dereliction of Duty
President Bush is continuing to pound away at those who doubt his judgment about the war in Iraq, and a majority in Congress is staying in line. In this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky accuses the Washington Establishment of a dereliction of duty that has put comfortable careers back home ahead of the welfare of U.S. troops abroad. October 1, 2006
Bush Throws Down the
Gone suddenly is the Republican strategy for trying to "localize" the
Nov. 7 congressional elections and stop Democrats district by district.
George W. Bush has thrown down the gauntlet to Democrats for a
"nationalized" referendum on his handling of the "war on terror" and the
Iraq War. The big question now is whether the American people will view
Bush's "World War III" as a necessity or as a mad rush to destruction. September 29, 2006
How to Avoid World War
The neoconservatives surrounding George W. Bush are eager to take the
United States into "World War III" against many of the one billion
Muslims on the planet. But before this wholesale carnage begins -- with
the inevitable political repression at home -- peace-loving people
around the globe might want to look at some alternatives. September 28, 2006
Readers React to World
Some comments from readers about
the prospect of following George W. Bush into World War III and other
topics. September 28, 2006
Still, Never Having to
Say 'Sorry'
Two-and-a-half years ago, we published an article about the Bush
administration's strange refusal to admit to even one second thought
about what it might have done to prevent 9/11. Now, with the Right
assembling a counter-history that pins the blame on former President
Bill Clinton, we have dug back into our archives to republish that
story. September 27, 2006
Negroponte Muddies NIE
When George W. Bush found
himself on the defensive over a U.S. intelligence estimate that
recognized the obvious -- that the Iraq War had enflamed
anti-Americanism and made the terrorist threat worse -- his intelligence
czar John Negroponte tried to soften the political impact. In this guest essay, Ivan
Eland looks behind the battle over the NIE,
September 27, 2006
Losing a War, Winning a
Police State
The U.S. intelligence community has reached a consensus on the obvious
-- that George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq has worsened the global
terrorist threat and made Americans less secure. But losing ground in
the "war on terror" has side benefits for Bush. More terrorism
strengthens the rationale for expanding his presidential powers, for
lining the pockets of friendly corporations and for stripping away
constitutional rights of the American people. September 26. 2006
Bush's 'Dirty War'
Amnesty Law
The United States is following a troubling path marked by previous
"dirty war" governments -- granting amnesty to human rights violators,
in this case apparently up to and including President George W. Bush.
Yet the debate about the compromise legislation on the treatment of "war
on terror" detainees has virtually ignored Bush's demand for amnesty,
which has been slipped into the bill without using the word "amnesty" or
even explaining what Bush has done that needs protection from future
prosecution. September 23. 2006
'Devil' in the Eye of
the Beholder
The U.S. pundit class, which cheered when George W. Bush used his 2002
United Nations speech to effectively announce an unprovoked invasion of
Iraq, has reacted in horror and fury over Venezuela's president Hugo
Chavez giving a speech to the U.N. that referred to Bush as "El Diablo." In this guest essay, media critic Jeff Cohen
looks at when some of the same outraged pundits thought it was fine to
toss around the d-word and other epithets. September 23. 2006
Readers React to Recent Bush
Some comments from readers about
the Bush Family's secret history of dealing with international
terrorists and then concealing the facts. September 22, 2006
Bush Shields Dad on
Chile Terrorism
George W. Bush is following in his father's footsteps in protecting
former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet for his alleged role in a
terrorist assassination attack in Washington, D.C., three decades ago.
At the time, George H.W. Bush was CIA director and he appears to have
tolerated and then covered up Pinochet's connection to the double
homicide. But the younger George Bush may now be protecting the Bush
Family legacy as well. September 22. 2006
Bush's Empty Words to
the U.N.
In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly,
George W. Bush invoked the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and said its principles are "as true today as they were when they were
written." The only problem is that Bush is violating about one-third of
those human rights tenets, including bans on arbitrary arrests, unfair
trials and mistreatment of detainees. September 20. 2006
What to Do About Iran's
In this guest essay, Ivan
Eland looks at the quandary that George W. Bush faces -- and helped
create -- in dealing with Iran's nuclear program.
September 20, 2006
Bush's Way or the
George W. Bush's threat to stop interrogating terror suspects unless
Congress rewrites the Geneva Conventions to his liking marks the
reemergence of the petulant President of before 9/11, who would threaten
to "go back to Crawford" if he didn't get his way on legislation. Like
then, Bush is facing political resistance to his policies -- and he
doesn't like it. September 18. 2006
More Readers React to Bush
Some comments from readers
and from MSNBC's Keith Olbermann about George W. Bush's recent tirade
about torture. September 20, 2006
New Clues in the Plame
Washington's new "conventional wisdom" -- that Karl Rove and the Bush
administration got a bum rap on the "outing" of CIA officer Valerie
Plame -- has been destroyed by new evidence that Rove and former Deputy
Secretary of State Richard Armitage were much closer than most pundits
understood. Right-wing columnist Robert Novak also has blown big holes
in the notion of Bush administration innocence.
September 15. 2006
Readers React to Plame
Some comments from readers
about the investigation into how the Bush administration leaked the
identity of undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame, including our
reporting on the Rove-Armitage connection. September 17, 2006
U.S. Press Bigwigs Screw
Up, Again
For the past two weeks, Washington's "conventional wisdom" crowd has
been chastising anyone who ever thought that the Bush administration had
willfully leaked the name of CIA officer Valerie Plame to punish her
husband for criticizing the Iraq War. That "conspiracy theory" had
supposedly been disproved by the admission of former State Department
official Richard Armitage, who said he inadvertently blurted out the
name as gossip. But now columnist Robert Novak discloses that Armitage's
account was "deceptive," meaning that the U.S. press bigwigs have
screwed up again.
September 14. 2006
Nov. Election Is Next
Gulf of Tonkin
In this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky warns that the
upcoming congressional elections will be a referendum that will either
commit the United States to fight "World War III" or will reassert a
two-party system that could put the brakes on this new rush to war. He
says the key will be an emergency investment in honest media to explain
the consequences to the American people.
What do you think?
September 13. 2006
Review of 'Case for
Peter Dyer reviews "The
Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George
W. Bush from Office."
September 13, 2006
9/11's Dark Window to
the Future
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 recalls that tragic day but also has
become a reminder of America's continuing march toward a new-age
totalitarianism in which political and ideological forces shape reality.
As George W. Bush seeks to revive the sentimental unity that followed
the attacks, his supporters are busy using the event as cover for
consolidating right-wing political power and enshrining a bogus history. September 11. 2006
Shareholder Letter to
A Disney shareholder
demands accountability for deceptive "docu-drama" on 9/11. September 12, 2006
Who Benefits from 9/11
In this guest essay, Ivan
Eland explains how excessive 9/11 commemorations help al-Qaeda
terrorists spread more fear and let a few American politicians boost
their poll numbers.
September 12, 2006
Bush Exploited, Shamed 9/11
Rarely has history witnessed the contrast between how a united people
rallied in the face of tragedy as occurred on 9/11 and how that
country's leadership then exploited that unity for ideological and
partisan goals. In this heartfelt guest essay on the fifth anniversary
of 9/11, political analyst Brent Budowsky looks back at that tragic day
and its equally tragic exploitation by President George W. Bush and his
political followers. September 10. 2006
Readers React on 9/11
Some comments from readers
about the Right's political exploitation of 9/11, now including a
prime-time network "docu-drama." September 10, 2006
ABC's 9/11 'Docu-fraud'
Must Go!
Should ABC-TV air a docu-drama on
a historical event as searing as the 9/11 attacks with dialogue and
scenes invented by screenwriters with an apparent ideological bias
against the people whose words are being made up? In this guest essay, political
analyst Brent Budowsky says minor touch-ups are not enough, the whole
project must go. What do you think? September 9. 2006
Election 2006 & World
George W. Bush has raised
the stakes for Election 2006, making it a referendum on whether the
American people want to follow him and his neoconservative advisers into
what they call "World War III," a virtually endless conflict against
Muslim extremism. In a Sept. 5 speech to military officers, Bush also
made clear that Americans should be prepared to sacrifice some of their
most precious liberties and watch the end of the democratic Republic. September 7, 2006
More Readers' Comments on
Some comments from readers
about George W. Bush and the "war on terror." September 8, 2006
What If Bush Debated
In this guest essay, Ivan
Eland speculates how the debate between George W. Bush and Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might have played out if the White House
hadn't summarily rejected it.
September 7, 2006
Al-Qaeda's 'Simon Says'
One of George W. Bush's pro-Iraq War
argument is that Americans must listen to al-Qaeda's calls for driving
U.S. forces out of Iraq and thus recommit to keep U.S. troops there. But
Bush may be playing into al-Qaeda's hands through a kind of a
reverse "Simon Says," in which al-Qaeda tells Americans what to do when
it really
wants the opposite. Behind the scenes, al-Qaeda sees its success
tied to Bush's clumsy "war on terror" spreading hatred in the Middle
East. September 6, 2006
How Obtuse Is the U.S.
The Washington press corps
is swinging into full backlash mode, whipping anyone who challenged how
the White House handled the smearing of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson
and the outing of his CIA wife. Seizing on a new disclosure putting
blame on a senior State Department official, the Washington Post and the
New York Times have rallied to George W. Bush's defense -- despite reams
of evidence that Bush and his aides were behind the anti-Wilson
operation. Which raises the old "Shawshank Redemption" question: "How
can you be so obtuse?" September 3, 2006
More Readers' Comments
Some comments from readers
about our stories, "Smearing Joe Wilson, Again" and "How
Obtuse Is the U.S. Press?" September 3, 2006
Smearing Joe Wilson,
The Washington Post's
editorial page is at it again, smearing someone who dared expose the
Bush administration's Iraq War deceptions. The whipping boy this time is
former Ambassador Joseph Wilson who had the audacity to challenge George
W. Bush's false claims about Iraq trying to buy uranium from Africa. In
an upside-down editorial, the Post is now blaming Wilson for the
administration's exposure of his CIA wife's identity. September 1, 2006
Missing the Point on
CIA Leak Case
Conservative pundits are
claiming that the White House was vindicated by the disclosure that
former State Department official Richard Armitage may have been the
first official to tell a reporter about Valerie Plame's CIA identity.
But that doesn't change the relevant fact that White House aides
willfully peddled Plame's covert identity to some half dozen reporters.
