Age of Obama-2
(2011, to May 1)
(For articles after May 1, 2011, go to homepage and see Categories: Obama Administration.)
Forget Hell: A Rebirth of Christianity
Christian reformers are challenging old orthodoxies about Hell which perverted Jesus's message, observes Rev. Howard Bess. April 30, 2011
The Robber Barons Are Back!
A well-financed right-wing propaganda machine has restored American plutocrats to national control, explains Aerik Vondenburg. April 30, 2011
Questioning Obama's Americanism
The discredited "birther" movement is part of a pattern to paint Barack Obama as a not-real American, writes Robert Parry. April 29, 2011
Petraeus, a Threat to CIA Analysis
As CIA director, Gen. David Petraeus could tamper with assessments of Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, warns Ray McGovern. April 28, 2011
Trying 'Shock and Awe' in Libya
NATO's military intervention in Libya adopts "shock and awe" tactics devised for Serbia and Iraq, reports Robert Parry. April 27, 2011
Gaddafi Regime Warns of Wider War
As NATO escalates its bombing of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi's regime threatens retaliation on the West, reports Morgan Strong. April 26, 2011
Why Wall Street Wins
Wall Street's bounce-back from almost sinking the world's economy is a story of how power works, observes Danny Schechter. April 26, 2011
Republicans Embrace 'Greedy Geezers'
The GOP plan to start phasing out Medicare in 2022 is a bet that U.S. seniors don't care about their kids, writes Robert Parry. April 25, 2011
Tea Partiers Run to Big-Money Trough
Tea Partiers are learning the ways of Washington, lining up for donations from their big-business patrons, notes Michael Winship. April 23, 2011
How Lobbies Distort US Politics
AIPAC and other well-organized lobbies thwart the Founders' schemes for checking special interests, observes Lawrence Davidson. April 23, 2011
News Flash: Iraq War Was About Oil
New disclosures in Great Britain belie the U.S./U.K. insistence that oil was not a factor in invading Iraq, reports Ray McGovern. April 22, 2011
NATO Pushes 'Regime Change' in Libya
NATO military intervention in Libya has stretched the U.N. humanitarian resolution past the breaking point, writes Peter Dyer. April 22, 2011
Giving War a Chance
The neocons of the U.S. news media still hope they can engineer violent regime change in the Muslim world, notes Robert Parry. April 21, 2011
US Military Retreats on Manning Abuse
The Obama administration moves accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning out of Quantico detention, reports Kevin Zeese. April 21, 2011
Are Rising Oil and Food Prices a Scam?
Soaring prices for oil and food are spurring global unrest and suffering, but is it just supply and demand, asks Danny Schechter. April 19, 2011
McGovern Reflects on Truth-Telling
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern looks back on nearly a half century of trying to speak truth to power and some lessons learned. April 18, 2011
How I View the American Crisis
As Republicans move to dismantle the New Deal, Americans must take stock of how the nation got here, writes Robert Parry. April 17, 2011
Israel's 'Lobbification' of Congress
Israeli hardliners explained the Middle East crisis to a House panel with nary a skeptical word spoken, notes Lawrence Davidson. April 17, 2011
The Civil War and Founding Principles
The 150th anniversary of the Civil War coincides with a drive to revive the old issue of states' rights, observes Rev. Howard Bess. April 17, 2011
Interstates and States of Grief
At the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, the South is leading a new rebellion as pointless as the last, observes Phil Rockstroh. April 15, 2011
Twenty Years Ago, a Lost Opportunity
Two decades ago, the U.S. political/media system had a chance to get Ronald Reagan's history right, but didn't, says Robert Parry. April 15, 2011
Outrage Mounts over Bradley Manning
Legal experts and citizens are demanding that President Obama relent on the treatment of Pvt. Bradley Manning, says Kevin Zeese. April 14, 2011
Why Pakistan Resists CIA Strikes
U.S. drone attacks and other lethal special operations inside Pakistan have angered the population, reports Gareth Porter. April 14, 2011
America's 'Great Disappointment'
The craziness that pervades the U.S. political/media system represents a failure of meaningful democracy, laments Michael Winship. April 13, 2011
Pity the Poor Tea Partier!
Rep. Paul Ryan's budget vows to eliminate today's Medicare, a "cause" some Tea Partiers may live to regret, warns Robert Parry. April 12, 2011
Reviving Ghosts of a 'Free-Market' Past
The United States appears determined to relive the mistakes of Charles Dickens's bleak era, observes Lawrence Davidson. April 12, 2011
Will NATO's War in Libya Save Lives?
