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In Case You Missed These Stories
December 14, 2008 |
Editor’s Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point out some special stories from the previous month.
Here is a selection from November, with the wrap-up of the historic presidential election and the stumbling start of Barack Obama's transition:
"McCain's Real-ly Stupid America" by Robert Parry, looking at John McCain's pursuit for the lowest common demoninator. (November 2, 2008)
"Fear and Racism on the Campaign Trail" by Brian Barger, reporting from southern Virginia. (November 3, 2008)
"At the White House, an Obama Party" by Robert Parry, juxtaposiing the Nov. 4 celebration with an event nearly eight years earlier. (November 5, 2008)
"Obama Demands Iraq War Changes” by Jason Leopold, noting an initial steadfastness on the Iraq withdrawal. (November 7, 2008)
"Obama Shows the Future, the Past" by Michael Winship, observing the significance of Obama's victory. (November 7, 2008)
"President-Elect's Queries to Briefers" by Ray McGovern, suggesting some questions Obama needed to ask. (November 7, 2008)
"Can the Republicans Change?" by Robert Parry, wondering whether more "politics of destruction" is ahead. (November 9, 2008)
"Obama: Beware the Lessons of '93" by Robert Parry, recalling the political missteps of the last Democratic President. (November 11, 2008)
"The Danger of Keeping Robert Gates" by Robert Parry, warning Obama about the dubious loyalties of the Defense Secretary. (November 12, 2008)
"Lieberman's Weak Record on Oversight" by Jason Leopold, observing another problem with the controversial senator. (November 13, 2008)
"Predictable Disaster of George W. Bush," by Robert Parry, questioning why the warning signs were ignored. (November 16, 2008)
"Obama Risks Clinton-Era Mistakes" by Robert Parry, noting Obama's chancy choices. (November 17, 2008)
"Detroit-Washington Shotgun Marriage" by Brian Barger, suggesting steps to save the auto industry and the environment. (November 18, 2008)
"Robert Gates: As Bad as Rumsfeld?" by Ray McGovern, assessing Gates's real record. (November 19, 2008)
"Obama Team Tilts Toward Gates” by Jason Leopold, examining why Obama was keeping George W. Bush's Defense Secretary. (November 20, 2008)
"What Must Be Done Now!" by Robert Parry, pointing to the desperate need for honest journalism. (November 20, 2008)
"The Judge Who Bolted on Gitmo” by Robert Parry, describing the curious history of federal judge Dick Leon. (November 22, 2008)
"Gates and the Urge to Surge” by Ray McGovern, noting Robert Gates's tendency to support troop surges. (November 23, 2008)
"Iraq War Foes Get Short Shrift” by Robert Parry, describing Obama's turn away from anti-war Democrats. (November 24, 2008)
"Obama, Ask the Kremlin About Gate,” by Robert Parry, recalling an unresolved political mystery. (November 25, 2008)
"Washington Old Guard Wins on Gates” by Brent Budowsky, commenting about the pro-Iraq War look of Obama's team. (November 26, 2008)
"Obama Can End Iraq War 'Responsibly,'" by Peter Dyer, challenging Obama to exact accountability for the Iraq War crimes. (November 26, 2008)
"Kafka and Uighurs at Guantanamo,” by Ray McGovern, describing the madness of a Gitmo case. (November 26, 2008)
"The Establishment's Thanksgiving,” by Robert Parry, pointing how undeserving Washington insiders had much to give thanks for from President-elect Obama. (November 29, 2008)
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So, please consider a tax-deductible donation either by credit card online or by mailing a check. (For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named "[email protected].").
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