In this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky calls the Armitage
story a meaningless diversion from the treachery committed by top aides
to George W. Bush. August 31, 2006
Double Standards on War
Saddam Hussein's war-crime
defense -- that Iraq was aiming at pro-Iranian forces when it killed
Kurdish civilians -- raises questions of double standards, since the
Bush administration supported Israel when its bombs killed about 1,000
Lebanese civilians while going after Hezbollah fighters. In this guest
essay, Ivan Eland compares the two arguments. August 30, 2006
Bush, Katrina & Trent
Lott's House
Returning to the devastated
Gulf Coast for a 13th time since Hurricane Katrina, George W. Bush was
mourning again the destruction of Sen. Trent Lott's "fantastic" house
which overlooked the water. In doing so, Bush revealed that his deepest
sympathies go to people of his privileged class, while he strains to
project concern for average folk, especially the black ones. August 29,
Bush's Disdainful
George W. Bush's crude
behavior as President, including insults about people's personal looks,
is usually dismissed by the U.S. news media as simply his "inner frat
boy" coming out. But a U.S. News report that Bush intentionally farts
while greeting new White House staffers suggests that Bush enjoys
exerting his power over subordinates in ways reminiscent of how ancient
royalty treated lowly subjects. August 26, 2006
More Readers' Comments
Some more comments from readers
about our story, "Bush's Disdainful Presidency." August 29, 2006
Aero's Cloaks and
In a mystery reaching from
the countryside of North Carolina to dank prisons on the other side of
the world, anti-torture activists are investigating a charter airline
company, Aero Contractors, over suspicions that it's flying CIA
prisoners from the "war on terror" to countries that practice torture. August 26, 2006
Does More War Require a
The Bush administration is
forcing 3,500 Marines, who had served their country and had returned to
private life, to go back into military service as a way to fill the
ranks thinned by the long war in Iraq. Now, with neoconservatives
salivating about waging wars against other Middle East adversaries, the
question -- posed in this guest essay by political analyst Brent
Budowsky -- is whether some form of military draft is just around the
corner for young Americans. August 24, 2006
The Cult of the
U.S. President George W.
Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert appear to be in denial about
strategic disasters they have encountered in Iraq and Lebanon,
respectively. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland looks at what lessons the
two reversals hold for the future. August 24, 2006
Is Bush a Clear &
Present Danger?
As George W. Bush digs in
his heels on keeping U.S. troops in Iraq indefinitely and points toward
future conflicts with other Middle Eastern nations, the question arises
whether his bombastic foreign policy -- and his refusal to admit
mistakes -- make him "a clear and present danger" to U.S. national
security. There's also the troubling fact that Bush's unpopularity
around the world has made him a perfect foil for Islamic extremists. August 23, 2006
An American Turning
Official Washington has
grudgingly come to agree that George W. Bush's Iraq War was a military
and political disaster. But the pundit class still won't recognize that
there is no practical way to recover from the blunder as long as Bush
and his team remain in power. In this guest essay, Peter Dyer says the
United States must go even further and put Bush on trial as a war
criminal. August 20, 2006
Bush Makes New Enemies
By adopting neoconservative
phrasing like "Islamic fascists," George W. Bush is signaling that he
shares the extremist neocon vision that the United States is engaged in
"World War III" against militants living among the world's one billion
Muslims. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland argues that Bush is expanding
his enemies list beyond all control. August 17, 2006
Israeli Leaders Fault
Bush on War
As more Israelis criticize
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for his handling of the botched invasion of
Lebanon, some Israeli leaders are privately faulting U.S. President
George W. Bush for egging Olmert into his fateful decision. Sources say
Bush gave Olmert a green light for the attacks in May and then bought
Olmert time in July for the Israeli bombardments to succeed. Only
recognition of Israel's failure led to U.S. support for a cease-fire. August
13, 2006
The Bush-Bin Laden
George W. Bush used the
latest terrorism scare to remind Americans that he is their protector in
a long war against "Islamic fascists." But the history of the past five
years is that Bush and al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden have enjoyed a
strangely symbiotic relationship that included bin Laden's "October
Surprise" videotape that may have put Bush over the top in Election
2004. The new fears about mid-air explosions are sure to boost
Republican political prospects again. August
11, 2006
Lieberman's Loser
Beyond the Iraq War, a key
reason Sen. Joe Lieberman lost Connecticut's Democratic primary was the
distaste many rank-and-file Democrats felt toward his hunger to be liked
by Washington's insider class -- including by Fox News -- rather than to
fight for principles that Democrats hold dear. Lieberman's view of
partisanship also was to tolerate it when displayed by Republicans but
to object when it was demonstrated by Democrats. August
9, 2006
A 'Pretext' War in
The American people have
been sold the notion that Israel's bombardment of Lebanon was justified
by an unprovoked "kidnapping" of two Israeli soldiers on July 12. The
reality now appears to be quite different: that U.S. President George W.
Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert signed off on the war almost
two months earlier and then sought a pretext. August
9, 2006
9/11 Commission
Downplayed Israeli Link
Like Social Security in
domestic policy, Israel can be the fatal "third rail" for politicians
who dare to touch it. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland notes that
even the 9/11 Commission downplayed the Israeli motive in al-Qaeda's
reasoning behind the terrorist attacks on the United States. August
9, 2006
Bush Wants Wider War
George W. Bush and his
neoconservative advisers saw the Israel-Hezbollah conflict as a chance
to get the Israelis to spread the war to Syria and achieve the
long-sought goal of "regime change" in Damascus. But sources say the
Israeli government torpedoed the scheme, deciding instead to concentrate
on rooting Hezbollah guerrillas out of southern Lebanon. August
3, 2006
Bush's Iran-Friendly
Foreign Policy
George W. Bush remains
wedded to the use of military violence -- both by the United States and
Israel -- to create a "new Middle East" that is more compliant to the
wishes of Washington and Tel Aviv. But beyond the questions of morality
and war crimes, there are doubts that the strategy will work. In this
guest essay, Ivan Eland argues that the chief beneficiary of Bush's
bloody follies will be the Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran. August
2, 2006
Who Is Israel's Friend?
Some U.S. politicians and
pundits present themselves as Israel's friend, abhorring any criticism
of Israeli government policy and positioning themselves for expected
political advantage. But sometimes real friends are the ones who tell
you that you're making a mistake and need to go in a different
direction, even when you don't want to hear it and even when they'll
take heat for saying what needs to be said. August 1, 2006
War in the Age of
British Prime Minister Tony
Blair has earned the nickname, the Poodle, as George W. Bush's lapdog.
But in this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky argues that
Blair is not alone, that timidity in the face of today's neoconservative
bullies is so pervasive in U.S. politics and journalism that the
phenomenon deserves its own label, "poodle-ism." July 30, 2006
Biblical Pacifism to
the Crusades
Though the Crusades date
back almost a millennium, they continue to color events in today's
Middle East, as many Muslims view U.S. intervention through that ancient
prism. But the Crusades also marked a shift in Christianity away from
the pacifism taught by Jesus to the self-righteous use of violence
espoused by George W. Bush and many modern Christians. July 29, 2006
Whose 'Moral Clarity'?
"Moral clarity" is again
the watchword for George W. Bush as he signals a green light to Israel
to use whatever military force is necessary to crush the Lebanese
"terrorist" organization, Hezbollah. But the morality behind the endless
Middle East conflicts is not so clear -- and Bush's routine resort
to violence, therefore, may be doing more harm than good. July
27, 2006
Review of 'The One
Percent Doctrine'
Ron Suskind's new book lays
bare the Bush administration's contempt for fact, even when the lives of
U.S. soldiers and national security are at stake. But "The One Percent
Doctrine" goes only so far in addressing the motives behind Bush's
obsessions, as this review by historian Peter Dale Scott reveals. July
27, 2006
Israel Wins Battles,
Not War
The Bush administration,
now working through Israel, appears determined to rely again on violence
to mid-wife a new Middle East. But the broad application of force runs
dangerous risks and can bring about disastrous results, as Iraq has
shown since 2003. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland looks at what might
lie ahead for Israel in its new wars against Hezbollah and Hamas. July 26, 2006
A 'New' Mideast? W's or
George W. Bush's
belligerent reaction to the bloody chaos roiling Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and
the larger Middle East underscores why Osama bin-Laden took the chance
of releasing an "October Surprise" videotape before Election 2004. The
CIA determined that bin-Laden knew that by denouncing Bush, the al-Qaeda
leader could help Bush to a second term. Bin-Laden saw Bush's warlike
tendencies as an asset in creating a radical "new" Middle East. July 24, 2006
Stain of Guantanamo
After World War II,
American leaders espoused principles of universal law that applied to
all nations, prohibiting aggression and demanding civilized treatment of
enemy captives. In this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky
looks at how the stain of Guantanamo shows how the current generation of
American leaders has failed to uphold those principles. July
22, 2006
A New War Frenzy
In a replay of the
emotional war frenzy that preceded the Iraq invasion, the Bush
administration and other Middle East war hawks are prepping the American
people for an even bigger conflagration. Like the run-up to the Iraq War
four years ago, the propagandists are depicting the confrontation in
Lebanon in black-and-white terms, at times crossing over into anti-Arab
bigotry. July
20, 2006
Terrorism on Both Sides
The word "terrorism" is
often thrown around carelessly -- and subjectively -- applied to enemies
but not to friends. Yet, a more evenhanded use of the word might avert
human catastrophes like the one playing out in Lebanon. In this guest
essay, Ivan Eland looks at evidence of terrorism on both sides. July
19, 2006
The Abyss Beckons
The Israel-Lebanon conflict
has opened up new options for George W. Bush and his neoconservative
advisers to resume their violent reshaping of the Middle East. Though
stymied by the quagmire in Iraq and resistance from U.S. commanders to
more adventures, Bush's neocons can now repackage their strategy as a
defensive struggle to protect Israel. July
18, 2006
War of the Worlds
Americans sometimes forget
what made their nation the beacon of liberty and reason for the world.
They hear politicians say they must sacrifice constitutional freedoms
for personal safety. In this guest essay, political analyst Brent
Budowsky recalls the wise principles that have guided the nation. July
17, 2006
Bush Agrees Bin-Laden
Helped in '04
George W. Bush recognized
after Election 2004 that he had gotten a political boost from a
videotape released by Osama bin-Laden only four days before Americans
went to the polls. Privately, the CIA concluded that bin-Laden's goal
was to ensure a second term for Bush and the continuation of his clumsy
"war on terror." July 14, 2006
What's Rove Got to Do
With It?