President Obama justified the bombing of Libya to save civilian lives but a protracted war could cause more death, says Ivan Eland. April 12, 2011
More Twists and Turns in Wisconsin
The mystery of the Wisconsin judicial election deepens as a Democratic vote counter questions the official story, notes Lisa Pease. April 12, 2011
Why Americans Are So Easily Conned
Many Americans are manipulated into accepting their own impotence toward changing the dark fate ahead, warns Phil Rockstroh. April 11, 2011
Judge Goldstone's Embattled Retreat
Judge Richard Goldstone's recantation of one charge against Israel's Gaza offensive misses the larger abuse, argues Uri Avnery. April 10, 2011
Letting a Cuban Terrorist Go Free
The U.S. legal system shows its double standards on terrorism with the acquittal of Cuban militant Luis Posada, says Robert Parry. April 9, 2011
Shutdown Battle Just the Beginning
Congress averted a government shutdown with a last-minute deal but it's more like a temporary cease-fire, writes Danny Schechter. April 9, 2011
Strange Twist in Wisconsin Battle
A Republican clerk's fortuitous discovery of thousands of lost votes put a key GOP judge over the top in Wisconsin, notes Lisa Pease. April 8, 2011
NYT Demands Libyan War Escalation
New York Times' neocon editors call on President Obama to use close-combat attack aircraft in Libyan cities, Robert Parry reports. April 8, 2011
Iraqis Resist Longer US Occupation
President Obama signals a willingness to extend the U.S. occupation of Iraq, but some Iraqi leaders balk, reports Gareth Porter. April 8, 2011
Rep. Ryan's Free-Market 'Death Panels'
Rep. Paul Ryan's GOP budget would phase out Medicare and confront the elderly sick with life-or-death choices, says Robert Parry. April 7, 2011
Eliminating Medicare for the Elderly
Republican congressional leaders are taking aim at Medicare, seeking to force seniors into private insurance, notes Margaret Flowers. April 7, 2011
Military Tribunal May Hide 9/11 Motives
Why the 9/11 plotters attacked the U.S. may remain hidden behind the closed doors of a military tribunal, warns Ray McGovern. April 6, 2011
Getting Crazier about Bradley Manning
The U.S. government's defensiveness over the harsh treatment of alleged leaker Bradley Manning is paranoid, notes Kevin Zeese. April 5, 2011
WPost Seeks Longer Iraq Occupation
The Washington Post's neocon editors want President Obama to extend the U.S. occupation of Iraq past 2011, reports Robert Parry. April 4, 2011
How King's Murder Scars the Present
On the 43rd anniversary of Martin Luther King's murder, the reality is not what the civil rights leader dreamed, says Danny Schechter. April 4, 2011
Analyzing Goldstone's Gaza Retreat
Judge Richard Goldstone retracts a key charge against Israel's bloody assault on Gaza, but is he right, asks Lawrence Davidson. April 4, 2011
Libyan War Recalls Afghan Pitfalls
On Libya, President Obama is wary of lessons from Ronald Reagan's Afghan covert war of the 1980s, reports Robert Parry. April 2, 2011
'Free-Marketeers' Target Labor Unions
Republicans and Tea Partiers are embracing "free-market" extremism and taking aim at labor unions, notes Michael Winship. April 2, 2011
Surreal Rhetoric on Libya
As Washington's war rhetoric heats up over Libya, ideas for "winning" the conflict lose touch with reality, says Lawrence Davidson. April 1, 2011
The Looming Government Shutdown
Ruling out taxes on the rich, Republicans demand deeper spending cuts to avert a government shutdown, says Danny Schechter. April 1, 2011
A Wave of Wackiness Sweeps America
A Tea Party-driven surge of strange political ideas is crashing across America's legislative landscape, observes Don Monkerud. April 1, 2011
A Two-Decade Detour into Empire
In spring 1991, a chance for prying open dark secrets of the U.S. empire was crushed by powerful interests, reports Robert Parry. March 31, 2011
Into the Shifting Sands of Libya
President Obama is already under pressure to expand the U.S. role in Libya by arming the anti-Gaddafi rebels, notes Ivan Eland. March 30, 2011
