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In Case You Missed These Stories
September 15, 2008 |
Editor’s Note: Because we've been publishing more stories (more than 60 in August), some readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point out some special stories from the previous month.
Here is a selection from August, focusing on the U.S. presidential race and new Cold War tensions over the Russia-Georgia conflict:
"Tax Fact-less Wall Street Journal-omics" by Alice Cherbonnier, questioning attacks on Barack Obama's economic plan. (August 2, 2008)
"McCain, Anthrax & the Afghan Blunder" by Robert Parry, recalling how John McCain used the anthrax scare to push the Iraq War. (August 3, 2008)
"We Don't Need a War on Terror” by Ivan Eland, challenging the premises of the "war on terror." (August 5, 2008)
"Why McCain May Well Win” by Robert Parry, looking at how the inept U.S. press corps is influencing the election. (August 6, 2008)
"McCain Adopts Cheney's Energy Plan,” by Jason Leopold, examining McCain's shifts toward Dick Cheney's drill-oriented strategy. (August 7, 2008)
"The Hamdan Principle and You" by Robert Parry, explaining how the first Guantanamo trial has import for future American liberties. (August 7, 2008)
"A Novel Approach to Politics" by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship, decribing the unreality of Campaign 2008. (August 9, 2008)
"WPost Admits Bungling Obama Quote" by Robert Parry, reporting how the newspaper's ombudsman chastised two reporters for using a distorted quote without checking. (August 10, 2008)
"‘Neocons Now Love International Law" by Robert Parry, noting the neocon hypocrisy about invasions. (August 12, 2008)
"The Lies About Obama" by Brent Budowsky, looking at the media acceptance of John McCain's distortions. (August 12, 2008)
"WPost and the Great Disconnect" by Robert Parry, describing how the Post's neocon editorial page ignores lessons from Iraq. (August 13, 2008)
"Out Damn Blot: A Letter to Colin Powell ” by Ray McGovern, urging Powell to do some penance by telling the public the full truth. (August 15, 2008)
"John McCain's Party of Hate" by Brent Budowsky, lamenting the big surprise of Campaign 2008, McCain's discovery of his dark side. (August 16, 2008)
"A Book Written to Defeat Obama" by Beverly Bandler, explaining how a new book tears into the Democratic nominee. (August 19, 2008)
"Musharraf, Not Bush, Follows Nixon" by Ray McGovern, lamenting that the Pakistani president, not the American one, followed the Nixon precedent into retirement. (August 20, 2008)
"McCain's Ties to Neocon Hard Lines," by Jason Leopold, exploring the role of McCain's neocon advisers. (August 21, 2008)
"What a McCain Victory Would Mean” by Robert Parry, projecting what a McCain presidency would mean for the Republic. (August 26, 2008)
"Double Standards on Russia-Kosovo” by J. Victor Marshall, pointing out how Russia is now using the Kosovo precedent. (August 27, 2008)
"Hillary's Still Angry Supporters” by Robert Parry, looking at the lasting Democratic divisions. (August 28, 2008)
"How the Republicans Win” by Robert Parry, recalling how Republicans in the past have pulled victory from the jaws of defeat. (August 29, 2008)
"McCain VP Pick Has History of Clashes” by Jason Leopold, describing the checkered record of Sarah Palin. (August 30, 2008)
To produce and publish these stories – and many more – costs money. And except for book sales, we depend solely on the support of our readers.
So, please consider a tax-deductible donation either by credit card online or by mailing a check. (For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named "[email protected].").
For a donation of $100, we will send you a gift, autographed copy of Neck Deep in paperback (or another book by Robert Parry, either Lost History or Secrecy & Privilege – just ask for the substitution).
For a donation of $150 or more, we will send the hard cover of Neck Deep. (Or you can ask us to substitute, Robert Parry 1993 rare book, Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery.)
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