Columnist Robert Novak's
confirmation that White House political guru Karl Rove was one of the
sources peddling the secret identity of undercover CIA officer Valerie
Plame raises another troubling question: Why did George W. Bush bring
Rove in on such a sensitive, discrete secret? It appears that Bush put
his political desire to punish a critic ahead of his responsibility to
protect national security secrets. July 13, 2006
The Enduring Logic of
The U.S. military continues
to sink deeper into the quicksand of Iraq, not only with a lengthening
death toll but with damage to its reputation from alleged atrocities
like the rape-murder of a 14-year-old girl and the slaying of her family
in Mahmudiya. The logic of withdrawal holds that an American pullout can
protect the U.S. military from further damage and stand as good a chance
as any to limit the spread of Iraqi violence -- and encourage the Iraqis
to send al-Qaeda and other foreign jihadists packing. July 10, 2006
Was Bob Woodward
New evidence undercuts Bob
Woodward's famous account that CIA director George Tenet misled George
W. Bush about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction with the assurance that
it was a "slam-dunk" case. U.S. intelligence insiders gave a different
version of that meeting to author Ron Suskind -- and leaked documents
challenge Woodward's depiction of Bush as a leader who wanted to make
sure "no one stretches to make our case." July 7, 2006
Endless War on Terror
(Phase Two)
With virtually no public
debate, the Bush administration has redefined what victory means in the
"war on terror." Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush
said the goal was to crush al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups with
"global reach." Now, the war's mission creep has come to include
destruction of potential "homegrown terrorism" -- with dramatic
implications for the future of America's democratic Republic. July 6,
CIA: Osama Helped Bush
in '04
CIA analysts concluded that
Osama bin-Laden's release of a videotape four days before Election 2004
was a covert attempt by the terrorist leader to influence American
voters to give George W. Bush a second term. The troubling CIA
assessment was disclosed in a little-notice passage of Ron Suskind's new
book. But it also fits with other evidence of a long-term symbiotic
relationship between the Bushes and the bin-Ladens. July 4, 2006
A July Fourth Call to
George W. Bush has spurred
Republican congressmen and his right-media allies into an ugly assault
on the New York Times and other news outlets for not obeying Bush's
edicts on what information can be released about the "war on terror." In
this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky comments on how those
accusations of treason and espionage are an affront to the principles of
a free press that the Founders established as a bedrock of democracy. July
3, 2006
The '06 Stakes Just Got
The U.S. Supreme Court's rebuff of
George W. Bush over his military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay marks a
historic repudiation of Bush's self-image as an all-powerful "war
president." But the fragility of what amounts to a one-vote margin on
the high court also highlights the enormous stakes now on the table for
the congressional elections in November 2006. June 30, 2006
The Neocon Battle for
The harsh right-wing attacks on
the New York Times for publishing articles about the Bush
administration's secret monitoring of phone calls and financial
transactions mark a new phase in the long neoconservative battle to
intimidate and dominate the U.S. news media. But the struggle has
dangerous implications as well for the future of the American Republic. June 29, 2006
One Percent Madness
According to author Ron Suskind,
the Bush administration's War on Terror is guided by Dick Cheney's "one
percent doctrine," that if a terrorist threat is just one percent
possible, the United States must act like it's a certainty. But this
strategy has a touch of madness, leaving the nation trapped in a dark
world of dangerous, unintended consequences. June 27, 2006
Terrorists in Miami, Oh
The Bush administration's
high-profile round-up of seven young black men in Miami for what amounts
to "aspirational" terrorism stands in marked contrast to the see-no-evil
approach taken toward right-wing Cuban terrorists who have been
protected by the Bush family for three decades. Though the Cubans have
engaged in actual terrorism, including the mid-air bombing of a Cubana
Airlines plane, they are shielded from ever facing justice for their
crimes. June 24, 2006
Win One for Gipper
By pursuing Dick Cheney's "one
percent doctrine" -- that the U.S. must react to any one percent terror
threat -- the U.S. government is setting off a chain of unintended
consequences around the world. It's like a geopolitical version of the
old lady who swallowed a fly. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland looks at
what happened with Iran because George W. Bush swallowed Iraq. June 22, 2006
Wash Post Smears War
Critics, Again
As the U.S. death toll in the Iraq
War passes 2,500, the Washington Post continues its longstanding
campaign to disparage Democratic war critics, this time by calling them
people who try to "exploit bad news without appearing to rejoice in it."
These ugly charges have been part of the Post's pattern of
de-legitimizing dissent against George W. Bush's war policies since
2002. June 21, 2006
The Hariri Mirage:
Lessons Unlearned
In October 2005, a drumbeat began
about Syria's presumed guilt for the assassination of former Lebanese
prime minister Rafik Hariri. From President Bush to the New York Times
editorial page, almost everyone agreed that Syrian security forces must
have been responsible, though there was some debate about whether
"regime change" was called for. However, with little notice in the past
half year, the initial Hariri investigation has crumbled. Still, the
American people have heard almost nothing about this changed situation. June 16, 2006
Haditha, Vietnam & War
Memories of the My Lai massacre
hover over the U.S. slaughter of 24 civilians at Haditha, Iraq. The
recollections are especially poignant for Lawrence Colburn, one of the
few Americans who tried to stop the killing at My Lai, and to
Colin Powell, an Army major in Vietnam who botched an early My Lai
investigation and then helped sell the case for war with Iraq 35 years later.
June 13, 2006
Zarqawi's Death May Aid
Since the first days of the Iraq
War, the Bush administration has expected that eliminating key enemy
leaders would be the magic bullet for winning the war. The reality,
however, has turned out very differently. In this guest essay, Ivan
Eland looks at the possibility that the killing of terrorist Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi will become the latest false turning point. June 13, 2006
The Trumpet Summons Us
In this guest essay, political
analyst Brent Budowsky examines the prospects for profound political
change in this election year. June 10, 2006
Overselling Terror
George W. Bush can expect a
political boost from the killing of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and
the recent arrest of 17 alleged terror plotters in Canada. But those
developments obscure a very different reality: new intelligence
discoveries suggest that Bush has long been exaggerating the danger from
al-Qaeda and Islamic terrorism. June 9, 2006
Why Democrats Lose
The defeat of Democrat Francine
Busby in a special congressional election outside San Diego was a case
study in why Democrats lose. With conservatives dominating the media and
with Busby running a "safe" consultant-driven campaign, the Republicans
pounced on a minor verbal slip-up by Busby in the final days and
propelled Brian Bilbray to victory. The question now is: what can the
Democrats do to ever break out of their cycle of losing? June 7, 2006
Readers React to
'Why Dems Lose'
Iran Nukes: U.S. Denial
of Reality
The disastrous U.S. invasion of
Iraq has limited Washington's options in dealing with Iran's nuclear
experimentation. First, Iran saw what happened to Iraq when it agreed to
United Nations weapons inspections; the invasion came anyway. Plus, the
135,000 U.S. troops in Iraq are now almost hostages to possible
Shiite retaliation if the United States does attack Iran. In this guest
essay, Ivan Eland examines the Bush administration's dwindling choices
on Iran. June 7, 2006
Haditha, Bush &
Nuremberg's Laws
As the U.S. military wraps up its
investigation of the alleged U.S. Marine massacre of Iraqi civilians in
Haditha, George W. Bush says he expects any Marines implicated in the
murder to be brought to justice. But Bush -- and the U.S. news media --
miss the point that under the Nuremberg Principles established by U.S.
and allied jurists after World War II, the architects of aggressive war
-- in this case, including Bush -- are culpable for the crimes of their
subordinates. In this guest essay, Peter Dyer reminds us of these legal
standards. June 6, 2006
Vote 2006: For Whom the
Bell Tolls
Will Election 2006 be just another
round of consultant-driven politics or will it stand as a transcendent
political moment when U.S. voters repudiate what they have seen happen
to the American Republic over the past six years? In this passionate
guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky sees the November
balloting as a potential turning point for a revived patriotism and a
reborn democracy. June 5, 2006
Washington's Orwellian
Disclosures of spying on Americans
and George W. Bush's sinking poll numbers have surprisingly not changed
the political dynamic in Washington, as Bush continues to fend off
serious oversight while consolidating his imperial presidency. Bush's
ultimate trump card in gaining this Orwellian consensus has turned out
to be his control of government secrets, with only the November
elections looming as a potential obstacle in his path. June 2, 2006
The re-election of
Colombia's president Alvaro Uribe marked a rare victory for George W.
Bush in South American elections. Uribe gives Bush one regional ally
whose country can serve as a base for challenging Venezuela's president
Hugo Chavez. But Uribe also carries with him baggage as a political
leader who tolerates political violence and narco-trafficking by his
allies. June 1, 2006
Honoring the Dead,
Questioning War
The admonition to "support the
troops" has often been used to stifle debate about the wisdom of George
W. Bush's war policies. But the mounting U.S. death toll is proof that
the greatest failure to "support the troops" may have been the political
cowardice that ducked a full debate before American soldiers were
committed to battle. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland looks at how fuzzy
"patriotism" can be the greatest betrayal of the troops. May 31, 2006
Bush's My Lai
The latest war-crimes scandal in
Iraq -- the alleged murder of two dozen Iraqis in Haditha at the hands
of U.S. Marines -- is drawing comparisons to the Vietnam War's My Lai
massacre. But the bigger issue is whether George W. Bush should be held
accountable since he misled both the American public and U.S. troops
into believing that the invasion of Iraq was a way to avenge the 9/11
attacks -- a lie that created the conditions for atrocities. May 30,
Bush's Enron Lies
When Ken Lay's Enron Corp.
collapsed in fall 2001, George W. Bush's defenders said the President
proved his ethical mettle by rebuffing pleas to bail out Lay, one of
Bush's top political donors. But that story wasn't true. Behind the
scenes, Bush pushed several plans to put hundreds of millions of dollars
in Enron's coffers. One scheme was run by the National Security Council
in summer 2001, while it was ignoring warnings about an impending al-Qaeda
attack. May 26, 2006
Government Secrecy Is a
The Bush administration has
exploited the "war on terror" to wrap many of its most controversial
policies in tight secrecy, such as spying on Americans and torturing
detainees. Then, when the secrets are revealed, the White House
exaggerates the real harm to national security and threatens prosecution
of leakers and journalists. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland examines the
fictitious nature of many "secrets" and their harmful effect on
democracy. May 25, 2006
Bush's Garroting of
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
warned U.S. news organizations that they face prosecution for revealing
government "secrets" while his Justice Department conducted an
extraordinary raid on a congressman's Capitol Hill office, prompting a
protest from House Speaker Dennis Hastert. The Bush administration seems
to be signaling that its steady garroting of the institutions -- and the
principles -- of American democracy will continue. May 24, 2006
Liberty Over Safety
After more than two centuries of
Americans sacrificing safety for liberty -- from the Lexington Green to
the Normandy beaches -- the Bush administration is telling Americans
that they now must swap their liberties for a bit more safety. The
historical shift can be seen by comparing Patrick Henry's revolutionary
vow of "give me liberty or give me death" to Sen. Pat Roberts's
self-centered observation that "you have no civil liberties if you're
dead." May 19, 2006
Bush: 'Alpha Male on the
Cruise Ship'
At a press conference with
Australian Prime Minister John Howard, George W. Bush asserted his
primal dominance by poking fun at Howard's bald head and homely
appearance. Bush's put-down humor has long made him the ultimate
caricature of the wise-cracking guy that many Americans have encountered
on vacation: the alpha male on the cruise ship. May 18, 2006
Readers React to
Bush/Alpha Story
Stopping Hayden & the
The Bush administration's internal
debates about how far to go in encroaching on constitutional freedoms
turned to splitting hairs about what could be done politically rather
than what the law allowed. In that sense, the supposed "moderates," like
National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, sacrificed principle
for expediency. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland argues that the
violations were egregious enough to justify closing down both Hayden's
nomination to be CIA director and the NSA. May 17, 2006
Dixie Chicks, Valerie
Plame & Bush
More than any recent President,
George W. Bush has demonstrated an almost pathological hostility toward
dissent. Two cases illustrate Bush's techniques for punishing critics --
the use of surrogates to damage the careers of dissenters like the Dixie
Chicks, who have faced three years of boycotts for criticizing Bush, and
a more hands-on approach, as happened with the exposure of CIA officer
Valerie Plame after her husband criticized Bush's Iraq evidence. May
16, 2006
Iran, Bush & Nuremberg
George W. Bush often lectures the
American people and other nations on the need to respect the rule of
law. But a consistent inconsistency of his administration has been
Bush's own flouting of rules that get in his way, especially
international laws against the use of force against other countries. In
this guest essay, Peter Dyer looks at how Bush continues to turn his
back on well-established principles of civilized behavior. May
15, 2006
Bush's 'Big Brother'
Some Americans are so afraid of
terrorism that they're willing to trade off their "unalienable rights"
for a small measure of additional security. But George W. Bush's massive
investment in a "Big Brother-style" data base of phone calls made by
some 200 million Americans may not only intrude on constitutional rights
but lessen the nation's safety by diverting money better spent on more
practical strategies, like hiring translators and inspecting cargo. May
13, 2006
This Time, It Really Is
Over the past several years, the
word "Orwellian" has sometimes been overused in describing George W.