Warriors of the Mainstream Media
The New York Times and Washington Post criticize President Obama for not acting more unilaterally on Libya, says Robert Parry. March 29, 2011
Afghan War Hawks Strike Again
By revealing plans for U.S. bases in Afghanistan, war hawks undercut hopes for Taliban peace talks, writes Gareth Porter. March 29, 2011
Obama Lacks Clarity on Afghan War
Two years after starting the Afghan War escalation, President Obama's strategy remains muddled, reports Ray McGovern. March 28, 2011
Hidden Words of Nuclear Disaster
Fearing alarmist language, the nuclear industry hid even from itself words about disasters, notes Rory O'Connor and Richard Bell. March 28, 2011
America's Escape from Knowing
Unlike Germans who confronted their dark past, many Americans prefer to overlook the crimes of history, observes Phil Rockstroh. March 28, 2011
The US Muzzling of Muslim Inmates
Federal prisons concentrate Muslim "terror" inmates in special units isolated from the outside world, writes Sherwood Ross. March 27, 2011
Israel's Right Lashes Out at Critics
Israeli rightists escalate their demonizing of critics opposed to the harsh treatment of Palestinians, writes Lawrence Davidson. March 26, 2011
'Theater of the Absurd' Comes to Life
Absurdity has come to dominate life in the modern world, from Mideast wars to nuclear crises, asserts Danny Schechter. March 26, 2011
The Value of NPR
Despite its shortcomings, NPR should be defended against Republican attacks, argue Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. March 26, 2011
The Neocons Regroup on Libyan War
Neocons want a robust intervention to oust Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, but ignore terror links of his enemies, reports Robert Parry. March 25, 2011
Torture and Bradley Manning
The pre-trial isolation of alleged WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning is a form of psychological torture, says Marjorie Cohn. March 25, 2011
How Auto Ad Dollars Dictate Coverage
A flap over a Detroit News car column highlights how auto companies bully news outlets, write Bianca Mugyenyi and Yves Engler. March 24, 2011
The Race for Solar Energy from Space
Energy disasters on Earth have spurred new competition for developing solar power from space, reports William John Cox. March 23, 2011
Taking On the Teachers
Republicans target school teachers' job security with dubious claims about improving education, warns Lawrence Davidson. March 23, 2011
America 'Trapped' by False Narratives
President Obama warns not to get "trapped" by history, but a greater danger is not knowing the history, says Robert Parry. March 22, 2011
Ignoring Peace Talks in Libya
The U.N. authorized "all necessary means" to protect Libyan civilians, but no one's tried peace talks yet, notes Marjorie Cohn. March 22, 2011
War's Corruption of Christianity
If Christians truly followed the peaceful teachings of Jesus, history might have been radically different, suggests Gary G. Kohls. March 22, 2011
A World in Denial about Nuclear Power
In assessing the tradeoff on nuclear power, the missing element is a frank admission about the real risks, warns Danny Schechter. March 21, 2011
Protecting Libyan Civilians, Not Others
U.S. and allied forces say they want to save Libyan civilians, but that moral imperative has been selective, says Robert Parry. March 20, 2011
The Hypocrisy of the Libyan Conflict
Western powers are off to war in Libya to "protect civilians," but this mission was missing elsewhere, notes Lawrence Davidson. March 20, 2011
Understating Afghan Civilian Deaths
As the U.S. vows to save civilian lives in Libya, its record of killing Afghan civilians is questioned by Gareth Porter and Shah Noori. March 19, 2011
Through the US Media Lens Darkly
In focusing on the Middle East, U.S. news outlets use a distorted lens to exaggerate evils of designated villains, says Robert Parry. March 18, 2011
Al Jazeera Shows the Way
Long disparaged in the U.S., Al Jazeera has emerged as one of the world's most trusted names in news, notes Danny Schechter. March 17, 2011
Learning Nuke Dangers the Hard Way
Japan was at the forefront of nuclear arms control but is now learning the risks of nuclear power, too, says Lawrence S. Wittner. March 17, 2011
Why the Jokes about Japan's Tragedy
Rush Limbaugh and other voices in American culture find something funny about Japan's suffering, but why, asks Phil Rockstroh. March 17, 2011
Aristide's Right to Return to Haiti
Twice elected Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide wants to go back home, but the U.S. government objects, writes Nat Parry. March 17, 2011
The Invasion of Bahrain
The Saudi invasion of Bahrain, to help crush a pro-democracy movement, exposes the West's double standards, says Craig Murray. March 16, 2011
The Return of Nukespeak
Reassuring words on nuclear power have taken an Orwellian twist amid the Japanese disaster, write Rory O'Connor and Richard Bell. March 16, 2011
Punishing the Truth-Tellers
The surest way to get in big trouble in Washington these days is by telling the truth to the American people, asserts Robert Parry. March 15, 2011
Not-So-Fool-Proof Nuclear Power
Japan's nuclear crisis shows that even with safeguards, nuclear plants can be wrecked by the unexpected, writes Jesse Laird. March 15, 2011
Inside America's 'Adjustment Bureau'
Almost like Matt Damon's movie, "The Adjustment Bureau," powerful forces redirect U.S. national narratives, explains Robert Parry. March 14, 2011
At War with Community Responsibility
The spread of "free-market" extremism to state governments marks a new front in the war on community, says Lawrence Davidson. March 14, 2011
Bradley Manning's Kafkaesque World
Accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning describes his Kafkaesque treatment by the U.S. military, reports Kevin Zeese. March 12, 2011
The Budget Battle's Moral Dimension
Government budgets are as much moral statements as Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, but come up lacking, says Rev. Howard Bess. March 12, 2011
How the US Press Corps Lost Its Way
David Broder's death and NPR's scramble to appease the Right shed light on the flaws of the U.S. news media, notes Robert Parry. March 11, 2011
In Defense of NPR
The undercover attack on NPR was a sleazy right-wing move that should be denounced, argue Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. March 11, 2011
Ex-CIA Analyst Decries Manning Abuse
Former CIA analyst David C. MacMichael asks President Obama to stop the harsh treatment of suspected leaker Bradley Manning. March 10, 2011
Manning's Abuse Reveals US Hypocrisy
U.S. officials lecture the world on respecting the free flow of information, but don't tell that to Bradley Manning, says Kevin Zeese. March 9, 2011
Kissinger Backs Israel on Pollard Case
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger urges President Obama to free Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, writes Lawrence Davidson. March 9, 2011
Misjudgments Led to Hijacking Tragedy
The killing of four ocean-going Christian missionaries off Somalia raises doubts about U.S. anti-piracy policy, writes Ivan Eland. March 8, 2011
CNBC Advocates Unbridled Capitalism
CNBC is airing propaganda ads for unrestrained capitalism, like an old clip of Milton Friedman defending greed, reports Robert Parry. March 7, 2011
'Class Warfare' Finds America
Republican assaults on public employee unions have given new meaning to the phrase "class warfare," observes Danny Schechter. March 6, 2011
How NFL Can Solve 18-Game Impasse
Robert Parry has a suggestion for how the NFL can get its 18-game schedule and the union can protect the players. March 6, 2011
Criminalizing the Truth-Tellers
Washington's aggressive reaction to the WikiLeaks leaks seeks to scar the truth-tellers and frighten others, says Lawrence Davidson. March 5, 2011
Power v. Truth, a Sad Mismatch
Despite contrary video evidence, Secretary of State Clinton's aides say Ray McGovern was a heckler, reports Jonathan Schwarz. March 5, 2011
Wackos of the World Unite!