Bush's authoritarian policies. But a newly disclosed government
operation to electronically warehouse the phone records of 200 million
Americans over their lifetimes does truly capture the essence of George
Orwell's Big Brother nightmare. May 12, 2006
Hey, Democrats, the Truth
"Centrist" Democrats are urging
the party to forego investigations of the Bush administration if
Democrats win control of one or more houses of Congress in November. But
the idea of helping Republicans sweep scandals under the rug was tried
before, by President Bill Clinton, and it didn't work out very well,
either for the American people or the Democrats. May
Failed Intelligence
The sudden ouster of CIA Director
Porter Goss highlights yet another failure by the Bush administration to
address bureaucratic problems that endanger the United States. As
occurred with the Department of Homeland Security -- during the Katrina
crisis -- politics and cronyism were again allowed to trump efficient
government. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland examines why the
administration's intelligence reorganization failed. May
The CIA, a Bush Family
The latest CIA shakeup promises
again to fix the glaring problems that have made the United States more
vulnerable to security threats, like 9/11, and to strategic blunders,
like Iraq. But the core problem is still being missed. It is the
political corruption of the intelligence analysis that has grown worse
because George W. Bush sees the spy agency as a Bush family fiefdom. May
Rummy Logic & Enduring
Facing hecklers over Iraq War
lies, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld appealed for renewed faith in
George W. Bush's honesty. But Rumsfeld then resumed the Bush
administration's long pattern of deceiving the American people with what
might be called "Rummy logic." Yet, even as the public catches on, the
mainstream news media continues to act the fool. May 8,
Colbert & the Courtier
The outrage sweeping Washington
journalism circles over comedian Stephen Colbert's lampooning of George
W. Bush is just the latest sign of a national news media that puts
coziness with insiders ahead of its responsibility to hold the Bush
administration accountable. The American people are discovering that one
of the biggest threats to the future of the Republic is the courtier
press. May 5,
Bush, Iran & the WMD
Another downside of the Iraq War
is that it has become an object lesson to other nations, like Iran and
North Korea, about what happens to a country and its leaders if they
comply with international demands and scrap their weapons of mass
destruction. The United Nations can't protect them from a devastating
military attack ordered by George W. Bush. In other words, the Iraq
invasion appears to have had a boomerang effect, spurring rather than
stopping the spread of WMD. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland looks at
this dilemma. May 4,
A Reverse Thousand Days
Americans who want to restore
traditional concepts of a limited Executive and "unalienable rights" for
all citizens have less than 1,000 days left in George W. Bush's
presidential terms to do so, roughly the same length of time that John
F. Kennedy served in a presidency cut short by assassination. Now, the
goal of undoing Bush's concept of himself as the all-powerful Commander
in Chief faces what might be called "a reverse thousand days." May 2,
Target: Negroponte & Iran
Neoconservatives are getting
annoyed with Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte because
he is supporting a more tempered analysis of Iran's potential nuclear
threat -- viewing it as unlikely anytime this decade. This assessment
from U.S. analysts is disrupting plans for an early confrontation with
Iran as favored by George W. Bush and many of his advisers. April 29, 2006
Bush's Hypocrisy: Cuban
George W. Bush always gets
applause when he recites his old line about anyone who harbors a
terrorist is equally guilty as the terrorist. But the moral clarity on
harboring grows hazy when it's Bush and his family doing the harboring
of right-wing Cuban terrorists. April 26, 2006
Bush Brandishes Jail Time
at Critics
Beset with shrinking poll numbers
and growing evidence of wrongdoing, George W. Bush and his supporters
are brandishing threats of criminal prosecutions against critics. But
the list of troublemakers keeps expanding, now including U.S. generals,
CIA officers and investigative journalists from mainstream newspapers
that previously had done Bush's bidding. April 23,
Shame on the Post's
Editorial Page
As one of the most influential
newspapers in the nation's capital, the Washington Post -- and
especially its editorial section -- must bear a large share of the blame
for the truncated debate that preceded the Iraq invasion. But even
worse, despite all the disclosures of George W. Bush's Iraq War lies,
Post editorials continue to smear the President's critics. April 20,
Should Ex-Generals Speak
Almost on cue, Iraq War defenders
are questioning the loyalty of more than a half dozen former U.S.
generals who have criticized the Bush administration's casual misuse of
the American military. Though the ex-generals held their tongues until
they left government, George W. Bush's defenders are accusing them of
violating the principle of civilian control of the military. April 18,
'Jack Bauer,' Bush &
This season's TV drama "24"
features an in-over-his-head U.S. President who sets in motion a
dangerous plot that he can't handle, forcing counter-terrorism agent
Jack Bauer into a position of having to "take down" the President.
Meanwhile, in real life, the United States faces a parallel crisis, a
reckless President George W. Bush taking actions that have spiraled out
of control. April 15, 2006
George Bush IS a
The White House is back to
its argument that George W. Bush was just a victim of bad intelligence
when he rushed the nation to war with Iraq in 2003. But the evidence is
now overwhelming that Bush is a liar who apparently believes he can get
away with saying whatever he wants to the American people without fear
of accountability. April 14, 2006
America's Matrix,
Almost three years ago, George W.
Bush cited discovery of two Iraqi trailers as proof that he was right
about a secret biological weapons program. At the time, we challenged
the Bush administration's analysis of the evidence, calling it part of a
phony reality similar to the fake world in the Matrix movies. Now, the
Washington Post has reported that Pentagon experts had debunked Bush's
claim -- two days before it was made. April 12, 2006
Military Worship & the
America's Founders wanted a nation
that wasn't dominated by the militarism that was then prevalent in
European monarchies. Jefferson, Washington and Madison understood how
large standing armies and imperial temptations could erode the
foundations of a democratic Republic. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland
looks at how today's military worship has changed America. April 12, 2006
A Gore-Zinni Unity
Few of the early favorites in the
Republican and Democratic presidential sweepstakes showed the foresight
and the courage to stand up to George W. Bush's rush to war in Iraq. In
this guest essay, political analyst Brent Budowsky suggests why the
American voters might want to consider a possible unity ticket of two
leaders who dared to go against the grain, former Vice President Al Gore
and retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni. April 10, 2006
Did Bush Lie to
Lewis Libby's testimony naming
George W. Bush as the top official orchestrating intelligence leaks on
Iraq raises the touchy question of whether Bush told the truth to
special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald when the President consented to an
interview in June 2004. There's also a question about why Fitzgerald
visited Bush's criminal attorney on a busy day last October. April
7, 2006
Bush, Wiretaps &
Both George W. Bush's critics and
defenders are citing Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal as either why
Bush's warrantless wiretaps of Americans should be feared or why his
spying doesn't represent a threat to civil liberties. But neither side
has the history exactly right -- nor is there reason to believe that
Bush is somehow immune from the temptation to abuse secret power. April
6, 2006
Wanted: Freer Market in
U.S. Politics
Even as the American people turn
against George W. Bush's imperial presidency, Democrats are hesitant to
go on the political offensive, still fearing the pain that can be
inflicted by the Republican Right. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland looks
at other disincentives for diversity in the U.S. political market. April
5, 2006
A 'Humbled' News Media?
Washington Post columnist Richard
Cohen says he and other pro-war pundits have been "humbled" by their
miscalculations in supporting George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. But
Cohen sees the error as one of trusting too much in Bush's competence,
not as a question of whether Bush and his top aides were wrong to attack
a country that wasn't threatening the United States. April 4, 2006
Condi, War Crimes & the
Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice has shifted her rationale for the Iraq War from her bogus "mushroom
cloud" warning to her assertion that the Bush administration has the
right to invade a country to eradicate an "ideology of hatred." Her
claim puts her in violation of the Nuremberg Principle against
aggressive war, but the U.S. press seems more impressed with her stylish
clothing and her political ambitions. April 3, 2006
Bush's Top 10 'Vietnam'
The Bush administration has
insisted that there are few if any parallels between the Iraq War and
the Vietnam War. But as the Iraq conflict drags on with no end in sight,
it's clear that George W. Bush has made some of the same mistakes that
bedeviled his Vietnam-era predecessors, as Ivan Eland observes in this
guest essay. March 30, 2006
Weinberger, Bushes &
The death of Caspar Weinberger is
prompting warm eulogies for Ronald Reagan's former Defense Secretary.
But more significant to U.S. history was the lost opportunity to learn
the secrets of Reagan-Bush arms shipments to Iran and Iraq in the 1980s
that might have been revealed if Weinberger had faced trial for
Iran-Contra crimes in 1993. March 29, 2006
Time to Talk War Crimes
The Nuremberg trials after World War II established universal rules
against aggressive wars, principles that George W. Bush willfully
violated by invading Iraq. A newly disclosed memo from January 2003
reveals Bush's contempt for these fundamental rules of international
behavior as well as his plans to trick the public into accepting his
March 29, 2006
Big Government Solution
for Iraq?
Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice says the U.S. invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein was "part of the
old Middle East," which inspired the hatred behind the Sept. 11, 2001,
terror attacks. Yet, even as the Bush administration refines its
rationale for invading Iraq, Americans are more interested in how
to get out. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland offers insights on an
exit strategy. March 27, 2006
9/11 & Bush's
The U.S. government's pursuit of
the death penalty against al-Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui has
inadvertently shown that even a mildly competent George W. Bush could
have headed off the attack that killed almost 3,000 people and sent the
nation off on a dangerous mission of revenge. March 24, 2006
State after State
Repudiates Bush
The collapse in public support for
George W. Bush is extending across the United States, even reaching into
staunchly Republican areas, according to new state-by-state polls. Bush
is now viewed unfavorably in 43 out of 50 states, including double-digit
net negatives in South Carolina, Indiana, Virginia, Tennessee and his
home state of Texas. March 23, 2006
Those Lies, Again
At a televised news conference,
George W. Bush was at it again -- lying about how Saddam Hussein
supposedly blocked United Nations weapons inspectors in 2003, leaving
Bush no choice but to invade Iraq. And the U.S. press corps played its
role, too, failing to challenge the President on his favorite canards
that were again presented to the American people as undisputed facts. March
22, 2006
Our Web Site & Three
Years of War
As the Iraq War enters its fourth
year, we are publishing a retrospective that looks back over our
coverage as the tragic war unfolded. From the early days of "shock and
awe" to the current drift toward "civil war," we described a very
different conflict than the one presented by George W. Bush and by much
of the U.S. news media. Hyperlinks let you see the stories as they were
posted, so you can judge who was more accurate. March
21, 2006
Iraq -- U.S. News Media's
For three decades, the Washington
press corps has been living off its Watergate reputation as spunky
defenders of the public's right to know and the U.S. Constitution. On
this third anniversary of George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, it's now
clear that the bloody conflict -- started amid a war fever fueled by
false press reports on Iraq's WMD -- was the Waterloo, a crushing
defeat, for the media's beloved Watergate myth. March
20, 2006
Three Options for
America's Future
Every great nation
eventually reaches a crossroads where it can proceed down an easy path
that leads to catastrophe or it can show courage and creativity in
finding another route that protects the future. The United States is at
such a juncture with national leadership that has demonstrated an
incapacity to solve the nation's problems..