Craziness is roaming the world from Libya to Wisconsin, with a lengthy stopover in Washington DC, observes Michael Winship. March 5, 2011
The 'Christian Nation' Flashpoint
The Christian Right calls America "a Christian nation" despite growing numbers of non-Christians, notes Rev. Howard Bess. March 5, 2011
Army's Mafia Abuse of Pvt. Manning
Pvt. Bradley Manning, the alleged WikiLeaks leaker, faces cruel, Mafia-like treatment from the U.S. military, charges Ray McGovern. March 4, 2011
Mubarak, the Bag Man
The fortune of Egypt's ex-dictator Hosni Mubarak got started with bribes from CIA-connected operatives, reports Morgan Strong. March 3, 2011
US Austerity Marks Race to the Bottom
Americans favor raising taxes on the rich, but the political-media insiders demand more budget austerity, notes Kevin Zeese. March 3, 2011
How to Read Gates's Shift on the Wars
When Defense Secretary Gates suggested the Afghan and Iraq wars were nuts, was there a deeper message, asks Ray McGovern. March 2, 2011
Ray McGovern Hails Dropped Charge
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern says the dropped charge against him for protesting Hillary Clinton's speech is a win for free speech. March 2, 2011
WikiLeaks Shames the Old News Media
By exposing corruption in the Arab world, WikiLeaks helped spark the region's democracy movements, writes Kevin Zeese. March 1, 2011
Ten Reasons Why Wall Street Skated
Wall Street pulled off a massive financial heist and then made a getaway with nary a legal scratch, notes Danny Schechter. February 28, 2011
Gates Agrees, Bush's Wars Were Nuts
Defense Secretary Robert Gates's repudiation of Iraq- and Afghan-type wars demands more accountability, says Robert Parry. February 27, 2011
America's Radical 'Conservatism'
The modern American Right has turned "conservatism" into a radical movement of risky ideas, warns Lawrence Davidson. February 26, 2011
America, a Land of No Prophets
Biblical prophets chastised the powerful and spoke for the poor, but America lacks such a voice, laments Rev. Howard Bess. February 26, 2011
Professor Maguire Criticizes UN Veto
The U.S. veto of a U.N. resolution censuring Israeli settlements endangers the U.S. and Israel, writes Professor Daniel C. Maguire. February 26, 2011
Recruiting America to War on Itself
Republicans shift the blame for fiscal woes from Wall Street bankers to teachers and public employees, says Michael Winship. February 25, 2011
Political Upheaval and Women's Rights
As Islamic and Christian fundamentalists gain political ground, women's rights are under siege, reports William John Cox. February 25, 2011
Budget Crisis? Duh, Tax the Rich!
The solution to America's budget crisis is simple -- tax the rich -- but U.S. politics can't handle this truth, writes Robert Parry. February 24, 2011
Standing Up to War and Hillary Clinton
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern recounts his surprise at getting attacked for his silent protest against Secretary of State Clinton. February 23, 2011
Wisconsin's Right-Wing Radical
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he's worried about the state budget, but he's got a more radical agenda, reports Lisa Pease. February 23, 2011
US Endless-War Budget Rolls On
While cutting domestic spending, President Obama has spared the military budget from significant cuts, writes Sherwood Ross. February 23, 2011
Which Way on America's Road to Ruin?
Both Right and Left see America on the "road to ruin" but they urge going in opposite directions, observes Don Monkerud. February 22, 2011
Madoff Fingers Wall Street, Sort of
Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff says Wall Street banks knew of his crimes, but he's still acting coy, notes Danny Schechter. February 21, 2011
Multiple 'Realities' in the Middle East
Competing "realities" in the Israel/Palestine conflict shape how the past, present and future play out, says Lawrence Davidson. February 20, 2011
The GOP's Mixed Emotions on Anger
Republican leaders rode the wave of Tea Party anger in 2010, but object to the anger roiling Wisconsin today, notes Nat Parry. February 20, 2011
Egypt's Lessons of Peace
The victory of nonviolent protesters in Egypt gave hope to the region and, Rev. Howard Bess hopes, to the rest of the world. February 19, 2011
Battling 'Neoliberalism' in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin protest against union-busting is the latest front in the "neoliberal" war on government, says Daniel C. Maguire. February 18, 2011
Tea Party Crazy Sweeps America
With Tea Partiers running some state legislatures, bills would take America back to the 19th Century, writes Michael Winship. February 18, 2011
Colin Powell's Disgraceful Lies
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell remains a respected figure despite his blatant Iraq War lies, observes David Swanson. February 18, 2011
Ray McGovern Bloodied at Clinton Talk
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern was roughed up by Hillary Clinton's security as she hailed peaceful protests, notes Robert Parry. February 17, 2011
The Back Story on Iran's Clashes
The U.S. media presents the new street protests in Iran as a morality play, but they are more complex, reports Robert Parry. February 17, 2011
How Egypt's Revolt Challenges Israel
Egypt's ouster of longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak tests Israel's policies toward the Palestinians, writes Lawrence Davidson. February 16, 2011
Tear Down This Reagan Mythology
The idol worship of Ronald Reagan has wildly exaggerated his role in "winning" the Cold War, observes Ivan Eland. February 16, 2011
Short-Counting the Taliban
Gen. David Petraeus wins out in a struggle over counting the number of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, writes Gareth Porter. February 15, 2011
Bush Confronts an Outraged World
Ex-President George W. Bush finds his travel plans limited by the principle of universal jurisdiction, reports Lawrence Davidson. February 14, 2011
Now, Egypt Faces 'the Hard Part'
The Egyptian revolt enters a tricky phase as internal and external forces seek to limit economic reforms, says Danny Schechter. February 14, 2011
The CIA's Man in Egypt
The final collapse of the Mubarak dictatorship leaves the future of CIA favorite, Omar Suleiman, in doubt, notes Scott Horton. February 12, 2011
Egypt's Conflicting Narratives
One narrative of the Egyptian revolt is the protesters' battle for freedom; another is from the powerful, writes Michael Winship. February 11, 2011
Hard Lessons from the HuffPost Sale
Some U.S. progressives are miffed by the sale of Huffington Post to AOL, seeing a sellout to the MSM, reports Robert Parry. February 11, 2011
The Obama-Was-Anti-Business Myth
The new U.S. media narrative says President Obama is retreating from his anti-business agenda, but Kevin Zeese never saw one. February 10, 2011
America's Stay-at-Home Ex-President
Ex-President George W. Bush had nice Super Bowl seats but faces torture accusations if he goes abroad, writes Ray McGovern. February 8, 2011
US Spurned Taliban Peace Feelers
During the Afghan War, U.S. officials rebuffed Taliban peace overtures, promising to keep out al Qaeda, reports Gareth Porter. February 8, 2011
The Many Obstacles to Revolution
The Egyptian uprising stirs hope for new freedom in the Middle East, but William Blum recalls a painful precedent in Portugal. February 8, 2011
Mubarak's Dangerous 'Groupthink'
The chasm between Egyptian President Mubarak and the protesters starts with their different realities, notes Lawrence Davidson. February 7, 2011
NYT's Keller Disparages Assange
New York Times editor Bill Keller mocks WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange but uses the group's documents, writes Coleen Rowley. February 6, 2011
Ronald Reagan, Enabler of Atrocities
Though hailed for making Americans feel good, Ronald Reagan facilitated horrible human rights crimes, recalls Robert Parry. February 6, 2011
Egyptian Blogger Describes Clashes
One of Egypt's top bloggers helped galvanize protests to dictator Hosni Mubarak and describes the cost to Dennis Bernstein. February 6, 2011
Egypt Is Test of Obama's Promises
In 2009, President Obama went to Cairo and promised "a new beginning," words now being put to the test, notes Kevin Zeese. February 5, 2011
Reagan Events Hide Brutal History
Ex-government official Lawrence Wilkerson and journalist Robert Parry discuss Ronald Reagan's legacy. By February 5, 2011
Reagan's Epoch Shatters in Egypt
Three decades ago, Ronald Reagan turned Mideast policy onto a dark road that is ending in chaos and blood, writes Robert Parry. February 4, 2011
Mideast Payback Worries Washington
After decades of hypocrisy -- preaching democracy and backing dictators -- U.S. leaders face Arab wrath, says Michael Winship. February 4, 2011
Israel Frets Over Egyptian Uprising
Israel's Likud leaders see a threat to their western flank if Egypt's uprising ends in a hostile government, notes Lawrence Davidson. February 3, 2011
Olbermann's Disturbing Departure
Keith Olbermann's ouster from MSNBC suggests a quieter liberal response to the Right's surge in power, says Franklin L. Johnson. February 3, 2011
US-Israeli Strategy Crashes in Egypt
The uprising in Egypt marks an end to a long U.S.-Israeli strategy of imposing "order" on the Middle East, says Gareth Porter. February 1, 2011
Lebanon Marks Another US Reversal
U.S.-Israeli policies run into another reversal in Lebanon with the rise of the militant Shiite group, Hezbollah, notes Ivan Eland. February 1, 2011
The Hope of 'Groundhog Day'
The classic movie "Groundhog Day" captured the human plight of struggling to learn from life's lessons, observes Winslow Myers. February 1, 2011
Assailing Assange on '60 Minutes'
"60 Minutes" reporter Steve Kroft takes the side of secrecy in duel with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, notes David Swanson. January 31, 2011
Reagan's 'Tear Down This Wall' Myth
The U.S. news media credits Ronald Reagan with "winning the Cold War," but the facts point elsewhere, writes Robert Parry. January 29, 2011
US Cynicism Explodes in Egypt
The uprising in Egypt marks a repudiation of the U.S. strategy of talking democracy and backing dictatorship, notes Jeff Cohen. January 29, 2011
America's History of Intolerance
Instead of "the land of the free," the U.S. often has been the home of hostility toward "immoral" behavior, says Robert Higgs. January 29, 2011
Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs
As the U.S. prepares to celebrate Ronald Reagan's centennial birthday, Robert Parry assesses the damage from Reaganism. January 28, 2011
Reagan-Bush Legacy of Political Abuse
Under the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and the Bushes, key government institutions were politicized, reports Michael Winship. January 28, 2011
New Hope in Russian Nuke Proposals
Russian proposals for expanding nuclear cooperation offer the U.S. a way to save money and boost safety, asserts Ivan Eland. January 27, 2011
More Republican Misconduct Ignored
House Republicans take aim at the Obama administration, but evidence of GOP wrongdoing is ignored, observes Don Monkerud. January 26, 2011
One-State Solution to Israel/Palestine?