March 17, 2006
Iraq & the Nuremberg
As the third anniversary of the
Iraq invasion approaches, most analysis is focusing on the Bush
administration's "incompetence" in carrying out the war plan. Few
commentators want to face the moral and legal dimension of what George
W. Bush did in 2003, when he invaded a country that wasn't threatening
the United States and thus violated the Nuremberg precedent against
aggressive war. March 16, 2006
Feingold, Kerry & the
Often the biggest obstacles to
Democrats showing courage are the party "strategists" who fail to
understand that many voters actually want politicians to demonstrate
principles. Sometimes the "strategists" convince a brave politician to
trim his sails as happened to John Kerry after he conducted some
courageous investigations in his early Senate years. March 15, 2006
Bush's Foreign Policy
George W. Bush is hurling a new
accusation at critics of his Iraq invasion: they're "isolationists."
In this guest essay,
Ivan Eland explores the metamorphosis of Bush's "humble" foreign policy
to endless preemptive wars. March 14, 2006
Bush Still Ignores Iraq
With more than 2,300 U.S. soldiers
dead along with tens of thousands of Iraqis, George W. Bush is
celebrating the third anniversary of his Iraq invasion by continuing to
spin the intelligence to the American people. March 12, 2006
Oversight by Capitulation
By setting up a toothless review
process for warrantless wiretaps of Americans, the Republican-controlled
Congress is handing George W. Bush another major victory in his
consolidation of virtually unlimited executive power. March 10, 2006
Fighting Terror or
Pushing Bigotry?
By almost everyone's estimation,
winning the War on Terror will require winning the "war of ideas" within the
world's Islamic community. But that outcome is made more unlikely when Islam
is almost equated with terrorism at a major Washington conference and top
U.S. officials stay mum. March 8, 2006
Nuclear India: A Future
George W. Bush is playing a
high-stakes game of nuclear-roulette as he embraces India's rogue nuclear
weapons program -- and tolerates nuclear bombs in Pakistan and Israel --
even as he rallies international pressure to stop Iran from advancing its
nuclear ambitions.
March 8, 2006
Democrats Need Strong
Election 2006 -- and voter
dissatisfaction with the Republicans -- offer hope for the Democrats to
reclaim one or both houses of Congress. But Democratic leaders have shown
little understanding of the potential for a powerful national message that
targets George W. Bush's trampling of constitutional principles that
Americans hold dear.
March 7, 2006
America Anesthetized
For more than four years, the
American people have been anesthetized by a steady flow of propaganda that
has influenced the public to believe "facts" that aren't facts and to ignore
ugly realities that would otherwise shame the nation's conscience. March 5, 2006
Bush Flummoxes Kafka,
George W. Bush's latest
mind-bending rationalizations about torturing detainees from the Iraq War
and the War on Terror might have left Kafka and Orwell scratching their
heads. March 3, 2006
'Torture Boy' Signals
More Spying
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
retracted misleading testimony that he presented to the Senate Judiciary
Committee three weeks ago, but his careful revision suggests that George W.
Bush's domestic spying was broader than previously admitted.. March 2, 2006
Bush's War on History
Six years ago, the Clinton-Gore
administration was pressing to declassify documents from the Cold War that
were deemed essential for the American people to understand their recent
history. More records from the Reagan-Bush era were slated for release on
Jan. 20, 2001. But the Inauguration of George W. Bush changed all that. March 1, 2006
U.S. Disconnect on Bush
The Washington Post and other
leading U.S. news outlets are having trouble bridging the widening chasm
between the American self-image as the world's beacon for human rights and
the new reality under George W. Bush of the United States as a country that
practices torture, assassination and "disappearances." February 28, 2006
Time to Renew Democracy
Two key factors explain how the
Bush administration has managed to push the United States so far toward
surrendering its historic concepts of democracy and freedom. One is the
control of information; the other the manipulation of fear. February 27, 2006
Bush, Rats & a Sinking
Conservative legend William F.
Buckley Jr. and neoconservative icon Francis Fukuyama have joined the
swelling ranks of Americans who judge George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq as a
failure. February 25, 2006
Bush's Mysterious 'New
George W. Bush's steady expansion
of his own power has bred deep suspicions among Americans about how far he
and his neoconservative administration intend to go down the path of
authoritarianism. February 21, 2006
America Abandoned
With the rush of daily scandals,
it's easy to concentrate on each complicated tree and miss the full
scariness of the forest. This guest essay from longtime reader Alex Sabbeth turns a wide lens on the
panorama of what George W. Bush has wrought. February 16, 2006
Democratic Leaders
'Betray' Hackett
In an ideal world, leaders would
try to do both what's right and what's smart, what's
honorable and what works with voters.
But in modern-day America, Republicans focus on the "smart" part and
Democratic leaders often go oh-for-two. February 15, 2006
Restoring Constitutional
Today's dominant U.S. political
dynamic is a combination of authoritarianism and a cult of personality built
around George W. Bush. For many leading politicians and commentators,
it seems, respect for civil liberties has become just a sign of weakness. February 14, 2006
Why U.S. Intelligence
Failed, Redux
In a scathing critique of the Bush
administration's manipulation of Iraq War intelligence, former senior U.S.
intelligence analyst Paul Pillar confirms the assertions of the "Downing
Street Memo," which alleged that the facts were being "fixed" around the
February 13, 2006
Yet Another Bush Lie
George W. Bush tells Americans
that they have nothing to fear from his warrantless wiretapping because the
program has been reviewed and approved by lots of lawyers and other
professionals. What he doesn't say is what happens to those administration
officials who object to his assertion of unfettered presidential power. February 8, 2006
More Defense Dollars,
Less Security
The Bush administration says it
enhances national security through aggressive military operations abroad and
expanded presidential powers at home. The tradeoffs are fewer liberties for
Americans, greater sacrifice from U.S. troops and a bigger military budget.
February 7, 2006
Talkin' 'Texan' Means Lyin' Big
George W. Bush told an audience at
the Grand Ole Opry that he would explain his warrantless wiretap program in
"Texan," presumably straight-shootin' talk. He then proceeded to give a
fictional account of how his special spying program only targets Americans
who are calling al-Qaeda operatives. The reality is much different, with
vast amounts of data from Americans being mined for leads that almost
invariably turn out to be worthless. February 5, 2006
Osama's Briar Patch
Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin-Laden is
almost baiting the United States to leave Iraq, offering a "truce" to
cover the U.S. retreat. But he surely knows that whatever he says he
wants done the American people will reflexively do the opposite. Indeed,
there's evidence that bin-Laden is playing a double game, the old
strategy of Brer Rabbit who begged not to be thrown into the briar patch
when that was exactly where he wanted to go. If that's bin-Laden's ploy,
it seems to be working. George W. Bush has already cited bin-Laden's
desire for U.S. troops to leave Iraq as reason for them to stay. February
2, 2006
Scheuer on Bin-Laden's
'Truce' Tape
Former CIA counter-terrorism
expert Michael Scheuer says Osama bin-Laden's offer of a "truce" was a
gesture to fellow Muslims who favor giving an enemy an opportunity to
withdraw before attacking. February
3, 2006
Bush & the Bullfight
Instead of the donkey, the
Democrats may want to adopt the fighting spirit demonstrated by a bull named
Pajarito when he disrupted a Mexico City bullfight by jumping into the
stands and scattering the spectators in the highest-priced seats. Pajarito
was still killed but at least he gave his tormentors some uncomfortable
moments. In facing George W. Bush, many national Democrats act more like a
bull that thinks it can survive by cooperating with the
matador. February 1, 2006
Political Earthquake in
George W. Bush has assured the
American people that his forcible export of "democracy" to the Middle East
will lead to solutions for the region's political problems. But the Hamas
victory in Palestine is another case of reality intruding into Bush's world
of propaganda and wishful thinking. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland examines
the subterranean effects of the Hamas victory. January 31, 2006
Alito Filibuster & Word
The Democratic base is in an
uproar over the hesitancy of Senate Democratic leaders to seriously fight
Samuel Alito's Supreme Court nomination. Rank-and-file Democrats also aren't
buying the tough language that Senate Democrats have used to cloak the
reality of political surrender. What exactly does a "strategic" vote mean --
and are "Red States" Democrats "voting their conscience" when they side with
Republicans to gain some political cover? January 29, 2006
When Republicans Loved a
Supporters of George W. Bush are
furious that some Democrats might filibuster Samuel Alito's nomination to
the U.S. Supreme Court. But 15 years ago, the Republicans mounted a crucial
filibuster of their own to block an investigation that might have destroyed
the legacy of the Reagan-Bush era -- and ended the political viability of
the Bush Family. January 27, 2006
Alito & the Media Mess
As the U.S. Senate moves toward a
historic vote on Samuel Alito's Supreme Court nomination, the mainstream
news media is presenting the dispute as just another case of the Democrats
playing politics. Left out of stories in major news outlets is the concern
expressed by many rank-and-file Americans over Alito's radical views on the
"unitary executive" and other theories that threaten the future of the U.S.
democratic Republic.
January 25, 2006
Military Action Against
In 2003, Iraq tried to show that
it had no weapons of mass destruction, even letting United Nations
inspectors search any site of their choosing. But George W. Bush ordered
the bloody invasion anyway, killing tens of thousands of Iraqis and
imprisoning the country's former leaders. Iraq's bitter lesson was not
lost on Iran and other so-called "rogue" states, which now see little
reason to disarm and cooperate with the international community. In this
guest essay, Ivan Eland looks at the looming confrontation with Iran.
January 25, 2006
The End of 'Unalienable
George W. Bush's extraordinary assertion of unlimited Executive power
signals a monumental change in the structure of American democracy. As
Bush's legal analysts tout the "zenith" of his presidential authority,
the impact on traditional American liberties is profound. It means an
end to the concept of "unalienable rights" as envisioned by the Founding
Fathers 230 years ago. The new reality is that all American rights are
at the forbearance of the President. January 24, 2006
Alito Filibuster: It Only
Takes One
If confirmed, Samuel Alito and his theory of a near-dictatorial "unitary
executive" could doom the American democratic Republic and make George
W. Bush a strongman with no meaningful checks and balances. With the
fate of the U.S. Constitution in the balance, it's hard to believe that
no senator is prepared to filibuster Alito's nomination. But even if
there's only one senator brave enough to grab the floor and explain the
stakes to the American people, one might be enough to start a national
political rebirth. January 22, 2006
The Imperium's Quarter
The origins of George W. Bush's imperial-style government can be traced
back to the extraordinary moment a quarter century ago when Ronald Reagan
was sworn in as President and 52 Americans hostages were simultaneously
freed in Iran. Americans were swept up in a surge of patriotism and many
bought into the idea that Reagan's tough-guy image had scared Iran's
fundamentalist Islamic government. The reality of that fateful day now
appears to have been quite different, but the cover-up of a Republican
scheme that bordered on treason remains an important state secret even 25
years later. January 20, 2006
'War on Terror' Creates
The latest U.S. air raid on a remote Pakistani village may have killed
several senior al-Qaeda operatives, but the deaths of some 18 civilians,
including children, have sparked outrage across the country and put pressure
on its pro-U.S. government. This guest essay by Ivan Eland looks at the
costs and benefits. January 19, 2006
Is Bush Stupid -- Or Is
Last week, in Louisville, Kentucky, a group of Americans got to listen
up close as George W. Bush explained his Iraq War policies. But what they --
and the television audience -- heard was a manipulative collection of
feel-good distortions and outright lies, served up in Bush's folksy style.