Israel's insistence on taking more Arab land has forced a refocusing on a one-state solution in Palestine, says Lawrence Davidson. January 26, 2011
WPost Still Talking Tough on Iran
As U.S. influence ebbs in the Middle East, the Washington Post is still fantasizing "regime change" in Iran, notes Robert Parry. January 25, 2011
Chas Freeman's Defeat, a Neocon Win
A key neocon success under President Obama was blocking diplomat Chas Freeman from an intelligence post, says David Swanson. January 25, 2011
Excusing Torture at 'Justice'
A senior Justice Department official ducks Ray McGovern's pointed questions about enforcement of anti-torture laws. January 24, 2011
Letting the Wall St. Banksters Walk
As President Obama strikes a "pro-business" pose, the Wall Street crooks can breathe even easier, says Danny Schechter. January 24, 2011
The Disappearance of Keith Olbermann
The abrupt ouster of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann reminds progressives how weak their media grip is in America, writes Robert Parry. January 22, 2011
The Roots of US Religious Tolerance
As Republicans plan congressional hearings on Muslims, Rev. Howard Bess reflects on the US traditions of religious tolerance. January 21, 2011
Another MLK Holiday Is Safely Past
Now that Martin Luther King Day (and Christmas) are past, Washington can get back to the business of war, notes Gary Kohls. January 21, 2011
Obama Submits to Israel Lobby
Refocusing on reelection, President Obama assembles "usual suspects" to reframe his Mideast policies, writes Lawrence Davidson. January 21, 2011
US Courts Help Corporations Win
The U.S. legal system looks for new ways to help Big Business throttle independent journalism, notes Michael Winship. January 20, 2011
Behind the WikiLeaks' Leak
Official Washington sees the WikiLeaks case as reason to crack down, but the problem was self-inflicted, says Charles Pena. January 19, 2011
China's Hu Arrives to Look Around
China's President Hu Jintao visits the U.S. with a look of a banker checking in on a struggling client, reports Danny Schechter. January 18, 2011
Getting Out of Iraq Before More Strife
Any delay in the U.S. departure from Iraq risks American troops getting caught up in more fighting, warns Ivan Eland. January 18, 2011
Troubled History of the Hariri Probe
A UN tribunal thinks it's finally solved the murder of Lebanese leader Rafik Hariri, but its record has been spotty, says Robert Parry. January 17, 2011
Eisenhower's Understated Warning
Fifty years ago, President Eisenhower warned of the "military-industrial complex," but it turned out worse, writes Gareth Porter. January 17, 2011
Twisting MLK's Message of Peace
A U.S. official claims Martin Luther King would have supported today's war against "terrorists," but William Loren Katz disagrees. January 17, 2011
Reversing the Erosion of Civil Liberties
The "war on terror" has eroded traditional American civil liberties, but ex-FBI official Coleen Rowley says some remedies are easy. January 17, 2011
Eisenhower's Neglected Warning
President Eisenhower's prophecy on the military-industrial complex sadly went unheeded, writes Melvin A. Goodman. January 16, 2011
A Nation Approaching Spiritual Death
This year's anniversary of Martin Luther King's birth coincides with a dark moment of American violence and war, says Gary Kohls. January 16, 2011
The 9/11 'Truth' Parlor Game
The Right has "crazied up" U.S. politics the most, but 9/11 "truthers" have helped with a bizarre parlor game, notes Robert Parry. January 15, 2011
Can Individual Action Save the Planet?
As the Republican-dominated Congress dismisses global warming, average people will have to step up, observes Don Monkerud. January 15, 2011
Troubling Signs of Incipient Fascism
With corporate funding of the Right and escalation of political bullying, is fascism lurking in America, asks Danny Schechter. January 14, 2011
The Violence of Deformed Christianity
Christianity, which twisted Jesus's message of peace into justifications for killing, shares blame for Tucson, says Rev. Howard Bess. January 14, 2011
An American Suicide Terrorist?
The murderous rampage in Tucson had similarities to the suicide attacks by Middle East extremists, observes William John Cox. January 14, 2011
Is Obama Right to Quiet Debate?
President Obama tamped down anger over the Tucson massacre, but is he just postponing a crisis, asks Lawrence Davidson. January 13, 2011
Palin Depicts Herself as Tucson Victim
Stung by criticism of her incendiary rhetoric, Sarah Palin now sees herself as a victim of the Tucson massacre, notes Robert Parry. January 12, 2011
Finding a Path Out of Afghanistan
As the Afghan War drags on, Ivan Eland outlines some difficult choices that U.S. policymakers must finally consider. January 12, 2011
Parry on Rhetoric and WikiLeaks
Journalist Robert Parry discusses the state of American political discourse and the WikiLeaks dispute on Mike Levine's "The Expert Witness Show."
Another Betrayal of Helen Thomas
Under pressure from neocons, a journalism society weighs betrayal of famed reporter Helen Thomas, notes Danny Schechter. January 11, 2011
How WikiLeaks Unhinged Washington
In reaction to WikiLeaks, Official Washington plans to ferret out grumpy federal workers, report Linda Lewis and Coleen Rowley. January 11, 2011
Rep. King's Show Trial for Muslims
Rep. Peter King, the Republican overseeing homeland security, plans a show trial for U.S. Muslims, says Lawrence Davidson. January 11, 2011
The Lingering Stain of Guantanamo
Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern reflects on the words of the prophet Isaiah as the Guantanamo prison camp enters its 10th year. January 11, 2011
Dangerous Right-Wing 'Victimhood'
The Tucson shooting reminds us of the danger to democracy when the Right exaggerates its "victimhood," writes Robert Parry. January 10, 2011
Sarah Palin's Belated Remorse
Ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin hastily pulled her map putting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the crosshairs, notes Dennis Bernstein. January 10, 2011
The Right's Talkers Shift the Blame
The right-wing hate talkers try to flip the blame for the slaughter in Tucson onto their critics, reports Rory O'Connor. January 10, 2011
How Hate Speech Shapes the Right
After flooding U.S. politics with hateful rhetoric, the Right recoils at blame for the Tucson massacre, observes Michael Winship. January 10, 2011
The Coming Christian Divide
The "emergent" Christian church challenges old orthodoxies while trying to revive Jesus's humble teachings, says Rev. Howard Bess. January 8, 2011
The Power of False Narrative
The House's reading of an edited Constitution is another step in building a powerful false narrative for America, writes Robert Parry. January 7, 2011
Preparing for More Reagan Mythology
The celebration of Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday has begun -- and the bloody truth will be whitewashed, warns William Blum. January 7, 2011
Republicans Give Aid to 'Terrorists'
In more hypocrisy on terrorism, ex-Bush aides defend a violent Iranian group on the terrorist list, notes Lawrence Davidson. January 6, 2011
Hating Government Until You Need It
Ronald Reagan's "government is the problem" narrative is popular until you suffer from the harsh cutbacks, writes Michael Winship. January 6, 2011
Justice Scalia's 'Originalist' Hypocrisy
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia revealed the core hypocrisy of the Right's constitutional "originalism," says Robert Parry. January 5, 2011
Republicans Aim Info-War at Obama
Re-using their old get-Clinton playbook, Republicans ready investigations aimed at sinking President Obama, writes Robert Parry. January 4, 2011
Should US Extend Nuclear Umbrella?
U.S. war hawks are at it again, pushing for extension of the U.S. nuclear umbrella into the unstable Middle East, warns Ivan Eland. January 4, 2011
Obama Should Read WikiLeaks Docs
Before re-upping his Afghan strategy, President Obama might first read WikiLeaks' evidence on the folly, advises Ray McGovern. January 3, 2011
The Danger of Pro-Israel Extremism
The hasty demonizing of Israeli critics as "anti-Semites" has hurt hopes for peace in the Middle East, writes Lawrence Davidson. January 2, 2011