The fact that Bush continues to make such presentations, virtually
unchallenged, raises the painful question, "is Bush stupid or is America?" January 18, 2006
Bush & the Limits of
George W. Bush, who sees himself as America's all-powerful "unitary
executive," has begun pronouncing limits on "responsible" debate about his
Iraq War policies, putting outside the bounds questions on his ulterior
motives and false pre-war claims. But it looks like Rep. John Murtha, who
advocates a prompt withdrawal from Iraq, can expect some harsh treatment,
too, as conservatives dredge up allegations that he exaggerated his war
wounds in Vietnam. January 16, 2006
Politics of Preemption
On Martin Luther King Day 2006,
former Vice President Al Gore warned against the authoritarianism of George
W. Bush's administration and called on Americans to rally to protect their
constitutional freedoms. In reaction, the Republican National Committee
mocked Gore as a showboat. The exchange reminded us of a story we wrote in
2002 when Gore warned against a "preemptive" invasion of Iraq and was
ridiculed. First published October 8, 2002
Alito Hearings:
Democrats' 'Katrina'
Samuel Alito's confirmation hearings revealed Democratic senators who
looked as befuddled by the challenge they faced as FEMA director Michael
Brown did when Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans. Rather than use the
hearings to explain to the American people the constitutional crisis that
now confronts them, the Democrats acted as if George W. Bush's choice of another
right-wing ideologue to the U.S. Supreme Court was a great surprise. But the
failure also reveals deeper problems of the American Left. January 14, 2006
Alito & the Ken Lay
Confirmation of Samuel Alito would put the right wing of the U.S.
Supreme Court within reach of imposing the radical theory of the "unitary
executive," which cedes to the President extraordinary powers over national
security and federal regulations. Agencies -- like the Securities and
Exchange Commission -- would be stripped of their independence, leaving open
the question of how George W. Bush might deal with a future Enron case when
a big donor like Kenneth Lay is facing ruin if an accounting investigation
digs too deep. January 12, 2006
Alito & the Point of No
If Samuel Alito wins confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, George W.
Bush may have secured a majority to endorse his view of unlimited
presidential powers for the duration of the War on Terror. While much focus
is on Alito providing the swing vote to eliminate abortion rights, his
elevation to the High Court also might mark the point of no return toward a
United States dominated by an autocratic Executive with the power to cast
aside the Constitution. January 9, 2006
An Imperial President on
Constitutional Quicksand
An oddity about modern American "conservatism" is that it favors
centralizing power in an Executive who can ride roughshod over the
Legislature and the Judiciary -- at least when an ally is in the White
House. But this theory amounts to constitutional revisionism since the
Founding Fathers feared most of all a king-like President and thus created a
complex system of checks and balances. This guest essay by Ivan Eland looks
at this "conservative" conundrum. January 10, 2006
Bush's Long War with the
George W. Bush does not appear to have made a New Year's resolution to
start telling the truth. His first comments to the press corps in 2006 tried
to refute questions about his honesty by making at least two misleading
assertions. New disclosures also make clear that the White House duped the
New York Times in 2004 to stop the newspaper from disclosing Bush's
warrantless wiretaps -- and possibly derailing his campaign for a second
term. January 2, 2006
What's Best for the
The New Year is shaping up as a crucial one in the history of American
democracy. George W. Bush has made clear he intends to turn the United
States into a nation governed by an authoritarian Executive with almost no
checks and balances. This extraordinary assertion of power is a challenge to
supporters of a traditional democratic Republic where no man is above the
law. A showdown is looming in 2006 over what's best for the country. December
30, 2005
Editor Parry's Year-End
As 2005 comes to a close, the American people have a much clearer view
of what the Bush administration has done to the nation's democratic
institutions. Now, the New Year -- 2006 -- beckons with both extraordinary
challenges and opportunities. The nation faces either its consolidation as a
modern authoritarian state or its reemergence as a traditional Republic with
accountability enforced on corrupt and dishonest politicians. Editor Robert
Parry discusses the role that this Web site has played and could play in the
future. December 26, 2005
Holidays, Lobbyists &
A murder case in Florida is
dampening holiday spirits in Washington, as some associates of Republican
super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff face the unpleasant prospect of testimony in
messy fraud and murder trials surrounding the 2000 sale of the SunCruz
casino line. The former owner, who was in a business dispute with an
Abramoff group, was gunned down mob-style in 2001 -- and two alleged hit men
had ties to Abramoff's partner. December 23, 2005
Democracy's Battle
Joined, Again
The long-simmering war over the Imperial Presidency is boiling again.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have turned up the heat by asserting
unlimited powers for the Executive as long as the War on Terror continues, a
direct challenge to Americans who believe in the Founders' concept of a
democratic republic based on the rule of law. Though the White House legions
now have the upper hand, their tattered opponents may still put up a fight. December
22, 2005
The New Madness of King
A fidgety George W. Bush used his prime-time speech to reprise many of
his false or exaggerated claims about the Iraq War and the War on Terror.
Yet, as Bush asserts virtually unlimited powers for himself, the question
arises -- is Bush a new version of King George III, who lost his sanity in the years after
the American Revolution, or is he a modern-day Machiavelli? December 19, 2005
A Plan for a Cease-Fire
in Iraq
Is there a way to stop the killing in Iraq while avoiding recriminations
about “defeat” or unrealistic notions of “victory”? To help spark a debate
about whether a cease-fire is possible, we're publishing a guest essay from
former Democratic congressional staffer Brent Budowsky. December 18, 2005
Spying & the Public's
Right to Know
The New York Times has revealed that George W. Bush secretly overrode
legal protections for Americans that require a court warrant before the
government can intercept their international communications. But another
surprise was the Times admission that it had held the story for a year,
raising questions about whether the Times could have informed the American
people about Bush 's action before Election 2004. December 17, 2005
Is Bush Leveling With
The U.S. news media is hailing George W. Bush's latest speeches on Iraq
for their supposed realism. But the speeches contain few concessions to the
real world, continuing many of Bush's discredited arguments and phony
rationalizations, such as his odd notion that democracies are intrinsically
peaceful. The bottom line is that Bush is still not leveling with the
American people. December 16, 2005
Making the World Safe
for Theocracy
George W. Bush is looking for a boost from this week's Iraqi elections.
But the voting is not likely to resolve one of the key flaws in the U.S.
strategy -- that once the majority Shiites and their Kurdish allies gained
control of the government and the nation's oil riches, they were likely to
share with the rival Sunni minority. The big winners from Bush's invasion
are still likely to be Iran's Shiite theocracy, which has close ties to
Iraq's Shiite political leaders. December 14, 2005
Ex-CIA Officer on 'War
on Terror'
Michael Scheuer, who tracked Osama bin-Laden for the CIA, says the Bush
administration misrepresents al-Qaeda's motivation by claiming that
Islamic militants are driven by a hatred of America's freedoms, rather than
a resentment of U.S. policies in the Middle East. While framing the issue
around "freedom" may help rally support inside the United States, it creates
more opportunities for al-Qaeda in the Muslim world, Scheuer warns. December 13, 2005
Will the Lying Ever Stop?
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has now joined her predecessor Colin
Powell in the dock of infamy as transparent liars. Rice's denial about U.S.
participation in torture has destroyed her international credibility much
the way Powell's Iraq War speech to the United Nations became a "blot" on
his record. But the bigger question is: What damage has this lying done to
America's ability to gain the world's cooperation on vital issues? December
7, 2005
TSA's Treats for Holiday
As Americans prepare for Christmas holiday travel, many will find an
unpleasant surprise at the airport -- an embarrassing public search, which
can include unbuttoning pants and a physical pat down, because something
about their travel plans raised a red flag. But are these tactics of the
Transportation Security Administration really protecting passengers from
terrorism or do these procedures amount to make-work pseudo-security?
December 6, 2005
A Twist in the Rove-Plame
A new disclosure that a Time magazine reporter told Karl Rove's lawyer
that Rove leaked the identity of a CIA officer to another Time reporter is
cited by Rove's defenders as support for his claim that he suffered a faulty
memory when he denied his leak role before a federal grand jury. But the
chronology of events actually seems to bolster the case against the deputy
White House chief of staff; it doesn't exonerate him. December 4, 2005
Bush in Iraq, Slouching
Toward Genocide
George W. Bush's insistence on "complete victory" in Iraq could become
an invitation to the Shiites, who dominate the government, to exploit U.S.
military might to wage genocide against their historic enemies, the Sunnis.
In his Nov. 30 speech, Bush singled out the Sunnis as the heart of the
stubborn Iraqi insurgency and made clear their only option now was to
accept the loss of their ruling-class status to the Shiites. December 1,
2006 -- Bush's
Accountability Year
Suddenly, the congressional elections of 2006 are shaping up as a chance
for the American people to repudiate the actions of George W. Bush and his
neoconservative allies. But the key to the looming showdown is whether
emerging media outlets can grow fast enough to counter the powerful
conservative message machine and its echo chamber in the mainstream press.
November 21, 2005
Confessions of a
Repentant Republican
As George W. Bush and Dick Cheney ratchet up the "you're with us or
you're with the terrorists" rhetoric, they're hoping to silence politicians
and citizens who have begun questioning the course the nation is on. But the
bullying is also encountering resistance from more Americans -- both
Republicans and Democrats -- who won't back down in a fight over American
democratic principles. This essay is from one such dissenter. November 17,
Bush's Rewriting of
The powerful Bush family has long treated average Americans as a pretty
dim-witted bunch who need to be manipulated for their own good. But George
W. Bush is now facing a political crisis because tens of millions of
Americans are demanding to know whether Bush tricked the nation into a
disastrous war in Iraq. Bush's latest response has been to accuse his
enemies of trying to "rewrite the history," a tactic he knows quite well. November
16, 2005
State Power &
Conservative Ideology
George W. Bush is facing growing opposition from traditional
conservatives who are starting to recognize that his neocon administration
rejects many of the precepts of individual freedom and limited government
that have historically defined conservatism. Does this rift have the
potential of opening into a chasm that could affect the American political
dynamic? November
13, 2005
Surveillance Society
If the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were an anomaly -- a sucker punch from
some marginal extremists taking advantage of a novice president who had let
the nation's guard down -- then the U.S. reaction both at home and abroad
may be an unwise over-reaction. Is the government stripping U.S. citizens of
too many of the freedoms that George W. Bush claims the terrorists hate? November
9, 2005
So Iraq Was About the Oil
In justifying the Iraq War to the American people, the Bush
administration has always denied that the invasion was a case of "blood for
oil." But recent comments by the former chief of staff to Secretary of State
Colin Powell leave little doubt that oil was an important part of George W.
Bush's calculus for invading Iraq -- and for staying there indefinitely.
November 8, 2005
Libby & Nuclear Secrets
to China
Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's indicted ex-aide, gained
insights into how intelligence can be manipulated for political gain as a
key adviser to a 1999 investigation into the loss of U.S. nuclear secrets to
China. Although the evidence pointed to security breaches during the
Reagan-Bush years, the probe focused blame on Democrats Jimmy Carter and
Bill Clinton. November 4, 2005
Bush's Rule of Law
When it comes to the indictment of Dick Cheney's top aide, Lewis Libby,
George W. Bush reminds Americans that everyone is innocent until proven
guilty after receiving due process and a fair trial. But Bush forgot to
mention that his "rule of law" applies differently to people he deems
"terrorists" or "bad guys." For them, there's a presumption of guilt, no due
process and indefinite imprisonment without trial. November 2, 2005
Worst U.S. War Criminals
Escape Justice
The narrow indictment of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff
Lewis Libby for perjury and obstructing justice has left some Americans
wondering whether a broader case is still possible about the Bush
administration's lying the country into war in Iraq. There is also an
argument that the United States is violating the principles that it espoused
at the Nuremburg Trials and in the United Nations Charter. November 2, 2005
Is Impeachment the
While Washington pundits are advising George W. Bush how to "restart"
his presidency, many Americans are more interested in how to "terminate" his
presidency. But is impeachment the answer? Or is it a pipe dream that would
distract from more attainable political goals? November 1, 2005
Letting the White House
Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald indicted White House aide Lewis
Libby only on narrow charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, raising
concerns among some Iraq War critics and U.S. intelligence veterans that
Fitzgerald missed the broader conspiracy of leaking a CIA officer's identity
to punish her husband. Did Fitzgerald give the White House a walk? October
30, 2005
'Plame-gate' & Myth of
the Renegade Aide
Whatever special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald concludes about crimes
committed in the leaking of CIA officer Valerie Plame's identity, he's
certain to face fierce resistance if he tries to track the evidence back up
the chain of command to Vice President Dick Cheney or President George W.
Bush. The history of Watergate and Iran-Contra tells us that official
Washington almost always favors the myth of the renegade aide. October 27, 2005
Iraq War Critics Emerge
Too Late
As the United States mourns the 2,000th American death in the Iraq War,
more and more politicians and pundits who supported the invasion are having
second thoughts. But should those doubts have been expressed earlier, when
public opposition might have helped the nation avoid a disastrous war? Have
these "repositionists" really learned any lessons? October 26, 2005
The Dangerously
Incomplete Hariri Report
George W. Bush is citing a new United Nations report implicating Syria
in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri as one
more reason to demand regime change in Damascus. Yet, while the report may
have profound consequences, it fails to follow up key leads, like how the
bomb-carrying vehicle made its way from a Japanese city to its destiny with
history four months later in Beirut. October 23, 2005
Bush's Latest Iraq War
Recent intelligence assessments on the Iraq War -- and a letter
purportedly written by al-Qaeda's second-in-command -- suggest that George
W. Bush is back to his old tricks, exaggerating threats in the Middle East.
To justify staying in Iraq until "complete victory," Bush is painting the
scariest pictures he can and ignoring possible routes to a more limited
success. October 16,
Bush Feared 'Looking
Weak' on Iraq
A newly disclosed British document shows George W. Bush fretting less
than two months before the invasion of Iraq that the U.N. weapons inspectors
might get full cooperation from Saddam Hussein. According to notes on a
phone call between Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the U.S.
president was most concerned that he might end up "looking weak." October 15,
'Al-Qaeda Letter' Belies
Bush's Iraq Claims
U.S. intelligence claims it has obtained a letter from Osama bin-Laden's
top deputy to al-Qaeda forces in Iraq. But the problem for George W. Bush is
that the letter undercuts his latest claim that Islamic terrorists are
poised to establish a global empire and isolate the United States. The
letter makes Bush's warnings sound like another attempt to stampede the
American people with fear. October 14,
Bush's Terrifying Terror
Trying to rebuild support for the Iraq War, George W. Bush gave a speech
brimming with Churchillian rhetoric and charting a future of seemingly
endless violence. The War on Terror speech terrified so many Americans that
we've drafted a second speech -- that Bush surely won't give -- to respond
to their worries. October 10,
Making Sense of the Miers
George W. Bush's nomination of his personal lawyer, Harriet Miers, to a
seat on the U.S. Supreme Court is causing conservatives as well as liberals
to scratch their heads. But the choice might make sense if Bush's primary
goal is protecting his administration from criminal and other legal
liabilities, rather than changing constitutional law on social issues like
abortion. October 7,
How Rotten Are These
A gangland killing in Florida is the latest scandal implicating business
associates of powerhouse Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff -- and
embarrassing the GOP hierarchy in Washington. The murder also is a reminder
of the Bush family's long association with underworld characters who have
plied the murky world between organized crime and power politics. October 5,
Can Bush Be Ousted?
George W. Bush has blundered again and again -- in Iraq, with Hurricane
Katrina, with the budget deficit and in managing the economy, including
soaring gas prices. But the conventional wisdom -- even among many of our
readers -- remains that there's nothing the American voters can do. Or is
there? October 1, 2005
'Frog-Marching' Bush to
the Hague
Private Lynndie England is the latest low-ranking
American soldier to be shackled and "frog-marched" off to prison for
committing abuses in Iraq. Yet, the U.S. news media and political leadership
shun any suggestion that George W. Bush and other war architects
should be held accountable for the bloody fiasco. It remains unthinkable that Bush might deserve to be "frog-marched" to the Hague. September 29, 2005
What to Do About the Bush
As more and more crises flood in on the United States -- from the Iraq
War to the budget deficit to the Katrina debacle -- the nation must confront
a hard question: Can the country afford to drift along through an additional
three-plus years of George W. Bush's presidency? If not, is impeachment or
some forced resignation a realistic alternative? September 23, 2005
Bush & Media: Normalizing
the Abnormal
For five years, the U.S. press
corps has acted as if its principal duty was to protect George W. Bush's
image and legitimacy, rather than to inform the American people as fully as
possible. Bush's Katrina catastrophe breached those protective barriers much
as the hurricane's flood waters overwhelmed New Orleans' levees. September
21, 2005
After Katrina, America's
Political Crisis
Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and much of the Gulf Coast, but
-- like the Iraq War -- the storm also exposed the incompetence and cronyism
of George W. Bush's administration. Now, the political crisis facing America
is whether the nation still has time to head off long-held conservative
plans for consolidating control of the federal government. September 9, 2005
Roberts & the 'Apex of
Presidential Power'
The prospect of a John Roberts Court puts the United States at another
difficult crossroads, with one direction leading toward a future where the
President holds near total authority over the liberty of people both foreign
and domestic. Judge Roberts -- now George W. Bush's choice to head the U.S.
Supreme Court -- has made clear in his previous positions and judicial
action that he sees nothing wrong with an Imperial President. September 6,
Bush Family's Terrorism
For three decades -- since George H.W. Bush was running the CIA -- the
Bush Family has been protecting right-wing Cuban extremists like Luis Posada
Carriles. But now those years of loyalty could be put to the test if a
federal immigration judge orders Posada deported to Venezuela to stand
trial for blowing up a civilian Cubana airliner that killed 73 people back
in 1976. August 31, 2005
Mirage After Mirage After
America's bloody trek through the Iraqi desert could be described as the
pursuit of one mirage after another. George W. Bush's latest illusion of
success is the proposed Iraqi constitution, which only deepens that nation's
sectarian divisions. Now, many of the same U.S. politicians and pundits who
recommended this death march in the first place say there's no turning back
and are pointing the way toward what looks like another oasis. August 30,
Is Bush al-Qaeda's
'Useful Idiot'?
In the 1980s, American neoconservatives liked to call peace activists
"useful idiots" whose actions unwittingly helped communists and other
U.S.enemies. But today, George W. Bush's stubborn insistence on "staying the
course" in Iraq is arguably swelling the ranks of al-Qaeda and other Islamic
terrorist groups, raising the question: Who's the "useful idiot" now? August
26, 2005
Explaining the Bush
As Americans try to make sense of the disastrous Iraq War, they must
come to grips with the shoddy performance of the national press corps and
why it built a media cocoon around George W. Bush since Election 2000.
Rather than hold Bush accountable like other politicians, major news
personalities chose to protect him -- and to protect themselves. August 24,
Judge Roberts's Slap at
How men reacted to the movement for women's rights in the 1970s and
1980s was a test of character, whether they supported changes in the work
place that addressed historical injustices. When U.S. Supreme Court nominee
John Roberts had a chance to shape policy on equal pay for women from inside
Ronald Reagan's White House, he likened an equal-pay strategy to communism,
with the quip -- "to each according to her gender." August 18, 2005
Iraq & the Logic of
Washington policymakers and pundits -- almost across the political
spectrum -- are in agreement that a prompt military withdrawal from Iraq is
a terrible idea. But there is a strong and logical case to be made that
pulling out U.S. troops would be the best course for the Iraqis and the
Americans -- and possibly spell doom for Islamic extremists who have
infiltrated into Iraq under the cover of waging holy war against the Western
infidels. August 17, 2005
Iraq War's Two Constants
As the U.S. death toll in Iraq surges, the Bush administration has
returned to the two constants that have guided the war from the start --
deception and wishful thinking. New false arguments for staying the course
have joined tantalizing suggestions of troop withdrawals just around the
corner. But the bigger question is what can the American people do now? August 13,
'Braveheart,' Edward I &
George W. Bush
King Edward I's brutal execution of Scottish hero William Wallace 700
years ago this month was meant to send a message to rebellious Scots, but
instead it has become a reminder to politicians of every age that violence
can't solve all problems. Instead it can create hatreds that resonate for
centuries, a fact that Scots will recall as some retrace the route in
London where the legendary "Braveheart" was dragged to his death. August 10,
Rove's Backers Use
'CounterSpy Defense'
Karl Rove's defenders are pulling out all stops to defend the White House
aide against accusations he leaked a CIA officer's identity. They're even using an argument that
parallels a rationale cited by leftists who defended CounterSpy after a CIA
officer exposed by the magazine in 1975 was gunned down in Greece. The
argument was that the cover for the agents had already been blown and
that the CIA didn't do enough to protect the identities. July 26, 2005
Bush's Grimmer Vision
Three years ago, we published an article entitled "Bush's Grim Vision,"
which described how George W. Bush was turning the United States toward a
future of endless warfare and curtailed civil liberties. At the time, some
readers thought we were being alarmist, but the reality has turned out worse
than the expectations -- and Bush's vision has only gotten grimmer. July 21, 2005
Rove-Bush Conspiracy
Noose Tightens
New evidence implicates George W. Bush's political guru Karl Rove in a
White House conspiracy that may have crossed the line into criminality in
its haste to discredit former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who challenged
Bush's use of intelligence on Iraq. While the Republican National Committee
and right-wing pundits continue to proclaim Rove's innocence, the noose of
evidence is tightening around Bush's deputy chief of staff and other senior
administration officials who joined the operation. July 19, 2005
Bush Family Tradition:
Ducking Scandal
The next test of George W. Bush as president is whether he can match his
father and grandfather in making damaging political scandals go away. The
younger George Bush and his allies are busy fending off a criminal
investigation about the disclosure of a covert CIA officer, drawing on old
family skills that George Bush Sr. displayed during the Iran-Contra Affair
and Iraqgate -- and that Prescott Bush showed when brushing aside evidence
of Nazi business dealings before World War II. July 15, 2005
Rove's Leak Points to
Bush Conspiracy
The key to the mystery of who in the Bush administration leaked the
identity of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame may rest on a fact no longer in
dispute -- that White House political adviser Karl Rove discussed Plame's
CIA activities with a journalist. Though Rove's lawyer insists his client
didn't mention her name, the bigger question facing George W. Bush is why
his chief political operative would have been given such a sensitive secret
-- and whether Rove's role suggests a wider Bush conspiracy. July 11, 2005
Lessons of the London
Investigative reporter Robert Parry was rushing to the London subway on
the morning of July 7, heading to Heathrow Airport for a flight to
Washington. In his first-hand account of the confusion that followed the
terrorist attacks, Parry cites lessons that can be learned from the London
bombings and what the events could mean for George W. Bush's War on Terror.
July 9, 2005
War or Impeachment
The American people are facing a difficult choice as George W. Bush lays
out his case for "staying the course" in Iraq. Either they must keep
sending their young soldiers into this death trap for years to come -- or
start seriously considering impeaching Bush and other top leaders who
tricked the nation into war.
June 28, 2005
Bush's Alternative
If George W. Bush really wanted to level with the American people about
the Iraq War, he might start with frank admissions about his motives and his
deceptions. But this proposed draft would never make it past the first White
House speechwriters.
June 28, 2005
Baiting, Not Debating
George W. Bush and his top political adviser Karl Rove are signaling
what the next phase of the Iraq War debate will look like. Just like the
pre-war discussions, the "stay the course" pitch will be more about baiting
than debating, with dissenters accused of endangering American troops and
sympathizing with the enemy. Pundits who expect Bush to "level" with the
American people either aren't paying attention or not telling the truth.
June 27, 2005
President Self-Centered
For George W. Bush, it seems like almost everything that's happened in
the world -- especially since Sept. 11, 2001 -- is all about him. As
Americans mourn the mounting death toll in Iraq, Bush wanted the public to
know he shares in the sacrifice. "I think about Iraq every day, every single
day," he said. Posted June 23, 2005
Mocking the Downing
Street Memo
When liberals and Democrats held a hearing to bring attention to the
Downing Street Memo and other evidence of Iraq War deceptions, they became
the object of ridicule in Washington's dominant newspaper. The experience
should serve as a hard lesson showing the need for a strong media
infrastructure that can reach the American people outside the judgments of
the mainstream and conservative news medias. June 18, 2005
LMSM, the 'Lying
Mainstream Media'
The Washington Post is lashing out at American citizens who have accused
major U.S. news outlets of covering up the leaked British memos on the
deceptions behind the Iraq War. A Post editorial deems the memos an old
story that doesn't deserve much attention, but many Americans are coming to
see the MSM, the mainstream media , as the LMSM, the lying mainstream
media. June 17, 2005
Bush's 'Happy Thoughts'
Death Trap
A macabre "Peter Pan" syndrome has driven the Iraq War from the start,
with George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers acting as if happy
thoughts about an easy victory and some pixie dust of propaganda would let
them soar over the realities on the ground. This wishful thinking has turned
Iraq into a death trap for American troops and tens of thousands of Iraqis.
June 13, 2005
Bush's SEC Choice Hyped
George W. Bush's nominee to oversee Wall Street played fast and loose
with the evidence of Chinese nuclear spying in a 1999 congressional report.
Rep. Christopher Cox protected the Reagan-Bush administration from evidence
that it had opened the floodgates of sensitive secrets to China, and Cox
shifted the blame to Bill Clinton. Now, Cox is in line to become the new
chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. June 9, 2005
President Bush, With the
For anyone but the most dimwitted player of the mystery game, "Clue,"
the solution would be obvious: George W. Bush is the culprit, the one who
systematically lied to the American people about the reasons for going to
war in Iraq. The latest clue -- if another one was needed -- was published
in an Associated Press dispatch about the Bush administration's removal of a
UN official whose offense was trying to get arms inspectors back into Iraq a
full year before the U.S. invasion. June 7, 2005
The Answer Is Fear
Many Americans are pondering what went wrong with their democratic
institutions -- and why the U.S. news media and the intelligence community
performed so poorly in the run-up to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq.
While there are many potential answers, one stands out as the simplest --
yet most complete -- explanation for these failures: fear. May 26, 2005
Bush's Dangerous Wishful
American soldiers and the Iraqi people are paying a deadly price for
George W. Bush's penchant for tough talk and wishful thinking. But the U.S.
political establishment seems incapable of reevaluating the Bush Doctrine's
reliance on pre-emptive war as a means to combat modern-day security
threats. That void has prompted the Europeans to step forward with their own
plan, albeit one that faces obstacles from both Bush's belligerence and the
intransigence of Iran and North Korea. May 23, 2005
For Bush, Iraq Lies Are
The hostile White House reaction to a leaked British memo has put George
W. Bush's credibility on the Iraq War to a new test. Bush's spokesman claims
the Downing Street memo is wrong in portraying Bush as determined to invade
Iraq eight months before the war began. But the evidence supports a
conclusion that Bush is lying about the circumstances that have led to the
deaths of 1,600 U.S. soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis. May 22, 2005
Bush's Troubling FDR
George W. Bush, who almost never apologizes for his own presidential
mistakes, issued an apology for Franklin Delano Roosevelt's supposed sellout
of Eastern Europe at Yalta. In his comments, Bush revived a favorite
right-wing smear of FDR and took sides with the most extreme anticommunists
who favored attacking the Soviet Union after World War II regardless of the
death toll. Bush's historical musings suggest that he is headed toward more
risky actions in the future. May 12, 2005
Bush, Posada & Terrorism
George W. Bush has insisted on "moral clarity" in the War on Terror, but
he and his brother Jeb have ignored the principle against harboring
terrorists -- at least when the fugitive is Luis Posada Carriles, a violent
Cuban exile with strong political support in the powerful Cuban-American
community of South Florida. The American news media also is helping out by
mostly treating Posada as a non-story, even though the New York Times did
finally put the Posada question on Page One. May 10, 2005
The Bush Family's
Favorite Terrorist
Showing that old Cold War habits die hard, the Bush administration is
tolerating the presence of right-wing Cuban terrorist Luis Posada in the
United States. Though Posada crossed the Mexican border illegally and is now
hiding in the Miami area, neither President George W. Bush nor Florida Gov.
Jeb Bush has ordered a manhunt. That may seem to contradict the "moral
clarity" of the War on Terror, but actually makes sense because Posada has
long been the Bush family's favorite terrorist. April 25, 2005
John Bolton & the Battle
for Reality
Undersecretary of State John Bolton has been called a "kiss up, kick
down kind of guy" for pressuring mid-level U.S. intelligence analysts to
embrace administration conclusions. But Bolton's abrasive style is not
simply a personality flaw; it's a strategy that's been prevalent since the
Reagan years for ensuring that the American people get a slanted perception
of reality. April 19, 2005
Negroponte's 'Friendly
John Negroponte assures the Senate that he will tell "truth to power" as
director of national intelligence, but his record is better summed up by his
use of Shakespearean dialogue in 1983 to suggest that "a friendly eye" be
cast toward abuses by the Honduran government. April 13, 2005
Bush's Kiss of Death
George W. Bush's rush to claim
credit for political reform movements in the Middle East has complicated the
task of those seeking democratic change in the region. Though the U.S. press
corps is brimming with adulation for the president's strategies, his smooch
on the cheek of protesters in Lebanon is threatening to become a political
kiss of death. March 11, 2005
Bush's Neocons Unbridled
With the U.S. news media hailing
George W. Bush as the inspiration for democratic developments in the Middle
East, his neoconservative advisers are letting loose with even more
aggressive plans for reshaping the region. But is Washington's conventional
wisdom about Bush's hard-headed wisdom right -- or is it a prelude to a new
round of disasters? March 9, 2005
Neocon Amorality
The Bush administration's powerful
neoconservatives are claiming that recent political stirrings in the Middle
East have vindicated their Iraq War strategy. The major news media is
cheering, too, but there are alternative explanations that suggest the
neocons should get little credit and that, nevertheless, they have a weak
moral case when arguing that the ends justify the means. March 3, 2005
The Hypocrisy Taboo
George W. Bush gets a pass on his
hypocrisy when he lectures Russia and other countries about democratic
freedoms. Off the table is Bush's long record of autocratic tendencies,
including his history of suppressing votes for his rivals that otherwise
might have meant his defeat. February 26, 2005
Bush's 'Elmer Gantry'
Newly released tape recordings
reveal then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush rehearsing how to pitch himself to
Christian conservatives and using his religious conversion to fend off
questions about drug use and other indiscretions. With Bush now
accepted by some Christian fundamentalists as a messenger from God, a question arises whether Bush is a true believer
or just a political Elmer Gantry. February 21, 2005
Negroponte's Blind Spots
The record of John Negroponte --
George W. Bush's choice for the nation's first intelligence czar --
does little to inspire confidence that major problems at American spy
agencies will be addressed. While ambassador to Honduras in the
1980s, Negroponte either presided over an intelligence operation that was
breathtakingly incompetent or was complicit in protecting human rights
abuses and cocaine trafficking. February 19, 2005
Bush & the Rise of
The U.S. political system is
undergoing a transformation that could spell the beginning of a new kind of
one-party state, what might be called "managed democracy" where elections
are still held but power is not seriously at stake. Conservatives now see
George W. Bush's second term as this historic opportunity to lock in
near-permanent control for the Republican Party, while Democrats and
liberals have been slow to sense the danger. February 12,
Sinking in Deeper
U.S. politicians and the national
press corps are hailing the Iraqi election as a turning point in the Iraq
War and vindication for George W. Bush's aggressive Middle East policies.
But there is a potential dark side, as U.S. troops may find the election
outcome dragging them deeper into the long and bloody history of sectarian
violence between Iraq's Shiite majority and the Sunni minority. February 3,
Freedom from Reality
Taking George W. Bush's Inaugural
"freedom speech" at face value, Washington commentators are avoiding tough
questions about whether Bush even remotely meant what he said. Bush's
professed love for freedom, liberty and democracy contrasts with his own and
his family's long record of siding with dictators abroad and waging dirty
political campaigns at home. There also are new examples of his allies
cracking down against dissent in the U.S. January 26, 2005
The Freedom to Follow
In his second Inaugural Address, George W. Bush
wrapped his controversial policies -- including his war in Iraq, his
assertion of nearly unlimited presidential powers in the War on Terror, and
his plan for privatizing Social Security -- in the cloak of "freedom."
But for many Americans, there may have been a troubling subtext: that their
greatest remaining freedom is the freedom to follow George W. Bush. January 21, 2005
Bush's Unaccountability
George W. Bush is citing his
electoral victory as his "accountability moment," justification for what
he's done in Iraq and what he may do in the future to carry out his war
policies. But how honest was that "accountability moment" and what do the
election results mean for the future of American democracy? January 20, 2005
The Bush Rule of
Four CBS producers, fired over
disputed memos about George W. Bush's National Guard service, are the latest
U.S. journalists to learn the hard lesson that any misstep in doing a
critical piece about the Bush family can be a career killer. By contrast to
this Bush Rule of Journalism, reporters find they have much more leeway when
taking shots at less privileged politicians. January 17, 2005
Bush's 'Death Squads'
As the Iraq War spins out of
control, George W. Bush is considering applying brutal tactics refined in
suppressing leftist insurgencies in Central America in the 1980s. The key to
that policy was to turn loose right-wing "death squads" to slaughter both
insurgents and their civilian supporters. But Iraq presents a different set
of challenges -- and implementing such atrocities could open the
United States to new accusations of war crimes. January 11, 2005
For Stories on George W. Bush's presidency from 2000-04, click here.